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Sorry to butt in...

I believe it must be very hard to learn Chinese and English at the same time. If your father did as you said, I really admire him.

Maybe you should talk more about your own experience, since your background is different than most of us. We don't have to be so aggressive and attack each other. Why not to be patient and listen to each other instead.

BTW, I read an article, "-ese" is a derogatory word root, while "-ian" is a commendatory word root. That's why some people call them Canadian and American. Maybe we can use Sino-man instead of Chinese. :)
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 计算机硕士,今年已36岁,一直在大学教学,也搞过项目,老婆一直想移民加拿大,大家帮忙告诉我,如果我现在开始申请,等拿到签证都快40岁了,还有这个必要吗?到加拿大后,一切都得从头开始,精力能跟得上吗,人家还会请这么大年龄的programmer吗?
    • 我,Steven, 与你同龄,一个老程序员,生于文革岁月,毕业于动荡的六四。 人生就应是自我价值的体现,只有努力进取,才能将自身的潜能发挥得淋漓尽致。 先说一些大道理给你鼓鼓劲,再讲一些实际的,请点击
      • 很欣赏你的勇气,不过有个地方我不同意: "难道你就想如此平淡地虚渡终生吗". 按照他的条件, 去加拿大估计会是100%的平淡的虚渡终生,到退休时候,大概刚好把房子贷款还完. 在国内如果也肯定是100%虚渡,那倒不妨过来尝尝新鲜. 如果还有10%的可能不虚渡,那我觉得就不用过去了.
        • 我不同意这个看法,任何年龄都可能产生改变自己生活的愿望,努力去追求,并从中获得了满足,就不是平淡。年龄大,经验丰富,适应能力强呀
          • "年龄大, 适应能力强" 好像应该相反
      • 你说的“元月投档,九月底ME”, 都是指去年吗?到现在还在等LP?赶快去查询吧,别傻等了!
      • "程序员这样的苦差事,外国人不爱做,也做不好" who told you this? 凭空想象?
    • Let's help each other
      I help you to improve enlish, and you help me in computet . Is it fair? send to yangyingqiu@sohu.com
    • 我也是89年毕业的,我正在搞公正。不过我是engineer,希望多联系。jashwang@canada.com
      • 你可真会挖古董啊,害我白打那末多
    • 问问你自己,如果你不想,就别移, 你老婆为什么那末想?让她给你把理由说说,看她对北美了解多少. 看看能不能让她巴你说服了,如果不行,就别移,她要再闹,就离婚. 谁怕谁啊
      • 上个世纪的帖子啦,可能人都在加拿大了。:-(
        • 还是女孩子心细,白浪费我指力..
          • 楼上Steven的回帖,一看讲的就不是今年的事儿。
          • 你现在在CA 么?
            • 没有,逃美国了
              • 你是做IT的么?
                • 看你怎么定义IT了,我们一般说 IT GUY,是指公司那些网管什么的,那我不是. 如果是广义的做设计开发的,那我是.
                  • 你能帮我看看简历么?我是DIY。PETROLEUM ENGINEER
                    • 好巴, 你就给注册的信箱发过来巴, 我看看
                      • is LUMLUMQ OR LUMLUMG?
                        • lumlumq@hotmail.com
                          • That's OK,please send back to me as soon as possible.Thank you
      • 这可不象妇联主任该说的话啊。
        • What a load of Crap, Toronto: total population 2,500,000, Chinese speaking population is Half a Million, plus, when the Census say "chinese", they are not counting people who are canadian borned Chinese like Slim PIggy
          • 呵呵,怎么也看你不象加哪大生的, 我以前带过几个生在这里,长在SCOUBORGH的小伙子,英文比你强多啦,另外他们都看不懂中文
            • 要不说Piggy爱国呢。
              • Aiya, me also grew up in Scarborough ar, used to be a peaceful place ar, until Mike Harris show up ar
            • 我回忆小时候学汉字,觉得自己真是了不起,能在上学前学会写自己的名字简直是个奇迹。:D
            • hehe, me english is terrible ar, no method la, can't barely speak ar, aiya, don't pick on me ar btw,this is how people talk in real life, yi don't like it, then eat it
              They can't read chinese simply because they are stupid, and you are associating with stupid folks and that makes you a moron,
              • I dont think your english is that bad, just too many "ar" and "la". that is really something
              • 好,再考察考察,看你是真是假.下面的话是什么意思? 1)Me wanna some punanas 2)you, make high dol 3) that black biach got steel wool
                • redneck slang
                • Did you see my reply? got cut within two minutes of posting, no racial slangs please.
              • Funny, I never met a people talk like you in real life. Some comedians may talk like this to amuse people.
                • me feelings hurt ar, no word speak ar, bad bad ar, me not aiming to amuse no one ar (except meself), me no speak ar, me write bad bad ar, is your blood pressure on the up and up ar,
                  • 这位比零碎还有意思. Diversity is a good thing!
                    • 同意同意。生物多样性保证生态的平衡,这个准则在人类社会同样适用。
                      • Wow, now that's deep, took me like a solid 10 minutes to understand
                  • 他's from HK ar
                    • Hey you can't speak for other people
                • it's "I HAVE NEVER MET...", go read up some grammar before you open your mouth
                  • 呵呵,怎么前面说的是计算机硕士程序员,后面变成英语学习?
                  • cant find "ar" or "la" in any grammer books nor dictionaries
                    • Cantonese desk ka did you know Mandarin only beat out Cantonese by one vote in 1909 to become The Official Language of 1400000000 people?
                      • i must thank god that didnt happen "la" :D
                  • 不要这么严肃ar, 不要lose your cool ar, 人家可没挑你挑得这么细ar...
                    • 呵呵。。ar,哈哈。。。ar,嘿嘿。。。ar
                  • yo lost yo cool? chill out, yo no like it , yo no get angry ar.
                    • that's true, me small person, very ashamed
                  • I think he is just joking. Sometimes I read some poster of his well written.
                    • 对对对. 大家也都是开玩笑的. 难得有这么一位能让大家乐一乐的. SLIMPIGGY还是不错的, 有integrity.
                  • How many slim piggy we have in Rolia? This one seems normal.
                    • I used to go by Fat Piggy, after a vigorous diet program and some hellish self control, me is now Slim Piggy,
                      • Slimpiggy, can I ask you something?
                      • you like more what you are or what you were?
                        • didn't get you...but if you don't mind...I'm reading something these days about ethnicity...are you Canadian-Born Chinese with HK origin...you don't have to answer here though...
                          • No, I am not that lucky
                            • sorry it's addressed to Slimpiggy. Sorry about that.
                              • see me answering BG's Qs below
          • I guess I know a little about Canadian census at least 1991 and 1996 cause it's part of my research.
            1. Toronto CMA population is 4,263,757;

            2. there are variables in census such as Chinese as mother tougue , as home language, as the first official language... How do you get the Chinese speaking population...such a blurring term...

            3.I do have socioeconomic demographic data about you Canadian-born Chinese (not released to the public though). Don't get lost. You ARE counted and you are not mixed up with us.
            • Metro Toronto or GTA? CMA to me means Certified Management Accountant, See GlobeandMail, April 3, page A3, Title: Census announces that Metro Toronto has more Immigrants than Canadian-born
              I always refuse to answer any survey from the gov't, consipiracy theorist me is
              • The Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA). I guess it's a common sence for a Canadian. The finer scales are Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Forward Sorted Area, and Enumeration Area. You quotation
                from the G&M has included all immigrant groups. I've seen this report.
                • Yeah? so you are saying that you agree with me eh? I guess me is no Canadian or me have no common sense then, since everyone knows exactly how the census is structured except me
                  • I have no idea what logic arrives "I'm agreeing with you"...moreover I used "I guess"...so you don't have to exclude yourself from the Canadian.
              • BTW, I personally think the ethnic identification of Canadian-born Chinese is a topic of great interest.
                • Hey that's a great topic I can share, firstfoall, forget about CBC, some Mainland-borned Chinamen don't know jack about chinese culture, it depends on the education and family background, come in, BG, and everyone else
                  Let me blow my own horn for a second, My family stress education and roots quite a bit, so I started reading classical chinamen poems and KungFuFiction in grade school, inevitably a JinYong fan, then, my dad forced me to read up stuff like "Three hundred poems from the Tang Dynasty" and crap like that, then, Scifis kick in. When I was taking up Canadian History in elementry school, there's really nothing much to learn about CA Hist, so I turned to Chinese History, I read many many books and Mao and Cultural Revolution, I don't think many people from my generation have read the "KAPITAL"
                  Until this day, my white friends are kept to a minimum, all chinamen whether they can speak chinamantalk or not. Thus, I say some CBCs don't know jack, and some do.

                  once again, my wirtings' full of untolerable mistakes, ar ar ar
                  • Thanks, Piggy. I have loads of questions for you...of course my writing is always problematic...but let’s get to the point....
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. why are you using “chinamen” all the time? Is ‘–ese’ (like Chinese or Vietnamese) have a negative implication?

                    2. Disagree...when you use crap to describe “300 Tang poems”. It’s understandable that they may not make much sense to you as you are grown up in a Chinese Diaspora...however...most of them are the soul of Chinese classic literature...

                    3. Agree with you...the family, education etc matter a lot to formulate the ethnicity of a person...and you must have read a lot compared to other CBCs.

                    4. A simple question: do you identify yourself Chinese or Canadian?

                    5. In your case, I guess the affiliation or attachment to a Chinese culture was imposed first by your family...and now you may consider it part of you...and maybe something primordial (?)...If you could choose, do you still want to be what you are or just like some other CBCs who barely talk Chinese or even consider themselves no any affiliation with the Chinese culture...

                    6. What is that ‘jack’...you got my ignorance...

                    7. Do you feel the Canadian society (no matter how multicultural it claims) is seeing the second or third generations as Canadians?
                    Good to talk to you and forgive my blunt questions...I really find you...'an interesting subject’:)...to pursue/study...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • Right about I saw the above message I got a call to... I will talk to you a bit later when I get some rest.
                      Right about I saw the above message I got a call to go with my Dad to visit one of his old friend who is at the airport waiting to xfer to NY, they talked all night I just got back now, Look at the time, and I am in TO
                      • 脑海里顿时浮现一幅图画: 老华侨星夜携子直奔机场, 与老友在大厅里彻夜长谈, 故国AR, 他乡AR, 旧友AR, 保重AR....... ANYWAY, 能陪老爸半夜奔机场见老友, 好孩子, 好家教.
                        • 忘了说了, 两位接着聊啊, 等着呢.
                        • Actually that's pretty close to reality, except we took him back to our house and went to pick up his family and come to our house again and drove them back, been back and forth on the 401 for six time in one night
                    • BG's questions are red hot
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Most of the people in this forum have been in a Canada less than 10 years, these days, y'all wonna talk about civil rights and equal oppotunities, back in the days when I was growing up, racial discriminition is very real and very daily. Me and my friends believe that if you are angry about what people stereotype you, then you are essentially granting them the power to abuse you. If you can laugh about the names they call you, then you are taking this power away. For instance, if I get angry about people calling me Chubby Chinaman, then I am giving them the power to abuse me, but I laugh at it, it's funny, if others want stereotype, you give it to them, now the joke's on them.

                      me and my CBC friends call each other chinaman, we are unique and not proud but comfortable.

                      Doesn't matter if you are western educated, doesn't matter if you speak well, to the mainstream folks, we are always just chinaman, like a jap is a jap, doesn't matter if his family's been here for 100 years. Thus, it's not even a question, you can think of yourself as Canucks all you want, but we are all chinamen, simply the reality

                      Jack is from the phase "don't know jack shit", Just like the Game "You don't know Jack", meaning, doesn't know anything

                      Toronto and Vanny's been a dominately cantonese chinaman community for many many generations, it's only been 2 years at most since I first notice mandarin speaking people on the street.

                      Case in point, some cantonese dialect ends with the sound "ar" and "la", some sand people makes fun of it, so I started talking to them with ar at the end at every sentence, now I laugh about it....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • Thanks Piggy. I’m still new in this country...what interests me is not all those civil rights, racial issue and equal opportunity things. I know how physical traits work in this world and this is the actuality. I don’t even bother to
                        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thanks Piggy. I’m still new in this country but what interests me is not all those civil rights, racial issue and equal opportunity things. I know how physical traits work in this world and this is the actuality. I don’t even bother to argue with things related to ‘discrimination’. I think your way to ‘fight back’ is quite good. You’re keeping your ‘unique’ identity.

                        I’m reading something about ethnicity these days, and I want to find out how a second generation views himself in terms of culture and ethnicity, and what factors lead to the variances of the strength of ethnic identification of different person (I agree with you on the education and family impact...)

                        From you, I found how a second generation senses himself varies heavily from one person to another and from one situation to another. How do you think about some second generations who think them have little affiliation with China or HK or whatever? How do you view Chinese culture as opposed to the North American culture (don’t just give me ‘collectivelism vs. individualism’...:) ). What keeps you in this Mandarin-(or Mainland China culture)-dominated forum Rolia?

                        Yes Toronto and Vancouver have large Chinese communities and the mass immigration took place I guess since 1960s. You can also see the fast-growing Chinese ethnic economy in the two cities (of course the recent HK immigrants coming under the Business Immigration Program. contributed a lot ). I guess this ethnic economy provides an ethnically-confined environment to the maintaining of Chinese culture or whatever. One day I was wondering what if there was no Chinese grocery store, no Chinese real-estate agency...what would the second generation grow like to be...I saw English-speaking Chinese teenagers (I guess they’re of Chinese origins) hanging out in Chinese shopping malls in Toronto and I was asking myself dose this shopping mall (etc) provide them constraints or a protected niche or opportunities or whatever...

                        After 1997, immigrants from Mainland China has surpassed HK and has stayed on the top of sending country list ever since. And, around half of them reside in Toronto. This is what caught your notice on the streets I guess. Sometime I found the communication between a Mainland Chinese and a Taiwanese Chinese is easier to conduct because of the common dialect...I didn’t expect a person with HK origin in this forum.

                        Some cantonese dialect ends with the sound "ar" and "la"...and now you have picked up some mandarin dialects “aiya”...congratulations...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                        • Your questions are difficult, I had to do some self-questioning and memory digging to answer them
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's a big city, different people are entitled to different opinions, most of the CBCs I know from highschool and university had trouble understanding HK is not the capital of chinaman, China is no different than africa to them, I think these people are limiting themselves to the Canadian environment, which torlerate chinaman id themselves as mainstream canadians. I have been working in the US for some time and I understand perfectly that appearance is still everything, skin colour determines who you are, people hate you for who you are, not what you do.

                          I am a very prejudiced person myself from my upbringing, my parents taught me to contain, life told me to hate.

                          None of my closest friends can write their original names, but none of them think it's a problem..

                          I like the mandarin language since it's more expressive than other dialects, and the humour is amazing,

                          I think human nature is very ugly, so don't test it, it's like a sack of dogdoodoo wrapped with white linen, if you put it under pressure, the stuff's gonna come out smelly

                          get this, life is like a bowl and jellybeans, no none likes 'em black ones更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                          • Hey, Piggy, I didn't mean to anatomise you and dig out ...human nature...I appreciate your reply. The simplist definition of ethnicity is the sense of belonging...but it's so hard to get yourself accommondated...
                            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hey, Piggy, I didn't mean to anatomise you or dig out ...sort of human nature...I appreciate your reply. The simplist definition of ethnicity is a sense of belonging...but it is hard to get yourself accommondated...

                            I don't completely agree with you on "the human nature is ugly...". 人之初,性本善...it's just people are shaped by the social surroundings...and the identity is absolutely a social construct. I'm interested in studying human...behaviour and thinking...and this is why I keep raising you questions...I guess I'll stop that.

                            I'm not very surprised at your experiences...being prejudeced...You are right, people are judged merely by their skin colour, complexion...and even among the same ethnic group, discrimination exists...Human beings are just so good at defining the otherness...we can not change anything. Bringingup in Canada must be very different from in China...You should be grateful to your family for giving you the capability to be exposed to two distinguished cultures...

                            Enjoy your stay in Rolia更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                            • Aiya, you sound like a big time Scholar ar, me seems like a little man ar, you see things beyond me ar, aiya aiya aiya, tell us about yourself ar, you be an very attractive and interesting character ar, do tell do tell ar
                              • 不好, 他又回去了。
                              • me...little student lttle Chinawoman la...you don't want to know me la...me boring + ugly la...too much curiosity la...this dosen't do good to me la...you big Chinaman la...you got 'personal integrity' la...we admire you la...
                                • 学坏样学得挺快啊。
                                  • 嘻嘻!您老见笑了!
                                  • By I..I..Found
                                  • Lost, BG 是一对?
                                • me appoint BG Found to be me Spokesperson when me is no around
                                  • me? honored :)
                                • Curiosity is good, human civilization is advanced by the drive of curiosity.
                                  • Just came back from a weekend trip, I'm a little surprised and so happy to find piggy was recognized suddenly.
                        • I don't think this topic is interesting. If you want to know, ask your children.
                          • yeah, it's only gonna take about 15 to 20 years to find out ar
                          • Hey here's something of interest, what do you do for a living?
                  • Sorry to butt in...
                    I believe it must be very hard to learn Chinese and English at the same time. If your father did as you said, I really admire him.

                    Maybe you should talk more about your own experience, since your background is different than most of us. We don't have to be so aggressive and attack each other. Why not to be patient and listen to each other instead.

                    BTW, I read an article, "-ese" is a derogatory word root, while "-ian" is a commendatory word root. That's why some people call them Canadian and American. Maybe we can use Sino-man instead of Chinese. :)
                    • Sinoman is good, and Torontonian is case in point, Ontarionian is another, my dad told me to say Middle Kingdom Dude, my friend call me chinaman
      • haha, 怪! 女人为什么这么想出国?!
    • 36, not old, I'm 38, now is waiting for CCPE result.
      • //hand,同龄人
        • 美味!!
      • 我们差不多,互相联系 ok?
      • welcome you! my email : glady@canada.com.
    • 你老婆想死也要个垫背,你保重!
    • 你的老婆年龄比你小很多吗?英语很好吗?如果是的话,你就准备到加拿大“受折磨”吧。如果你的老婆年龄跟你一般大,并且英语一般的话,老兄,小弟劝你不要放弃目前的优越生活到加“受罪”。
    • 你可以先申请香港投档,并同时附带IELTS 成绩单。如果顺利豁免,不出一年即可拿到签证。如果不顺利可转档去北京,拿到档案号码后再申请STANDBY也会很快有消息 ,该种情况需一年半左右。
    • 不要担心,办吧!我在国内时的一个上司,老三界的,40岁出国读硕士、然后博士,然后在一个大公司做Programmer,55岁派回国内当软件部的头,年薪30万美元以上!不错吧?
      • everybody see, big canada, big programmar, big money, everybody from china, come come come,
      • "当软件部的头,年薪30万美元以上" i don't believe. 很多chinese 很牛皮.
        • rare. normal range in your opinion?
    • 谁这么无聊?把上世纪的帖子翻上来,大家还拼命出主意。浪费了多少人的感情!
      • 就是. ^_^
      • 不过还是要感谢他/她,因此让我学了不少英语.
      • 非也,我们后来人收益菲浅。谢谢前辈。本人现年41,目前正在准备材料,准备一年申请成功, 为的是当我55岁的时候, 我不必发出这样的感叹”我要是在40岁时办移民有多好啊! 那时我多么年轻”
        • give up ,this place is not for you
    • give up
    • 我看你省省吧。你老婆要移,就让她办。都这把年纪,还要来吃苦。无奈
    • How old is your wilfe? Why does she want to immigrant to CA?