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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

1. I don't think you will get busy yourself, and send your daughter away during the day in first three months, personally speaking, 幼儿园 not an issue.

2. For 600$ in Toronto, you can either rent a basement apartment in a house, or share with others. you may not like the experience, especially no friends help you in the first place.

3. To rent yourself in the building, they may ask you for refenrence, huge amount deposit. The ideal would be with someone's co-sign, your family could rent a two bedroom apartment in a nice area, 1000-1100$ a month, then sublet one room out for 400$.

4. Any area near subway, TTC station, shopping mall is good.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请教一下,三口之家(一3岁女儿),5月初登录多伦多,想租一单间公寓,不知哪个地区比较合适居住,主要考虑交通方便、安全、有比较好的幼儿园。烦请过来人给与指点,谢谢。
    • budget? 幼儿园, I don' t think you will send your daughter any time soon.
      • 为什么?可否详尽说一下?房子的预算是600元左右。
        • 幼儿园可能比你的房子预算还要高!
          1. I don't think you will get busy yourself, and send your daughter away during the day in first three months, personally speaking, 幼儿园 not an issue.

          2. For 600$ in Toronto, you can either rent a basement apartment in a house, or share with others. you may not like the experience, especially no friends help you in the first place.

          3. To rent yourself in the building, they may ask you for refenrence, huge amount deposit. The ideal would be with someone's co-sign, your family could rent a two bedroom apartment in a nice area, 1000-1100$ a month, then sublet one room out for 400$.

          4. Any area near subway, TTC station, shopping mall is good.
      • 谢谢,事实上,我得自己过去后租房,开始的时候没有信用纪录,在没有朋友帮忙的情况下,该如何办理租房事宜呢?如果开始的时候,我们两个人上语言班或工作,可以申请入托补助吗?
        • 申请托儿补助的条件之一是存款不超过5000元,所以新移民 够呛,因为你LANDING时告诉加拿大政府你带了万把元来。
    • 单间公寓750以上,幼儿园也要600以上,还不一定好,太贵了,如果你们有一人闲在家(不工作或上学),费用都不能退税,也申请不到托儿补助。你们或许要有一人在家带孩子。
    • 我住的地方,在市中心,交通方便,安全还可以,附近幼儿园很多,自己挑(因为我女儿还小,不需要上幼儿园。)单间公寓700元,一室一厅800元。ESL和LINC都很近。
      • 在哪儿呀? 我有个朋友五月份来, 正在帮他们找房子。能给我发个EMAIL告知地址吗? 谢谢
        • 可是5月份来,很可能被隔离10天。
          • 有可能, 但也不会老隔离呀。生活还要继续, 不是吗?
            • 谢谢你, EMAIL我收到了。
            • 我给你发了e-mail,收到没有?
              • 你们那儿要工作证明吗?
                • 我们去租的时候,好像是要的,找朋友开了一张。后来有人说,没有也无所谓。 刚刚找到管理处的电话,不妨打一个问问。
                  416-929-0047,260 Wellesley Residence Inc.
                  • 太感谢了
                    • office hour: 2:00pm- 9:00pm
                      • So I can actually visit the above address, can't I?
                        • yes. Actually they manage 2 buildings, 260 wellesley and 240 wellesley.
    • 忘了说了,这里的LINC有免费的daycare,这样,你可以学习英文,孩子又有人看,而且不要钱。孩子4岁就可以进Kindergarden了。
      • 能否详细说一下,哪儿?能否发个mail告诉我,或者告诉我你的联系电话,我下个月就过去,比较着急,多谢。
        • 收到我的e-mail了吗?
          • 收到了,谢谢,我回了信,你查收一下,给你添麻烦了。
            • 我没有收到。什么时候发的?是发到我yahoo信箱吗?
              • 是呀,怎么回事?主要是问你刚过去怎么租房子,你说的房子在哪里,给我些具体的指示,呵呵,多些了。
                • 我收到了你的回信,可是是一堆数字和奇怪的号码,真急人,不知道是怎么回事。