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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

My opinion: within the same neighbourhood, the age of housing plays an insignificant role on price variation.

1. Most of the houses in a neighbourhood were built within relatively short time period. There is no enough time span that allows you to see the difference.

2. There are so many other factors that both buyer and seller weigh heavily when determine the price, including housing physical quality, social composition, market trend, and etc.

3. The value of a house consists of two portions: the value of the house itself and the value of the land. While housing physical condition deteriorates over time, the land value increases. The same $300,000 house in Toronto may worth 1/3 of it in remote rural area. The difference is due entirely to the variation of places (or the location of the land). It is difficult enough to just differentiate these two portions.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请问各位从事房地产或对房屋价格比较了解的大虾:在同一小区,如果卧室数,车库数基本相同的情况下,一般几年的房子会有一个价格的波动?即俺想按房屋的年头把现价分档,一般多少年为一档比较好呢?
    • up
    • 请你研究清楚了透露一下,这样大家就可以稳操胜券,在价格波动高峰时出手。谢谢。
      • 俺研究的是旧房子的现价,是想想看看其他条件固定的情况下房屋的年头这个因素对房屋价格的影响有多大。
    • 你就在最好的区里买最破的房子就对了。因为房屋的价格是同周围的环境有关系的。在好区里的破房子较有升值潜力。
      • 没错,好的小区里面的大麻屋最好,哈哈哈
      • 方向正确,但是破房子得看是怎么破:如果仅仅是比较脏,伤及表皮,重新装修可以复原的话,这种房子值得买;但是如果房子的结构上出现问题,需要维修的话,就要三思,除非你已极低的价钱买进,然后重建。
        • 我认识的一个犹太人,他说他叔叔就是雇地产经纪来帮他找这样的房子。 一般是好区里破房子, 或住有老人已无心维修的。买下来, 重建, 再卖出去。
          • 但我认为这并不象说说那么简单,你需要经验和知识。一般人若只是想给自己的房子买卖个好价钱,就不必那么费心了。地产不像股票, 脱手没那么快。
            • 如果是犹太人的话,我们刚拨了一个算盘珠,他们就已经用大脑计算机推算了无数遍了——他们绝对不会吃亏。
              • 你说的对, 中国人喜欢随大流, 甭管好事坏事, 只要是大多数人都那样, 任何天灾人祸我们都睡的踏实着呢。 呵呵
          • 好象有这样的,俺的研究结果似乎20年的房子也能卖个好价。
    • My opinion: within the same neighbourhood, the age of housing plays an insignificant role on price variation.
      1. Most of the houses in a neighbourhood were built within relatively short time period. There is no enough time span that allows you to see the difference.

      2. There are so many other factors that both buyer and seller weigh heavily when determine the price, including housing physical quality, social composition, market trend, and etc.

      3. The value of a house consists of two portions: the value of the house itself and the value of the land. While housing physical condition deteriorates over time, the land value increases. The same $300,000 house in Toronto may worth 1/3 of it in remote rural area. The difference is due entirely to the variation of places (or the location of the land). It is difficult enough to just differentiate these two portions.