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Analyze from the Contract Law perspective

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I believe it depends on the terms on your contract. The common practice is that the other party has the right to claim the loss they suffered from your breaking of the contract. The tricky point here is how to evaluate the "loss" and this is where the final dispute resides. The common law practice in Canada is that the plantiff can only get compensation for the direct loss they suffer but not indirect economic losses.

In your case, if you can prove that your withdraw of the agreement is not causing any loss to the buyer, you don't have to pay any compensation to the buyer. But most likely, the buyer may ask for some cost to be paid by you such as the travel/legal/documentation cost incurred to them for reaching the deal. It is reasonable since these costs are wasted due to your mind changing. Other direct costs such as their extra accommodation cost due to the change (for example they may already sold their house and need to stay in hotel or rent an apartment because you break the deal and cannot move in at the closing date). This portion is the only reasonable amount the buyer can claim. You may reduce this amount (maybe to 0) if you inform him/her reasonably early. According to the law, the other party involved in the contract should do their best to reduce the loss/damage. So they don't have to reason to over-expend and hope you to cover the cost.
The suggestion is to negotiate with the buyer and/or his/her broker, reach an agreement and write the terms down. If you cannot do it privately, consult some lawyer/attorney. But leagal fees could also be high.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请教法律界/地产界大侠,签了OFFER,想毁约有何后果.
    本人正在卖房,已经签了买家出的OFFER(Trust Deposit $5000),现在OFFER上的SUBJECT条件都已经清除了。可这时候我的麻烦也来了,老婆天天在烦我,说房子卖的便宜,再也买不回这么好的房子,后悔这么快卖了。(当初说要卖房的是她,我犹豫了一段时间没找经纪,她没少烦我)
    • 可怜的咸鱼。
    • 换老婆!
      • agee
    • 没听人说房价连跌了三个月了吗, 毁了再卖, 更便宜. 拿这理由说服LP去吧. :))
    • 此等老婆,不要也把. 卖了房子,正好分家
      • No, No, No. Keep the house and keep the LP. :-)
    • 哈哈,这建议不错.其实她这么烦也有她的道理
      • 既然你愿意破财免烦,和买家说给他五千刀让他不买了,他肯定干,换我就干!
      • 俗话说:人无远虑必有近忧。 你还没上船,就把跳板给撤了。
      • 当初为什么想卖呢? 我看这事经纪肯定不想你退出. 劝你LP比较可行.
      • 陪上一笔钱之后,能保证你老婆不再烦你吗?
      • 搞不懂,卖了房你住哪里?再买房?如果再买同样的房子要多少钱?赚的7万块钱恐怕都要搭进去才行,别忘了卖的高,买的时候也高。其实,说是房子升值,但真正能落到自己口袋里的有多少?除非拿第二套房投资。
        • 说的太对了
    • 这种事能听老婆的?你可真行。买菜买衣服听他们的,买股票买房子等大事决不能听她们的。
      • depents if you want 花钱换清静.
      • Everybody knows that LP always force you make wrong dicision. But you still have to go for it.
        Like me, my LP want to buy house. I told her that the price will drop in the near future. She believes me, but she still wants the house. :-)
        Anyway, we have to buy a house, it doesn't matter if it is expensive or cheap.
    • 好象是不可以毁约的,不然买方告上法庭,是你理亏. 我的一个朋友卖房也遇到点小问题,也曾想毁约,但是咨询过律师后还是要照OFFER卖掉房子了.
    • 悬, 最后你还是要卖。除非你老婆愿意折一笔。
    • 可怜的咸鱼£¬ 估 计 你 花 钱 也 买 不 来 清 静 。 你 老 婆 已 经 钱 眼 里 卡 住 了 , 以 后 闹 心 的 日 子 少 不 了, 除 非 你 象 盖 茨 那 么 有 钱 。
    • 按法律来讲,如果买主坚持,你不可能毁约的,不过你可以先问问买主的意思,也许他也后悔了呢?但是,即使如此,如果经纪人要求,买卖双方的佣金也免不掉的。所以最好的情况就是
      付掉佣金,取消DEAL。最差的情况是花了不少钱打官司,最后还得CLOSE DEAL,外加对买主的赔偿。自己看着办吧。
      • 这个意见比较接近现时加拿大法庭对此类问题的处理方式. 楼下所说的也有一定道理, 只是漏掉很重要的一点: 房地产买卖是比较特殊的一中合同(传统上欧美法
        认可LAND 是一种特殊的物业(UNIQUE PROPERTY), 在违约的情况发生后法庭往往会支持诉方的" SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE" 的要求, 即强制合同的执行. (唯一例外的是在GOOD FAITH PURCHASE FOR FAIR MARKET VALUE的情况下-题外话). 在现代社会房地产已产业化的情况下, 关于一项物业是否UNIQUE的判定很多时候已经不是那么确定. 很多情况下法庭会认可赔钱也可以弥补诉方的损失(BECAUSE THE PROPERTY CAN BE READILY REPLACED ON THE MARKET).
        从上述对房屋的描述来看, (周围景色秀丽等) 对方一个很强有力的ARGUMENT 是这个房屋是UNIQUE 的, 换句话说, 有钱还不一定买得到, 所以合同必须被强制执行. (注意法庭不会要求对方去证明是绝对买不到, 而是REASONABLY UNAVAILABLE 即可).
        总结: 如果对方不同意取消合同, 认栽卖了吧, 否则损失更大.
        最后好奇地问一句" 贴主" (希望各位热心的大侠不要介意): 在关于法律方面这么微妙及需要专业知识的问题上, 虽然咨询专业律师所费不菲, 想在网上获得意见的心理完全可以理解, 但是面对这么多五花八门的意见, 您难道不怕被一些似是而非的意见误导吗?
        • 没事, 有我的意见就OK了,俺这个Broker也不是白给的,hehe。。。 Just kidding。
          • 估计贴主夫人知道这LEGAL COST后又要烦贴主了
            • 整个帖子我最觉得恶心的就是贴主把什么都推到自己的老婆身上。
              • 还别说, 我还真信他
                • 到最后还是自己也反悔了。
                  • 所以说, 有民主还要有集中, 右派人士怎么就不明白浅显的道理呢?? HHHH
    • It is a good time to sell. If She wants to buy that back, ask her do it. That's fair enough. Give her enough work, otherwise, you will be runing out of energy.
    • Analyze from the Contract Law perspective
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I believe it depends on the terms on your contract. The common practice is that the other party has the right to claim the loss they suffered from your breaking of the contract. The tricky point here is how to evaluate the "loss" and this is where the final dispute resides. The common law practice in Canada is that the plantiff can only get compensation for the direct loss they suffer but not indirect economic losses.

      In your case, if you can prove that your withdraw of the agreement is not causing any loss to the buyer, you don't have to pay any compensation to the buyer. But most likely, the buyer may ask for some cost to be paid by you such as the travel/legal/documentation cost incurred to them for reaching the deal. It is reasonable since these costs are wasted due to your mind changing. Other direct costs such as their extra accommodation cost due to the change (for example they may already sold their house and need to stay in hotel or rent an apartment because you break the deal and cannot move in at the closing date). This portion is the only reasonable amount the buyer can claim. You may reduce this amount (maybe to 0) if you inform him/her reasonably early. According to the law, the other party involved in the contract should do their best to reduce the loss/damage. So they don't have to reason to over-expend and hope you to cover the cost.
      The suggestion is to negotiate with the buyer and/or his/her broker, reach an agreement and write the terms down. If you cannot do it privately, consult some lawyer/attorney. But leagal fees could also be high.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 和买方商量,如果他们也不想买了的话,你的运气就来了,可以翻身了;否则,还是看里面吧
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When clients changes their mind after they have signed the contract.

      Sometimes, after binding themselves to buy or sell Real Estate, clients change their minds. Often, they are under the mistaken impression that there are no repercussions to their not closing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The following is a brief summary of the law in this area. This summary is not a substitute for proper legal advice and clients are well advised that by not closing they are entering the world of "breach of contract" litigation and as such should seek legal advice.

      There is no "cooling off" period for resales. Once all conditions have been waived and the deposit moneys given, the deal is firm and binding.

      There are two basic legal remedies involved in a situation of non-closing - namely an action for damages and an action for specific performance.


      The aggrieved party in a Real Estate transaction has the right to sue the wrongdoer for the monetary damages they suffer. If the aggrieved party is the purchaser (vendor will not close) they have a right to claim as against the vendor for their deposit back, plus all expenses related to the non closing including hotel expenses, moving and storage. If the market has risen in the time between the entering into of the contract and the notice of the non-closing, then the vendor may be liable to the purchaser for that increase in price of a similar residence. There is even some suggestion that the law may permit a claim for emotional distress relating to the contract breach.

      If the aggrieved party is the vendor (purchaser will not close), they have a right to sue the purchaser for all the expenses they incur relating to the nonclosing, including carrying costs of the home (provided they make reasonable efforts to sell the home in a timely manner) from the time of the non- closing until the closing of the new sale. If the market has fallen in the time between the entering into of the original contract of sale and the date of the second sale, then the original purchaser is liable for that reduction in value. Similarly there is some exposure to the wrongdoer to an action for damages for mental distress relating to the failure of the purchaser to complete the transaction.


      Specific performance is an action to force a party to a contract to abide by and complete the terms set out in that contract. In a Real Estate setting this means to force the parties to close. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled on this issue recently in the case of Semelhago V. Paramadevan, where the court held that specific performance is not to be granted automatically in all cases. In order to succeed in a claim for specific performance in a Real Estate context the party claiming has to prove to the court that the subject property is so unique that a substitute would not be readily available. If a substitute is available then the aggrieved party has to resort to an action for damages.

      Recently, this test of "uniqueness" was defined in the Ontario Courts. In the case of Tropiano v. Stonevalley Estates, the purchaser persuaded the Court that the property in question was "unique". The Court found in that case that the purchaser "attached particular significance to the fact that the property in question was a ravine lot and the location of the lot was important to the (purchaser)"

      Last year a study came out in Ontario that found the average civil litigation in our province cost each party approximately $35,000.00 The moral of the story is that sometimes changing ones mind (especially after one has obligated oneself to a Real Estate transaction) can be an expensive mistake!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net