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同意你每个人都要小心的观点. 但是根据Consumer Reporting Act, 不存在你看不到的Credit History, 请明示Credit Report有何不同. See Act inside:

11. (1) Every consumer reporting agency shall, at the written request of a
consumer and during normal business hours, clearly and accurately
disclose to the consumer, without charge,
(a) the nature and substance of all information in its files pertaining
to the consumer at the time of the request;
(b) the sources of its credit information or personal information;
(c) the names of the recipients of any consumer report pertaining to
the consumer that it has furnished, within the preceding twelve
(d) contents of any written consumer report pertaining to the
consumer made to any other person, or where the report was oral,
particulars of the content of such oral report,
and shall inform the consumer of his right to protest any information
contained in the file under sections 12 and 13 and the manner in which a
protest may be made.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 没有钱交房租,并没有按照要求提前两个月告诉管理处,这种情况下私自搬走,并没有任何欠款,会有什么后果?哪位有租房子的条款给看看。谢谢!
    • 最好别干这种事,他们恐怕会通过律师或讨债公司来继续追缴你每月的房租。真没钱了,继续住下去更好,你有理由申诉,房东不能撵你走。
      • 如何申诉?谢谢。
    • If you do this, you would badly damage your credit history which could influence your credit card, loan, mortgage for years..Please think twice before u do it.
      • Agree, it will damage the person's credit.
      • And they would find you anyway (maybe after several years).
        • Really?! How do you know it? Any proof? Thanks a lot!!
          • 亲身经历,一个小账单,(不是RENTAL),也不是故意不还,只是有点误会和疏忽,两年以后忽然出现了。这之间搬过两次家。催帐公司又是电话又是信的,糗极了。
      • 在e-mail里收到了你另一条留言,但是在这里看不到了。情况是这样的,我roommate是东北姑娘,东北的见过几个,这个算最狠的,
        • I deleted my post at last minute,
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I deleted my post at last minute, because it’s not all of your faults, so it’s unfair to blame on you.
          My point is that if you don’t notify rental office one or two months before you move out, they can assume that you still leave there, and they have very strong reason to charge you for that period of time. At that moment, you are at the position that you own one or two month’s rental to rental office, even if you don’t live there anymore. This would be the worst scenario. My suggestion is:

          1. When you sign the contract with rental office, do you provide your SIN number? If yes, they can very easily track you by this number, no mater where you move.
          If not, it would be better for you or harder for them to find you. You can make decision to take the risk to escape or not.
          2. Talk your problem with your rental office. Maybe they can let you go in one month not two month.
          3. Or, you can post some ads on Web to find some one who want to sub-lease your apartment.
          4. Treat this as a good learning opportunity, not only a money lost. Next time, carefully choose roommates. I feel sorry for you this time.
          5. Please modify your latest post. Don’t point your finger to all the people from one area or city. It is unfair and will offense a lot of people who want to help you out.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • really nice. warm now. and i got all of what you were saying.learn it, point 1-5. helpful helpful. thanks a lot.
    • 你跟管理处说你现在没钱了. 我想他比你还更怕, 你如果说可以马上搬走, 他可能叩头都来不及呢. 当然, 你不搬走不交钱的话, 也大概能赖个大半年的, UP2U :-D
      • 那以后还要不要补上这赖的钱? :))
        • 据我非专业的所知, 好像不用吧.
    • 太多的人喜欢危言耸听, 其实电话公司, Cable公司等类似的公司根本没有权利影响你的Credit, 唯一的途径是跟你打官司(当然打了官司以后是否影响你的credit就另论了). 在这个例子中,
      他最多的赔偿义务是两个月房租, 请问管理公司能用两个月房租干什么? 至于讨债公司, 跟中国一样, 没有任何权利, 是他们没办法才用的, 只要能躲开, 没任何问题.
      • 讨债公司如果能找到你,一般会给你两个月的时间,然后发最后通牒,如果在某日之前不还款的话,他们就会上报信用局。正式讨债公司是有这个权力的。
        • What type of financial information is not in a credit report? Non-payment of rent
          Information about race, colour, religion, or criminal charges not resulting in conviction
          Credit information older than 6 years - except bankruptcy.
          • Useful link. Thanks.
          • thanks! helpful link.
      • Yes, you r right that phone, or Cable company can not influence your credit DIRECTLY, but
        they hire some debit collector companies who, for sure, will report your bad credit history to credit Reporting Agencies, such as Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, etc.
        In USA or Canada, bad credit record or lower credit score means, it will harder for you to be approved for credit products, like loan, mortgage, or you have to pay higher interest rate.
      • 不要误导。
        我见过一credit report, bell canada 就为了几百块钱而把欠款人告了,影响了被告的credit score. 凡是上了court的,equifax和transunion都有记录。think twice, 这麽多年的制度积累,你那点小九九人家早想到了。你这次几千块不付,将来可能会多掏几万块。算一算,多0.25%的利率,你要比别人付出多少额外的mortgage?
        • #1402163
          • The Credit report mentioned in the link is much different from your credit history.
            If you pay amount of money to Credit bureaus, they will provide you a standard Credit report which highlights your current credit record, but not ALL of your credit history.
            I don’t know how many information Credit bureaus used to identify a customer's credit history, but I know that for personal customers, the reports only covers about 30 – 50 items. If a bank wants to check a customer’s credit, the credit bureaus will provide more than 150 items for each customer. So, my suggestion is, if you plan to live North America for a long time, please be careful for your credit related stuff, otherwise, who cares!
            • 同意你每个人都要小心的观点. 但是根据Consumer Reporting Act, 不存在你看不到的Credit History, 请明示Credit Report有何不同. See Act inside:
              11. (1) Every consumer reporting agency shall, at the written request of a
              consumer and during normal business hours, clearly and accurately
              disclose to the consumer, without charge,
              (a) the nature and substance of all information in its files pertaining
              to the consumer at the time of the request;
              (b) the sources of its credit information or personal information;
              (c) the names of the recipients of any consumer report pertaining to
              the consumer that it has furnished, within the preceding twelve
              (d) contents of any written consumer report pertaining to the
              consumer made to any other person, or where the report was oral,
              particulars of the content of such oral report,
              and shall inform the consumer of his right to protest any information
              contained in the file under sections 12 and 13 and the manner in which a
              protest may be made.
            • And also according to North America's regulation, there shouldn't be any "hidden items".
              • Sorry, I could not afford to go any farther on this topic, because I have run out of my knowledge that I got from on my daily work. Maybe u r right at this point, but I still suggest my friend pay his rental in time.
        • thanks!
    • 收他们两个月房租,再通知房东