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Try to calculate how much you will pay. You will see the difference.

If you put everything default, borrow 100K, you put the mortgage as 7%:
You have to pay 700 per month.

how about the mortgage is 5%? If you borrow 120K, you only have to pay 698 per month.

That's say, you buy the house 2 years late with the mortage 100K at 7%.
Or you buy the house now with the mortgage 120K at 5%, you pay the same thing every month. Right????

But now you can affort 120K, 2 years late, you can only affort 100K! Just because the mortgage rate!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 鉴于目前的房价形势,我想将我的房子(独立的)卖掉。搬到apartment住上几年。等房价跌了以后再买。想听听大家的意见
    • 67分,会跌吗?
      • 没懂。67?
        • 移民法降低分数至67,原来是75。再原来是70。
          • 我发现你的跳跃性思维比我的利害
            • 这个不能算跳跃,香港回归的时候,很多人移民加拿大,造成加拿大房价大涨。每年进入加拿大移民的数量和房屋的价格是密切相关的。
              • 世易时移,港人现在也没钱了,现在就有个香港人没买房,租住在我这个穷大陆表叔的屋里,你说房价会涨吗?
                • 租房的人多了,买房来出租也是一庄生意。
                  • 但也有风险,有空置率,牺牲个人空间和隐私,我是为了加速付Mortage,避免房子变负资产的厄运,才迫不得已走上这条路!不好走啊!
        • 是新移民法,现在国内形势那么好,飞船上天,红旗落地,年薪几十万的人还千方百计往这里赶受洋罪,真不知是为什么?唉!人啊人
          • 想回国不易?是不是?
            • 回国哪还有自己的位置,来了快3年了,too late.国内的环境也适应不了,再说加拿大对我们也不薄,还算幸运,寄希望于下一代,也就罢了,到哪里不是干活吃饭?
              • 和我想的一样。反正是混,这把老骨头在加拿大就撂下了
          • the citizenship of CA is still mean some freedom, i have 5 classmates when i landed here in 2001, all had very good background in china
            now, 2 of them had a job ready in China and went back to china just after citizenship application, 1 got the citizenship and went to US and got a job, the other 2 still waiting for the citizenship and prepare go back to china.

            people seems stay in different groups, these are all my friends, but for my neighbors, they r almost 100% labor here, but they all plan to stay here and keep praising canada, on the other hand can not bear anybody say any good about china, almost all of them think the stuff like SHENZHOU 5 are evil, at least nothing to do with them. this is the first time i feel people actually are very different, so different.
            • most of chinese people in Canada are still compare with each other
              • btw, i feel people are different here, i never feel people r so different in china, maybe because i only kept to my own circle? who knows
    • 你住apartment那几年就不要租金了?此外万一几年后房价不跌反涨呢?
      • 那将house 换成condo。怎样?
        • 折腾个什么劲儿呢?一买一卖,中介费,律师费,手续费。。。。+心理反复。多累啊。再说,谁能保证condo不同时跌呢?
          • 因为house升值了。想搬到condo里去, mortgage会小一点,压力也轻一点。等时机成熟了,再refinance买house
            • 涨的容易退的难啊
          • 没听说过吗?
          • Real State Agents will be happy.
        • 嗯,等你独立屋的价格跌了,你卖condo再买独立屋,可是那时难道你condo的价格不跌吗?我看你还是省省吧,折腾啥呢。
    • 如果我是你的话,我就refinance. 把资金投入股市。
      • 惭愧地说:pay了三年的mortgage,还没有到房价的25%。没法refinance
        • 牛,房价涨的可比你交的利息多多了,是可以套现出局了
          • 就是这个意思
            • You can refinance to get 75% of current market house price, not the price you paid 3 years ago.
    • You can buy that 2 years late, at that time, the mortgage will be 7%.
      To buy the same house, the price will be low, but mortgage rate will be higher, but every month, you will pay the same amount of monthly pay. Why bother??????
      • i don't know. I haven't figured it out yet.
        • Try to calculate how much you will pay. You will see the difference.
          If you put everything default, borrow 100K, you put the mortgage as 7%:
          You have to pay 700 per month.

          how about the mortgage is 5%? If you borrow 120K, you only have to pay 698 per month.

          That's say, you buy the house 2 years late with the mortage 100K at 7%.
          Or you buy the house now with the mortgage 120K at 5%, you pay the same thing every month. Right????

          But now you can affort 120K, 2 years late, you can only affort 100K! Just because the mortgage rate!
        • So if the mortgage rate go up from 5% to 7%, don't be supprise the price of house go down 20 percent!
          You will be able to buy the same house with same amount of monthly payment. Nothing change to you. But to the market, the mortgage is changed and the price of the house is changed. Does this mean anything to you? NNNNOOOOOO!
    • 如果你需要用钱,并且可以钱生钱,那么do it,or 别瞎折腾了
      • 就象纪先生老教训我的:有功夫多想想办法挣钱,整天瞎琢磨省钱的办法你能富到哪里去!没有出息的东西!
        • 你这样骂人,很容易让人对号入座的。 不是不想办法赚钱,打工的能怎样开源呀?
          • 别误会。我的意思是要鼓励你keep房子,并多想一想事业上的事。关键是:别着急把房子付完!!!
    • 又不知道你说的是不是事实。付了三年还没有25%,你当初买那么大的房子为了什么?搞不懂?不是涮我们大伙儿玩吧?
      • 当时买的是最小的独立house了。3个bedroom一个bathroom. 没有master bedroom. 要是这样还算是大house 的话,好像就没有小的了。 到现在还没到当时房价的16%,也就是说还有more than 84% of purchesing price remain
        • 我已经给你算过了,你一年只赚了1万圆,卖掉房子不合算.别折腾了
    • 鉴于目前神舟上天,交通工具迅猛发展的形势,我想将我的车子卖掉,换成自行车。等车价跌了以后再买。想听听大家的意见
      • 我怎么看不懂呀
    • 你在那个村里开荒?
      • 小农场和上居下铺就挣钱了吗?
      • 多谢,目前还在打工
        • 心急吃不了好馒头
        • 既然如此,你的主意也可行。
    • Good idea! The house price will go down soon. You can earn more on stocks now, I have already earned Can$40,000 from last year.
      • The house price will go down soon---------how soon?
    • 是个好主意.其实房产也是一种投资.
    • 如你不喜欢现房,早晚要换,倒可以考虑 。
    • 建意你把房子卖了先般回中国去住,现在中国的房价大都处于低潮期,哪样费用一定少,一,两年后这里的房加一定会跌,到时候你再杀回来,就算你这一两年什么都不干,天天泡妞,,到最后一算帐你还是大赚一笔.
      我不是开玩笑, 我已经看到有人这样干了.
      • 所言及是。国内打炮还可以报销呢。
      • 人民币还有可能微长呢。
      • This is the best idea I have ever seen.
    • 心动不如行动!我有一个朋友已经卖房去租apartment了,房子是99年买的,现在赚了不少,现在1200租个两室一厅,用她的话说未来2-3年房租免了。