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Previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas (applicable for those who were Chinese citizens and have obtained foreign citizenship)

If you are applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you should provide the last original Chinese passport, as well as two copies of data page of both Canadian passport and Chinese passport (on the same page).

If you have obtained Chinese visas before and apply for a Chinese visa with a renewed foreign passport that does not contain any Chinese visa, you should present the photocopy of the previous passport's data page as well as the previous Chinese visa page (If your name on the current passport differs from that on the previous one, you must provide an official document of name change).

Note: Applicants who cannot provide the original and copy of your last original Chinese passport should submit the Canadian landing paper and Canadian Citizen Card (Original and photocopy). If you are submitting an application for your child who is adopted, please also provide relevant supporting documents.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 中国Q2签证, 需要提供中国的作废的身份证号码和最后的一本中国护照的号码。 网上填表时没遇到这问题, 但提交表以后打印出来的表要求答这两项。 请问如何处理?谢谢! +1

    • 我也想问,身份证找不到了也记不住号码,中国护照号码也不知道。如果这两个信息提供不岀来会被拒签吗?办过的人分享一下经验呗。
    • 我也想问 麻烦最近去签证的人给说一下
    • 只有第一次申请需要吧?
      • 不是 我也不是第一次申请 今天在填申请表时遇到的问题
        • 如果你之前有过中国签证,1.6H那些问题留白,不用管。
          • 谢谢 还有一个问题 我申请我和我老公的签证 我记得好像哪里说可以一个申请表填三个人的信息 可我也没找到呀 我是否应该填两个表呀 一人一个?
            • 应该一人一表吧。 +1
    • 以前拿到的签证没事吧
      • 申请表上明确要填曾经的最后一次中国签证信息,去签证时需要签证的复印件和原护照复印件
    • 首次是需要的,以后就不需要了。具体情况可以发email给签证中心,他们一般很快就会回复。他们的回答最准确。
      • Previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas (applicable for those who were Chinese citizens and have obtained foreign citizenship)

        If you are applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you should provide the last original Chinese passport, as well as two copies of data page of both Canadian passport and Chinese passport (on the same page).

        If you have obtained Chinese visas before and apply for a Chinese visa with a renewed foreign passport that does not contain any Chinese visa, you should present the photocopy of the previous passport's data page as well as the previous Chinese visa page (If your name on the current passport differs from that on the previous one, you must provide an official document of name change).

        Note: Applicants who cannot provide the original and copy of your last original Chinese passport should submit the Canadian landing paper and Canadian Citizen Card (Original and photocopy). If you are submitting an application for your child who is adopted, please also provide relevant supporting documents.
        • 我问的和你回答的不是一件事 填表时问你以前是否有其他国籍 肯定得填是中国 然后表打印出来后就多出两条 一个是身份证号码 一个是曾用过的中国护照信息
          • 不用管。就是空白的。
    • 看官网解释 +1


      • 谢谢帮助1.6 b 那项填国籍身份证 咋填?国籍是加籍 是填护照号吗?