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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

The total potential savings from planting a tree near each of 259,500 single-unit houses in Rhode Island amount for $3,892,557 – $7,785,115.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Trees are urban assets that grow in value over time and produce a wide range of economic benefits. Direct economic benefits received by each homeowner are usually associated with heating and cooling energy savings, and increased property value. Trees generate benefits for commercial sector, and retail business in particular. In addition, urban forestry has other significant indirect economic benefits associated with reduction in airborne emissions from mobile sources, and energy generating facilities due to lower peak energy demand. Other benefits include soil erosion control and lower storm water treatment costs.
Heating and cooling energy savings

Trees are "low tech" solution to energy conservation. Potential savings in residential building are higher than in commercial or institutional buildings. Large shade tree reduces air temperatures by about 5 to 10 degrees F and, when properly placed, can reduce summer cooling costs. Evergreens with dense, persistent leaves can be used to provide a windbreak, while deciduous tree allows the sun to warm a house in the winter.

Previous studies used building energy simulation programs that calculate the annual hourly heating and cooling energy use of a building based on the building characteristics, its operational schedules, and weather data.

We use the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project as a case study to estimate potential residential cooling and heating energy savings in Rhode Island, given the similar level of mean air temperature (49.1 F in Chicago and 50.4 F in Providence) and the same annual wind speed of 10.4 miles per hour. Other factors affecting the amount and type of energy savings associated with trees are neglected.

A single 25-foot tree planted near the house to maximize wind breaking and shading effects, reduces annual heating and cooling costs by 2 to 4 percent, or $15 to $30. The total potential savings from planting a tree near each of 259,500 single-unit houses in Rhode Island amount for $3,892,557 – $7,785,115.

Street trees and other scattered trees in neighborhood can reduce wind speed by as much as 50% (Heisler, 1990). Lower wind speed minimizes the infiltration of outside air, which is beneficial during heating and cooling seasons. Computer simulations and building energy measurements indicate the windbreaks potential to reduce heating costs by 10-30%. This impact alone can lower home heating bills of an average household in Rhode Island by $70-210. Although trees planted along streets and in the parks do not offer direct shade to air-conditioned buildings in summer time, they exert an ambient cooling effect sufficient to have a substantial impact on smog reduction.

Increased property value

Properly placed and maintained trees increase the value of real estate in urban areas of Rhode Island and proceeds from property tax. Developers can maximize profits by retaining existing trees or replanting an urban forest after construction is completed.

According to previous studies in different parts of the USA, realtors assign 10-23% of value of a residence to the trees on property, while the buyers are willing to pay 3-7% more for residential properties with ample trees. Generally, current or potential residents of low price homes do not discern between the hardwoods and softwoods, as well as the location of trees on the lot. Tree size tends to affect the judgement of price for expensive homes. Small and medium-sized trees enhance the public's perception of real estate value. We assume that the presence of trees increases the sales price of a single-family house by 3-5% (Anderson and Cordell, 1988). Under this assumption, property price increase is equivalent to $4-6.65K per $ 133 K, the median value of owner-occupied housing units in Rhode Island (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000).

Trees also influence rental prices as they enhance landscape aesthetic and produce building shade: rental rates can increase by 7%. At the same time, plants as visual screens reduce rates by 7.5%. Therefore, proper location of trees is essential for enhancing the property value.

Benefits in retail environment

Urban trees enhance the economic stability by attracting business and tourists. Apartments and offices in treed areas have higher occupancy rates. Treed shopping districts are associated with higher quality, amenity and comfort. Contingent valuation surveys reveal the willingness to pay for products in the landscaped district to be 11% higher as compared to the no-tree district. The respondents assign higher prices for both convenience and specialty goods, which allows to perceive the trees as a significant "amenity margin". Consumers give 30% higher ratings to the quality of goods, and 80% higher amenity and comfort ratings for a tree lined sidewalk in the shopping area. The automobiles parked in the shade of the tree have the interior temperature 20 to 30 degrees F cooler than an automobile in the sun. This increases willingness to pay for parking, as well as the duration and frequency of visits, travel time and travel distance. Therefore, despite planting and maintenance costs, the trees provide indirect benefits to business.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 种树可以节省 25% 的冷暖费用 Recent estimates show that strategically planted trees can lower annual heating and cooling costs by as much as 25 percent.
    • 我是想春天在后院种颗树。知道种什么树好吗?什么树长得快?一棵小树大概多少钱?
      • 要根据你后院的朝向, 大小, 土壤, 和个人喜好决定.
        • 小十几元 - 大上万元
          • 我后院在西边,倒不太大。土壤就不知道了。有什么建议没? 10多块不会就是根树枝吧?
            • 我们 www.nanps.org 正帮助多伦多有一个公益组织 Conservation Toronto and Region 扩展一个绿化后院的活动, $30 可以得到 25 株多年生本土花卉, 1 棵 树, 2 棵 灌木, 其中包括园艺设计, 如果有兴趣 请查
              你住址靠湖近吗? 靠湖近的树种和远的不一样, 且生长快.


              西北面: 我主张种北美东岸白松树 (EASTERN White PINE 和 北美白杉树 white spruse , 它们生长迅速.
              • 有电话吗?
                • 次计划在4月份开始, 我把消息先泄露给中国社区, 希望大家早做准备, 捷足先登.
                  电话: 416-661-6600
                  Conservation Toronto and Region

                  Last year Program:
                  Markham Green Neighbourhoods Program
                  • 有义务植树的活动通知一下,去年好像在动物园附近有过,没赶上~~
                    • 义工 call 416-444-8419 ext 222 Email: vfn@ontarionature.org, www.ontarionature.org,
                      我们 www.nanps.org 也需义工.

                      North American Native Plant Society (NANPS)
                      Annual WILDFLOWER Sale
                      Saturday May 8, 2003. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                      TORONTO BOTANICAL GARDENS
                      777 Lawrence Avenue East (at Leslie)
            • 如果是西南面, 用加拿大红枫树, 银枫树等, 以便冬暖夏凉, 根据土壤来定
      • 种树, 挖坑, 修地基前, 必须打的电话: 1800-400-2255, 他们会免费来划线, 告诉你哪里不能挖. 可别根俺蚯蚓学.
        • Thanks a lot!
        • 真是专家阿,多谢指教。
        • 对了,我们家后院外面是野地,据说10年不会开发,又朝西。景色是很美,阳光也很充足,但担心夏天太晒了,所以急切的想种棵枝叶比较茂盛的树。哪种树长得快阿?
          • 1. Tulip-Tree 北美马褂木 花和叶都奇特
            • 2. American Sycamore 北美悬铃木 树皮和果实 不一般.
              • 3. Silver Maple 北美银枫, 大多地区无处不见
                • Red Maple 加拿大的注册商标, 红枫. 不耐干旱.
            • 我的首选, 世界上只有两种, 和中国马褂木是亲兄弟.
          • 只要土壤适合以上树种, 在大多伦多南部, 生长都很迅速.
            • 你选哪个呢?
              • 3. Silver Maple 北美银枫。我喜欢。小树大概要多少钱阿?我们家附近倒有一些TREE FARM。
                • 俺有一棵, 一米高, 不闲小, 免费.
                  • 你住哪儿?
                    • 密市. 还有爬山虎 Virginia creeper 生长更快. 春天翠绿, 夏天遮阳, 秋天彩叶, 冬天鸟鸣.
                      • 我在NEW MARKET:(,太远了。我还是自己买棵大点的吧。蚯蚓,多谢你了。
                        • 如果想减轻割草的负担, 俺可以帮你出出主意. 象 (#1603037) 一样.
    • 80% expense is on heating. How is it possible for a tree to "heat" your house? BS.
      • Very good question! I, earthworm, have studied my lifetime to find out. See yourself ----->
        • The total potential savings from planting a tree near each of 259,500 single-unit houses in Rhode Island amount for $3,892,557 – $7,785,115.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Trees are urban assets that grow in value over time and produce a wide range of economic benefits. Direct economic benefits received by each homeowner are usually associated with heating and cooling energy savings, and increased property value. Trees generate benefits for commercial sector, and retail business in particular. In addition, urban forestry has other significant indirect economic benefits associated with reduction in airborne emissions from mobile sources, and energy generating facilities due to lower peak energy demand. Other benefits include soil erosion control and lower storm water treatment costs.
          Heating and cooling energy savings

          Trees are "low tech" solution to energy conservation. Potential savings in residential building are higher than in commercial or institutional buildings. Large shade tree reduces air temperatures by about 5 to 10 degrees F and, when properly placed, can reduce summer cooling costs. Evergreens with dense, persistent leaves can be used to provide a windbreak, while deciduous tree allows the sun to warm a house in the winter.

          Previous studies used building energy simulation programs that calculate the annual hourly heating and cooling energy use of a building based on the building characteristics, its operational schedules, and weather data.

          We use the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project as a case study to estimate potential residential cooling and heating energy savings in Rhode Island, given the similar level of mean air temperature (49.1 F in Chicago and 50.4 F in Providence) and the same annual wind speed of 10.4 miles per hour. Other factors affecting the amount and type of energy savings associated with trees are neglected.

          A single 25-foot tree planted near the house to maximize wind breaking and shading effects, reduces annual heating and cooling costs by 2 to 4 percent, or $15 to $30. The total potential savings from planting a tree near each of 259,500 single-unit houses in Rhode Island amount for $3,892,557 – $7,785,115.

          Street trees and other scattered trees in neighborhood can reduce wind speed by as much as 50% (Heisler, 1990). Lower wind speed minimizes the infiltration of outside air, which is beneficial during heating and cooling seasons. Computer simulations and building energy measurements indicate the windbreaks potential to reduce heating costs by 10-30%. This impact alone can lower home heating bills of an average household in Rhode Island by $70-210. Although trees planted along streets and in the parks do not offer direct shade to air-conditioned buildings in summer time, they exert an ambient cooling effect sufficient to have a substantial impact on smog reduction.

          Increased property value

          Properly placed and maintained trees increase the value of real estate in urban areas of Rhode Island and proceeds from property tax. Developers can maximize profits by retaining existing trees or replanting an urban forest after construction is completed.

          According to previous studies in different parts of the USA, realtors assign 10-23% of value of a residence to the trees on property, while the buyers are willing to pay 3-7% more for residential properties with ample trees. Generally, current or potential residents of low price homes do not discern between the hardwoods and softwoods, as well as the location of trees on the lot. Tree size tends to affect the judgement of price for expensive homes. Small and medium-sized trees enhance the public's perception of real estate value. We assume that the presence of trees increases the sales price of a single-family house by 3-5% (Anderson and Cordell, 1988). Under this assumption, property price increase is equivalent to $4-6.65K per $ 133 K, the median value of owner-occupied housing units in Rhode Island (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000).

          Trees also influence rental prices as they enhance landscape aesthetic and produce building shade: rental rates can increase by 7%. At the same time, plants as visual screens reduce rates by 7.5%. Therefore, proper location of trees is essential for enhancing the property value.

          Benefits in retail environment

          Urban trees enhance the economic stability by attracting business and tourists. Apartments and offices in treed areas have higher occupancy rates. Treed shopping districts are associated with higher quality, amenity and comfort. Contingent valuation surveys reveal the willingness to pay for products in the landscaped district to be 11% higher as compared to the no-tree district. The respondents assign higher prices for both convenience and specialty goods, which allows to perceive the trees as a significant "amenity margin". Consumers give 30% higher ratings to the quality of goods, and 80% higher amenity and comfort ratings for a tree lined sidewalk in the shopping area. The automobiles parked in the shade of the tree have the interior temperature 20 to 30 degrees F cooler than an automobile in the sun. This increases willingness to pay for parking, as well as the duration and frequency of visits, travel time and travel distance. Therefore, despite planting and maintenance costs, the trees provide indirect benefits to business.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • realtors assign 10-23% of value of a residence to the trees on property
            According to previous studies in different parts of the USA, realtors assign 10-23% of value of a residence to the trees on property, while the buyers are willing to pay 3-7% more for residential properties with ample trees.
            • honey, your case will work at south of china e.g. GuanZhou but not the city e.g. Montreal, Toronto.
              • They, human, said "We use the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project as a case study to estimate potential residential cooling and heating energy savings"
              • ~~~~Plant leafy (deciduous) trees on the sunny side of your house ... Pine or fir trees on the north side provide an energy ... ~~~~ from Ontario Gov.
                • 404 - Page Not Found - 404
                  • http://www.energy.gov.on.ca/index.cfm?fuseaction=conservation.tips try again
                    • nice dream.
              • honey, it should be GuangZhou, not GuanZhou.
                • gayish!
                  • 是俺, 犯错误后的经验.
    • 如果靠近房子的树长得太大也不是好事情,树根有破坏地基的可能性。我就见过一栋房子,墙根都歪了。
      • 有理! 一定要事先选好树种, 不然种出麻烦. 靠墙近选象银杏这样寿命长, 直根性树种.
        • 正好向专家请教:以前念书的时候读过下流文人郭沫若的散文,说是银杏是中国的特产,那北美的莫非是引种?还是老郭压根儿就是在胡诹?
          • 他是对的, 在北美的化石里发现不少.
        • 银杏英文怎么说?
          • gingko
            • thanks!
          • Ginkgo biloba, Ginkgo, Maidenhairtree
            • 啊,你们的回答不一样!
              • 以蚯蚓为准。
              • 多名 和中文名字一样, 白果, 银杏, 公孙树, 桐子果~~~~~~ 都是 Ginkgo biloba
                • 请教蚯蚓: 北面的院子几乎不见阳光, 种什么果树好呢? 谢谢!
                  • 你种果树是观赏呢? 还是食用哪?
                    • 美观最重要,当然最好也能吃
                      • Common Pawpaw 又叫 False banana, 北美假香蕉树, 三米时进入盛果期, 最高达八米, 湿润沙壤土生长良好, 在黏土中生长不良. 成活后不用打理, 两颗以上种在一起, 结果量大
                        • 到时候, 别都吃完, 忘了给俺留点儿, 俺在土里等呢.
    • 我砍了一棵苹果树,是否应该种棵别的?
      • 根据自己的感觉, 苹果得化功夫打理, 不然容易感染病虫害, 俺蚯蚓也喜欢落地的苹果
      • 忘记你院子问朝向, 和大小?
    • 各位知己, 现在开始就要防止"雪上加盐" 使土壤盐硷化, 为将来种树绿化带来麻烦.
      不过靠大街草坪上的盐, 防不胜防. 只有象保养车一样, 雪化后立即用水冲洗. 不然, 草坪被烧死, 补救都难.
    • 具体花柳, 请去, “花鸟虫鱼” 园中寻问, 俺作东.