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2024 is shaping up to be the year of the interest rate cut — on Canadian soil, at least. This is according to a report that came out last week from RBC Economist Claire Fan, which lays out five predictions for when the Bank of Canada, the US federal reserve, the Bank of England, the European Central...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 朋友在滑大大统华旁边的镇屋想卖。是现在马上挂牌好,还是等到6/7月份?
    • 当然现在,不解释。 +5
      • 我也觉得是现在好。朋友说她找一个中介聊了一下,居然推荐等6-7月份挂牌。我觉得很奇怪,所以上来问问看。有没有什么特别的原因
    • 当然是67月份 +1
      • 7、8月份是淡季 +1
        • 910月份更好 +1
          • 是的,如果不是很急,可以多等几个月。
            • 滑铁卢可以等在开学前卖,属于热销产品
      • 为什么?
        • 等学生敲定去哪个学校了,就有一大批潜在买家冒出来了。 +1
        • 降息呀 +1
          • 降息预期是利好.开始降息就是利好出尽.
            • 你这是玩股票的,都是一场游戏一场梦的,买房子的,一般是不见兔子不撒鹰的
    • 现在立马卖了省不少钱
    • 每年的卖房高峰都是春季4,5月。 +1
      • 现在不一定了,都懂这规律,近年一月和7,8月抢得更凶。我的意见能等就等能拖就拖,一直到大幅降息。
        • 能等降息的,会继续等下次降息。不要把他们考虑在内。
    • 今年比较特殊。许多人包括”砖家”预测6/7月降息
      2024 is shaping up to be the year of the interest rate cut — on Canadian soil, at least. This is according to a report that came out last week from RBC Economist Claire Fan, which lays out five predictions for when the Bank of Canada, the US federal reserve, the Bank of England, the European Central...