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美国什么时候开始有地铁的?1897. 中国什么时候开始有地铁的?1969年。

On September 1, 1897, the first underground subway in the United States opened in Boston, MA. Known as the "Tremont Street Line," the half-mile long route initially connected three underground stations to the city's existing above-ground street railway system. On opening day, more than 100,000 people paid 5 cents to take the 3- to 4-minute journey underneath Boston's streets. Today, subways in the United States and Puerto Rico carry an estimated 2.8 million workers aged 16 and over to work every day.

The first subway in China was built in Beijing in 1969 (but it was only handed to civilian control in 1981 and trial operations ended later in the same year; before which credentials were required). The Tianjin Metro followed in 1984


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 路透社引述资讯技术与创新基金会(ITIF)报告指出: 美国高技术核电力发展「落后中国15年」 +1
    • 老家搞核电的,他说中国比美国落后三十年。 +1
      • 老家英语不好
        • 是的,英语不好,没有学好倒装句
      • 我没有说中国核电落后啊。我现在应该说,美国核电落后中国100年。
    • 核平台湾分分钟
      • 然后呢?想想珍珠港事件 +1
      • 中国不会对自己领土台湾动用核武器的, 对其他国家视情况而定 +2
    • 这个有点扯。上世纪的96年我初到美国某大学校园的知道的第一件被震撼到的事,就是发现这个二三流大学居然专门有一个核电厂以绝对保证校园和学校小机场用电 +1
    • 纽约的地铁脏乱差落后中国不止15年。。。但有些人绝对不能批评他们的玻璃小心脏。
      • 你孩子的身体状况领先你至少20年,不知道这有什么可吹的。等中国的地铁运营80年之后再比吧。 +7
        • 同学,我说的是纽约,多伦多的就很好,一样的年代。零元购天天出没不要装着没看见。
          • 多伦多也差好远。其实我看到这个话题也马上想到了地铁。 +2
            • 下面说美国人自黑,不容易做到。LOL。
              • 美国人不是自黑,而是不在意被揭短。 +1
                • 我还没揭呢,就受不了了。
                  • 你想象力太丰富了。 +1
      • 美国什么时候开始有地铁的?1897. 中国什么时候开始有地铁的?1969年。 +2

        On September 1, 1897, the first underground subway in the United States opened in Boston, MA. Known as the "Tremont Street Line," the half-mile long route initially connected three underground stations to the city's existing above-ground street railway system. On opening day, more than 100,000 people paid 5 cents to take the 3- to 4-minute journey underneath Boston's streets. Today, subways in the United States and Puerto Rico carry an estimated 2.8 million workers aged 16 and over to work every day.

        The first subway in China was built in Beijing in 1969 (but it was only handed to civilian control in 1981 and trial operations ended later in the same year; before which credentials were required). The Tianjin Metro followed in 1984

        • 看上面。
    • 不奇怪,美国人善于自黑,墙内人善于吹牛。基本上就是泰森和马保国三天三夜大战300回合 +6
    • 厉害国先把核动力航母搞出来吧 +1
      • 中国人热爱和平, 开发核项目多是民用为主 +2
        • 风过,一把年纪了吧,还说这种片儿汤话。 +6
      • 航母核动力不过是听上去很美。跟班的驱护舰,补给舰都不是核动力,只剩下一条航母裸奔行吗? +2
        • 无知无畏 +1