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Beach Cruisers

Coast the coastline with our breezy beach cruisers. Classic and comfortable, these bikes will keep you turning heads all day. Free shipping on orders of $35+
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 9 种不同类型的自行车 +2
    • 缺了1种
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    • 好像缺了 beach cruiser 沙滩巡航自行车. 很多人似乎对这种自行车不屑一顾。但我觉得这种自行车才是骑得最舒服的,而且速度其实一点也不慢(如果骑手真地想认认真真骑的话)。 如果换上更大的齿轮 (chainring),还可以骑得更快,追上什么山地车公路车,分分钟钟的事。
      • 孤陋寡闻了,头一次听到有这类自行车。我上网查了一下,这跟普通的车有什么区别吗?
        Coast the coastline with our breezy beach cruisers. Classic and comfortable, these bikes will keep you turning heads all day. Free shipping on orders of $35+
        • Beach Cruisers
          Coast the coastline with our breezy beach cruisers. Classic and comfortable, these bikes will keep you turning heads all day. Free shipping on orders of $35+
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