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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

my $0.02

西安大略录取了读社会学-- it's wasting of time, the only major is possible to take is Economics. But the advantages of studying at UWO is you get to meet many local canadians from GTA, if you are good at networking, you might able to get a job through your freinds, otherwise, really, you can't find any jobs wiht that unless you are on top 3.

UNBC--University of Newbrunswick??

SFU-- its ranking is not bad at all for undergrad study, but the thing is that local unemployement is pretty high, hard to get a job. Especially you are thinking going into Psych, u need to get a licence.

Overall, don't take MBA as 77 said, it's going to make your life harder, coz without any good working expereince, it doesn't worht a thing. AS for PR, if you don't have a working expereince, it's noway you gonna get PR.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请帮我出出主意,做个决定。
    我现在有这四个选择,但不知道选哪个好. 由于我现在还在国内,不熟悉加拿大的环境。所以我想问问熟悉加拿大的朋友们,MBA毕业早点拿到绿卡,是不是比在西安大略或萨省大学之类的名校本科毕业重要?换句话说,是不是早点拿到加籍身份比学历更重要一些。
    • 去西安大略读大三. 或者在国内知名外企工作3年再念MBA. 毫无工作经验的MBA, 毕业即失业
      • Well, it really depends. I have seen several smart guys who got job offers before graduating from their MBA study. Not everything is like black and white.
    • my $0.02
      西安大略录取了读社会学-- it's wasting of time, the only major is possible to take is Economics. But the advantages of studying at UWO is you get to meet many local canadians from GTA, if you are good at networking, you might able to get a job through your freinds, otherwise, really, you can't find any jobs wiht that unless you are on top 3.

      UNBC--University of Newbrunswick??

      SFU-- its ranking is not bad at all for undergrad study, but the thing is that local unemployement is pretty high, hard to get a job. Especially you are thinking going into Psych, u need to get a licence.

      Overall, don't take MBA as 77 said, it's going to make your life harder, coz without any good working expereince, it doesn't worht a thing. AS for PR, if you don't have a working expereince, it's noway you gonna get PR.
      • reply
        1,我现在还有一个选择,就是去读社会学的同时,选一般的商科课程,如果成绩可以的话可以转到商科.我觉得如果从利益最大化这一方面考虑,读商科是最好的,但我知道转到商科毕竟不容易,要吃很多苦,但我想既然出国,读书吃点苦也是一种历练.所以我想选这个.您觉得呢?还有就是您说的many local canadians from GTA中的GTA,我不太清楚这个GTA是什么意思?请您指教.
        2.UNBC不是University of Newbrunswick,而是北英属不列颠哥伦比亚大学,对于这个选择,我和您的看法一样,不想考虑,我觉得这个学校的定位不太高.
      • Reply to mayzi2005 (梅子绿茶)

        1,我现在还有一个选择,就是去读社会学的同时,选一般的商科课程,如果成绩可以的话可以转到商科.我觉得如果从利益最大化这一方面考虑,读商科是最好的,但我知道转到商科毕竟不容易,要吃很多苦,但我想既然出国,读书吃点苦也是一种历练.所以我想选这个.您觉得呢?还有就是您说的many local canadians from GTA中的GTA,我不太清楚这个GTA是什么意思?请您指教.

        2.UNBC不是University of Newbrunswick,而是北英属不列颠哥伦比亚大学,对于这个选择,我和您的看法一样,不想考虑,我觉得这个学校的定位不太高.

        • GTA= Great Toronto Area ......lol others duno :P
    • MBA for sure: eazy to find a job and save time.never study from grade 3!
    • If an university accepts a fresh graduated student without any working experience for a MBA, you can see how aweful this MBA program is.
      Social Science is a department in UWO. There are a lot of programs you can choose, such as ACS and Economics. 77's sugestion is 100% correct.
    • Take UWO option. It will be a great investment for your life. Do not go to a 2nd tier MBA schools without any real working experience. Good luck.