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your conclusion is INCORRECT, http://osap.gov.on.ca/eng/not_secure/contributions.htm

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛/* ..............................*/

The following formula is used to determine the amount of loan that may be available to you:

Financial Need = Allowable Educational Expenses - Expected Financial Contributions

Your allowable educational expenses may include:

* tuition fees
* compulsory fees
* books and equipment
* an allowance for computer and computer-related costs (new in 2005-2006)
* personal living expenses
* child-care costs

Maximum limits have been set for tuition fees, compulsory fees, books and supplies, equipment costs, and personal living expenses; therefore, the amount of your loan may not completely cover your total educational and living costs.

The expected financial contribution is based on the ministry's calculation of the amount of money that you should have available to pay for your education and living costs. Your marital status, number of dependent children, educational history, and availability for employment are taken into account in this calculation. Resources which are taken into consideration include such things as your pre-study and study period income (including income from government sources, investment income and scholarships, bursaries and awards), assets, and your parents' or spouse's income (if applicable). Expected parental contributions have been reduced for 2005-2006.

After calculating your financial need, the ministry determines the amount of loan you are entitled to receive. It is important to remember that there are maximum amounts of loan available. You cannot receive more loan than the maximum amounts available; therefore, you may not receive funding to cover all of your education-related costs. In addition, your loan may be adjusted based on the application deadlines and penalties.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 关于OSAP申请的几个问题。请大虾指点。我妻子上COLLEGE,FULLTIME, 3年。我没工作,有1个3岁小孩。
    • 1)车子的价值高于5000刀会影响贷款金额,如果是Lease的新车就更麻烦,贷到的希望基本不大 2)申请时,可以申请daycare fee, 最高$40/周

      • 多谢!DAYCARE一周40不够吧。550一周是生活费吧。3年大约是80000, 那最后要还多少?学费书本费怎么办?一头雾水,多谢指点。
      • $4700买的车,过户时政府收了$400税,总计$5100,有影响吗?
        • 不管你花多少钱买的,要按他们的标准估价。
        • 只会考虑market value
          • market value 自己怎么知道呢,特别是二手车。
            • 可以去canadian tire或找Certified technician 做个value评估;或者估计一下,买的时候多少钱,买了几年,再每年减800到1000刀。如果填的不准确,你会收到一封osap的信,要你去做评估。
              • $5000块钱的车是什么样的呀,特意看了看广告,至少也在$10000以上呀。那也是02年开了快10000km了。
                • 02 sunfire, 7万公里,手动
              • osap不会让你去评估,直接给你一封信,就说你的车market value是****,osap会据此调整你的贷款,如果不同意,可以appreal之类的
                • 没有appeal那么复杂,只要去做个评估,然后把评估结果再send给他们就可以了,自己最好再附一份statement说明一下为什么会有出入。
                  • 对啊,你说的这个就叫appreal
              • I want to buy a car under $5000, how do i know that the value of this car is under $5000? The trading price may be diffirent of Market price which OSAP estimate. Please HELP. Thanks
            • 哦,那么买车的时候也就是估计个大概价格,当时候OSAP说了算。---事情有沦落到“case by case”的地步了。 不知道当受到他们的报价比自己的买入价还低时是个什么心情:)
          • 车的价值太难估计了,不想冒险。可以申请完贷款再买车。请问9月份入学,什么时候可以开始申请贷款,什么时候可以确认贷款批准呢?多谢!!!
            • 如果车是你的名字, 我想你妻子能得到OSAP. 她可以有大约$2000 给孩子, 可能还有$3000 奖学金. 这些是不用还的. 她还可以申请学校的奖学金, 也不用还. 其他是贷款, 需要还.
              • 一样的,不论是under husband还是wife的名字,车子都作为家庭财产。
                • 同意,
              • the amount you mentioned is for one term, one year or total? THANKS
            • 早买,晚买一样,osap的钱每年都要核对,多退少不补,over reward的部分第一次不用还,第二次就要退了。
              • 请问osap包括哪几个部分,
                刚来toronto不久,还不太清楚有关osap的一些东西, 是否所贷的money毕业后要全部归还,还是只用还部分. 谢拉!
                • 随便找个大学的网站到financial office的页面去,一般都有很详细的介绍。
                  • We just a couple with 3 years kid. Do I need fill up other applicaton form more than the OSAP application form. Is one form cover all? or diffirent loan using diffirent form?
                    • 说那么多,楼主还不如去申请,不就什么就知道了,现在大家都是如果,那么,如果,这么的提问,回答,没实际意义。建议楼主去osap申请,然后具体的问题在说,不是更好。这样别人的回答,也更有针对性。
                      Funding Summary

                      Loans Ontario
                      Grants Canada
                      Study Grant Canada
                      Access Grants Scholarships and Bursaries
                      Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan Millennium/Ontario Access Grant Ontario Access Grant Students with Dependents Students with Permanent Disabilities Students from
                      Families Queen Elizabeth II
                      Aiming for the Top Scholarship Millennium Bursary

                      osap 包括这些。
                      • 说得对。申请OSAP贷款,需要你release很多personal financial info,其实是不适合在网上问的。而且具体情况要具体分析。最好能找一下你学校的Financial Aid帮你做个评估。
                        在你做完ON-LINE申请后,你可以看到Estimate可以拿到总共多少的贷款。在他们做完credit check后,如果你没有brankruptcy, bad credits和经济情况的隐瞒,最后拿到的和estimate的差不了太多。
            • 给你个例子, 妻子上学前3个月EI ($800/MONTH), 丈夫($1600/MONTH), 一车丈夫名下(OSAP评估$6000. 妻子两年PROGRAM, 一年内3个TERM 学完. 在读书一年内, OSAP 的不还部分$5000, 学校奖学金$1000. (不知道将来是否还需要尝还. )
              • 补充: 还有一个上小学的孩子.
      • your conclusion is INCORRECT, http://osap.gov.on.ca/eng/not_secure/contributions.htm
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛/* ..............................*/

        The following formula is used to determine the amount of loan that may be available to you:

        Financial Need = Allowable Educational Expenses - Expected Financial Contributions

        Your allowable educational expenses may include:

        * tuition fees
        * compulsory fees
        * books and equipment
        * an allowance for computer and computer-related costs (new in 2005-2006)
        * personal living expenses
        * child-care costs

        Maximum limits have been set for tuition fees, compulsory fees, books and supplies, equipment costs, and personal living expenses; therefore, the amount of your loan may not completely cover your total educational and living costs.

        The expected financial contribution is based on the ministry's calculation of the amount of money that you should have available to pay for your education and living costs. Your marital status, number of dependent children, educational history, and availability for employment are taken into account in this calculation. Resources which are taken into consideration include such things as your pre-study and study period income (including income from government sources, investment income and scholarships, bursaries and awards), assets, and your parents' or spouse's income (if applicable). Expected parental contributions have been reduced for 2005-2006.

        After calculating your financial need, the ministry determines the amount of loan you are entitled to receive. It is important to remember that there are maximum amounts of loan available. You cannot receive more loan than the maximum amounts available; therefore, you may not receive funding to cover all of your education-related costs. In addition, your loan may be adjusted based on the application deadlines and penalties.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net