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please show me in which step you should fill a special form so that you may get the Millennium bursary.

what you described here is just the regular procedure when applying OSAP, as a rule,what you need is just following the instruction on the OSAP website unless specified.

please don't pretend to be an expert.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 在申请OSAP的时候,在最后一步它问是否要申请Millennium Bursary,我该怎么回答?请各位高手给指点.谢谢!!!
    • 那是你以前上学历史,如果你已经完成了你的课程或者完成了60%以上,系统就自动认为你需要Millennium Bursary。
      • 那我就回答需要这个Millennium Bursary了,然后把相关的内容都填完才能发送给OSAP,是这样吗?
        • 有一个deadline申请Millennium Bursary,你把osap申请交了,不影响
          • 请问截止日期能查到吗?
            • 可以
      • 请问Millennium Bursary有多少钱?
        • 3000/年
    • say yes.
      • 请问:什么时候能知道有没有这个千禧金呢?是和OSAP一起在Status Section显示出来吗?
        • 具体时间记不住。应该是学院通知你去取。不过没有什么好担心的。我的感觉是,在加拿大,许多东西都是等来的。
        • 你可以在osap的网站查你的贷款相关信息,如果显示你的贷款已经批了,那么你看到有千禧就是有,没看到就是没有。
        • 在你的贷款PROCESS完时会一起显示在网上, 单独的一栏. 然后是每年的1月几号去领.
        • 谢谢大家了!我在网上看到贷款的金额了,可是没看到千禧金,看来是没有了~
          • you won't be able to see it now, wait till you get approved.
            • 真的吗?看来还是有希望的。谢谢小飞鱼啦!
              • 不客气,但是你要注意deadline。deadline之前最好在学校的帮助下填好并提交Millennium Bursary表格。
                • 请问想飞的鱼,millennium bursary不是跟osap一起申请的吗?难道还要填另外的申请表?多谢!
                  • 我自己的印象是一起申请一起批准的. 不知道是不是有人碰到过其它的情况. 在OSAP APPLICATION时有一项好象是想不想被考虑这个BURSARY, 选YES就好了.
                    • You are right, but even though you choose yes. it does not mean it will be automatically offered to you. You should fill in a special form to apply that, which will be in the package of loan certificate
                      the school financial aid office receives after your classes start.
                      • 你说的要么是以前的经验要么是你自己瞎想的,填了那个yes只是问你要不要申请,当然不等于你能拿到;至于单独的表格,以俺的经验,没有!
                        • based on your experiences? are you working in this field? if not, please at least respect others' opinions, instead of rejecting everything you THINK is "Not right"
                          It is true that this Bursary is hard to get, but it does not mean nobody can get it. In you OSAP application on-line, you can select yes, but you never know if you have opportunity to get it until your application get approved. coz the bursary will be listed on website or even in the approve letter mailed to you, stating that how much bursary you will get (usually $3000 per academic year). At this time, you are selected as a potential bursary recipient. Your enrollment must be confirmed to OSAP in order to maintain your eligibility for this bursary. This confirmation is done through the Confirmation of Enrolment form which you have to do it with the fiancial aid officer in school. Both You and your school have to fill in this form.

                          That's all I know based on my experience and knowledgement.
                          • 我的经验是我拿过2年的千禧,在线申请的时候选yes,然后就等着osap审批,没有去填什么特别的表格!!!请您也尊重他人,我说的是我的切实经验。


                            please show me in which step you should fill a special form so that you may get the Millennium bursary.

                            what you described here is just the regular procedure when applying OSAP, as a rule,what you need is just following the instruction on the OSAP website unless specified.

                            please don't pretend to be an expert.
                            • 我不是专家,也不会硬充专家。大家意见不同,没有必要吵架。我只是把我知道的见到的说出来,在我学校会要求填写相关一份表格...如果你有经验,那尊重你的说法。到此为止,不想再争论。
                        • 说别人我没意见,你说飞鱼不懂,那肯定是开玩笑呢:)
                      • 谢谢二位的多次回复!我看明白你们说的了,其实你们的意见是一致的,只是不同的说法吧。
                • 我的贷款显示上千禧金这一栏也是空的,怎么申请啊,有点着急。
                  • 据我一个同学说这个BURSARY是随机抽取的. 她在多大读书时, 四年只拿了一次, 另外一个越南同学也是, 我们一起进校, 她第一年时就没有这个BURSARY. 但绝大部分我认识的人都拿到了的.
                    • i had it for 4years.
                    • I had it every year too.
                  • 我的也没有,看来是没指望了!
                    • 千僖奖据说是贷款额超过一万的就可以批下来,因为怕贷款给多了,负担太重。一直没有官方证实,不过有一点,我认识的所有超过一万贷款的人(包含这3000了)都拿到千僖。
                      • 如果你说的一万是指两个学期的贷款额,我就没戏了。如果是累计就好了。
                      • 我没一次吵过10000,都拿到了。
                        • 我是指连上这3000一共超过10000,就是说如果没有千僖的话,需要贷10000,所以给你个千僖,把贷款额下降3000
                          • 完了,我的贷款只有6千多,看来拿千禧金是妄想了!