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I found it in URL. The description is as follows:

$204,500 Located in C03.

This two storey, detached home has 3 bedroom(s), 1 bath(s). Rooms include a family room, dining room, 1 kitchen(s), unfinished basement. Other features include fireplace, hardwood floors. This home has a garage. Property located near: ATLAS/ST.CLAIR. Perly's Map: 6 AB 56.
Property #: MJ4383

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 正考虑买房。在网上看上一处房子,我是应该直接跟那个房子的经纪人联系,还是先自己找个AGENT跟他联系?
    • I think you'd better get an agent representing yourself. By the way, which www did you visit? Maybe I could get more info for you regarding that property. PS: I am not an agent.
      • I found it in URL. The description is as follows:
        $204,500 Located in C03.

        This two storey, detached home has 3 bedroom(s), 1 bath(s). Rooms include a family room, dining room, 1 kitchen(s), unfinished basement. Other features include fireplace, hardwood floors. This home has a garage. Property located near: ATLAS/ST.CLAIR. Perly's Map: 6 AB 56.
        Property #: MJ4383
        • Sorry to disappoint you, here is my finding: This property is conditonally sold and the expiry date of condition is Feb 28.
          The vendor of this property is Toronto Catholic District School Board and it has been on the market for 92 days.
          • Thank you very much. I will ask you more.
            • 嘿嘿,老兄,这个房子已经卖掉了,虽然是有条件的,但一般不是问题。而且,从房主来看,恐怕房况不会太好。
        • More to the previous info: This property was first put on the listing on Oct 19, 2001, and the listing price was $215, 900. It was conditionally sold on Nov 26, 2001.
    • 在哪?你去看过了吗?我找我的经纪先帮你摸摸底:比如:什么时候上的盘,最初的叫价是多少? 是第几个owner?。。一般新盘的砍价幅度不大,好的房子还会出现几个买主争先抬价。
    • 若真心买,当然自己找个经纪人,有专业服务才好仔细挑。不能急。。。
    • You'd better get an agent representing yourself. Reasons 1) To bring all relevant properties to your attention;
      • 2 ) To disclose anything to you that may effect your desire to purchase or your ability to negotiate fairly;
      • 3) To represent you and your interests right up to the day of closing.
      • P.S. I am an agent and will be more than happy to lend my hands.
    • NO Additional Cost hiring a real estate agent in home purchase...
      Until January 1, 1995 real estate agents usually represented the seller. It never really made sense for the agent to always disclose in the purchase offer that they worked for the seller. Today, buyers can hire a real estate agent to represent them in their home purchase - at no additional costs!
      • 形式上自己的代理会比较好,至少会有规矩,专业的服务很多时候也是必要的;不过羊毛出在羊身上是永远的真理,
        • 买房(旧房)需要一个经纪,通常买卖双方各有自己的经纪,也有同一经纪的。一般卖家出经纪的费用,买家不出,但有律师费、验房费等等。经纪可以帮你查找。。。
          • 你蛮内行
            • 过奖。只是有几个作房产经纪的朋友,又有几个刚买房或要买房的朋友,闲时聊天听进去了几句。幸亏内行现在没有在线,由着我瞎卖弄几句,见笑了 :)