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Where should I go? U of T's MMF or U of Waterloo's Master of Stats-Finance? I got offers from U of T's MMF last week and Waterloo's Master of Stats-Finance program this morning. Here comes a question: which one should I choose?


I got offers from U of T's MMF last week and Waterloo's Master of Stats-Finance program this morning.
Here comes a question: which one should I choose? The deadline to confirm for MMF is March 22.

MMF has a better location and takes shorter time(12 months), but more expensive(36000-17000+living expenses).
Waterloo's program takes longer time(16 months) and it is probably harder/more technical (I ask a past graduate from that program, he is a Math PhD and still found it was quite challenging). However, it has funding support.
Both provide internship opportunities.

Please give me some advices. Many thanks!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / Where should I go? U of T's MMF or U of Waterloo's Master of Stats-Finance? I got offers from U of T's MMF last week and Waterloo's Master of Stats-Finance program this morning. Here comes a question: which one should I choose?

    I got offers from U of T's MMF last week and Waterloo's Master of Stats-Finance program this morning.
    Here comes a question: which one should I choose? The deadline to confirm for MMF is March 22.

    MMF has a better location and takes shorter time(12 months), but more expensive(36000-17000+living expenses).
    Waterloo's program takes longer time(16 months) and it is probably harder/more technical (I ask a past graduate from that program, he is a Math PhD and still found it was quite challenging). However, it has funding support.
    Both provide internship opportunities.

    Please give me some advices. Many thanks!
    • 坐稳沙发看砖头。
    • Congrats. If you don't like Ph.D. level stochastic analysis, probability theory, and real analysis, then UoT's MMF is a better choice. Just my 2 cents.
      • Thank you student1. The only drawback for UW for me is that it's too hard. I feel like I might struggle a lot in that program.
    • 实在没看出来这种贴子怎么会惹砖头 -- 不过也难说, 感觉这坛子最近有些别别扭扭. 我个人觉得一般做fianance的用不着technical的统计. UW的数学/统计横向发展得很大, 但并不是每个方向都成功, 它最成功的仍是纯萃的CS.
      • My major concern is that I'm afraid i can't finish that program. The courses provided by UW are all very theoretical. and I don't have any previous exposure to real analysis and stochastic analysis.(i am in Actuarial Science)
    • I am sure I will not go further after this degree--PhD is not in my consideration. In terms of JOB PLACEMENT, which program's graduate have better chance to get a satisfactory position for internship and permanent position? Thanks a lot!
    • My thought..
      We have the exact back ground and exact choices.
      I was graduated from UW's Act Sci undergrad last yr and got offers from both UW's Stat/Fin and UT's MMF.
      I chose MMF afterwards.
      In my point of view, if you don't wanna go further to be a PHD or to be a quant, MMF is better for job placement and employment rate. Otherwise, UW is your only choice coz they will provide u essential knowledges for a stats phd or Act Sci phd.
      All in all, MMF and Stat/Fins are both challenging, especially for the ppl without graduate degree.
      Good Luck!
      • Thank you XW, my under's major is Act.Sci. too~
        I am an international student and have ZERO working experience, so I am little bit afraid that I could find a satisfactory internship or job placement.
        According to your knowledge, how was the placement for MMF's international graduates?
        Thank you very much!
        • OK...
          Well, I have already said we have the same background.
          I came to UT's MMF with no prior working exps and I am an international student as well.
          I got my internship placement in Nov. Everyone in the class got an internship b4 Christmas.
          You can PM me for details.
          Wish u good luck!
          • How can I PM you? Please advise. Thanks!
    • 我申请了 Uof T 的MFE(master of financial econimics) 请问各位有没有收到offer的啊?? 急死我了,,有人收到offer 的吗?? 给个消息,让我死心也好啊?? 接到waterloo offer 了,钱比较让我满意,所以我也很郁闷的说~~!! 谢谢啦。。
    • if I were you, I would rather take U of T instead of UW. 总觉得太数学的东西出来以后不是特别实际。。 不过你很厉害的说,,居然两个这么好的offer 都让你拿到了~~! good for you
      • LZ , 请问一下,方便不方便透露一下,uw 给你多少钱啊?? 谢谢,
        • 这个专业基本没有奖学金的。U of T MMF学费2006-2007是CDN $35,500,应该是最贵的专业之一。上一年度新毕业生年薪平均6万不算bonus,而且往年就业率是100%,所以就算学费贵大家一样想上,一年就翻本了。到美国去上同类课程的话好学校学费要USD $60K+
          • 不过UW是个例外,UW的这个专业提供了学校奖学金,而且可以申请NSERC,OGS奖学金
            • 当然最后能够拿到手的奖学金最多也就2-3万
          • 因为这个专业还比较新,所以没什么固定的career path,进front,middle,back office的都有,有了敲门砖职业发展就要靠自己了
            • 当然,平衡家庭和事业是很重要的问题,have fun and enjoy your life!
        • I haven't receive the formal offer with detailed financial information yet. But i think it would be similar to what Student1 said. You may refer to his/her post below : )
      • 能拿到 2-3万很不错拉,,你就不用自己出学费和生活费了啊,,如果每个月少用些的话,应该够了啊。。 1000-1500 生活费他们给的了吧?、
        • 据说上UoT的MMF可以拿到十万的line of credit,所以能够上的人不会太考虑学费和生活费的问题
          • 找到工作就胜利了
            • 你去上MMF 了吗?? 那个是什么呢?? 全称是什么啊?? 呵呵, 不了解,请见谅拉 。。
              • 拿到UW的录取,UoT还没消息。UoT的叫(Master of Mathematical Finance)MMF,UW的叫(Master of Finance)MF
                • MF in UW 是不是 statistics and fiannce??
                  • 纠正一下我提供的信息。UW's program统称Collaborative Master's Program In Finance
                    • 被Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science录取,毕业后是Master of Mathematics(Statistics-Finance),被School of Accountancy录取,毕业后是Master of Accounting (Finance)
                    • The program is jointly administered by the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science and the School of Accountancy (SOA), and is co-ordinated by the Centre for Advanced Studies in Finance(CASF) at the University of Waterloo.
                • Congrats to Student1, and thank you for answering my post.
                  I am a bit curious that how would you choose if you were me? Can UW's grads find an intern/job easily after finishing study at Waterloo? I am sure I will not pursue a PhD degree after this (I am a girl : ) hehe)
                  • Do you like Ph.D. level mathematics? If not, choose UoT's MMF.
                    • some standard Ph.D. level math books Folland's real analysis http://www.amazon.com/Real-Analysis-Applications-Mathematics-Wiley-Interscience/dp/0471317160/ref=sr_1_1/002-0909042-5127231?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174343465&sr=8-1
                    • Evans's Partial Differential Equations http://www.amazon.com/Partial-Differential-Equations-Graduate-Mathematics/dp/0821807722/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-0909042-5127231?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174343728&sr=1-1
                    • Karatzas and Shreve's Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus http://www.amazon.com/Brownian-Stochastic-Calculus-Graduate-Mathematics/dp/0387976558/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-0909042-5127231?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174343858&sr=1-1
                    • Durrett's Probability: Theory and Examples http://www.amazon.com/Probability-Theory-Examples-Duxbury-Advanced/dp/0534424414/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-0909042-5127231?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174343976&sr=1-1
        • hehe,, student 1 ,, 可以问问你的背景吗?? 你本身就是读 math , stat, or accounting 吗?? 因为我本身读 economics,,所以UW 的MF 我申请不了,,郁闷啊,。。
          • 是math+stats+economics+cs
    • You should go to U of T as 1. UT's John Hull is the BIG name in financial engineering and UT's Finance is the best in Canada 2. close to Bay street for coop and job opportunities
      • dude, 2 things. 1. John Hull has nothing to do with MMF. He just started a new program in Rotman which competes with MMF somehow. 2. MMF has nothing to do with Rotman. I assume you refered to Rotman as U of T's Finance.
        • 1. Students of MMF will take a winter course in Rotman, MGT 2307H Advanced Derivatives, which is taught by either John Hull or Alan White. 2. Most students have coop or job offer from the five big banks or Algorithmics, so that's why location matters.
          • 1. MGT2307 is like a pick of sh*t to MMF students, definitely a waste of time. Plus, they wont benefit from John Hull's lecture. 2. Algorithmicsssssss...
            • my friend, come on, take it easy, MGT2307 is not that sh*t and Algo is not that s*ck. For a FE in Canada, Algo is one of the best place to get trained as a new grad and is the only vendor of financial risk management software in Canada.
              • ...
    • I know a little bit info, hopefully, it helps u.
      u of W的不了解.到是有两个朋友上了Uof T的什么数学Finance,估计可能就是你的那个offer吧.好象是带co-op的,如果没记错的话(也许记错了).没提供奖学金,还都打破脑袋往里钻,可见其回报率之高.后来一个毕业了去了BMO,一个去了TD,至于薪水因人而议.co-op的时候就有人拿10万的.但是象他们那样的没工作过的小生毕业了,基本可能也就6万多点.作为走向工作岗位的第一份起薪工作也算可以了.好多人都在银行做risk management..
      • Thanks for replying, lavishy.
        Actually, I have confirmed the offer of UT's mmf program and withdraw from UW's application at the meantime.
        I hope I made a right decision.

        Thank all who gave me so many precious suggestions. I truly appreciate them.
        I will try my best in the MMF program.
        and good luck to all of you!

        • Hi my friend, please give me your email address. I have some friends who are currently working at that field. They might give your some advices.
          • hi alice thank you! my email is littlez26@hotmail.com take care!
      • risk management属于middle office或者back office,据说职业前景不好,而且据说现在开始外包印度,不知道是不是真的
        • highly unlikely.