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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

急: 正在申请OSAP, MINISTRY OF TRAINING 寄来一封信, 有个问题想请教, 谢谢!


Yor are not considered to be a resident of Ontario for OASP purposes. However, If you are denied student financial assistance from the province or territory in which you most recently resided, on the basis of residency, the ministry may review your situation to determine if you are eligible for assistance in Ontario. if you wish to have your personal situation reviewed, you and your parent(s) must:
1) complete a History of Canadian Residenty for student and Parent(s) form; 2) provide documentation that confirms your and your parent(s) date of entry into canada (e.g., canadian Immigration Record Permanent Resident card or Protected Persons Status Document); and 3) provide a letter of refusal from the province in which you most recently resided indicating that you are not eligible for financial assistance on the basis of residency from the student financial assistance program operated by that province or territory.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 急: 正在申请OSAP, MINISTRY OF TRAINING 寄来一封信, 有个问题想请教, 谢谢!

    Yor are not considered to be a resident of Ontario for OASP purposes. However, If you are denied student financial assistance from the province or territory in which you most recently resided, on the basis of residency, the ministry may review your situation to determine if you are eligible for assistance in Ontario. if you wish to have your personal situation reviewed, you and your parent(s) must:
    1) complete a History of Canadian Residenty for student and Parent(s) form; 2) provide documentation that confirms your and your parent(s) date of entry into canada (e.g., canadian Immigration Record Permanent Resident card or Protected Persons Status Document); and 3) provide a letter of refusal from the province in which you most recently resided indicating that you are not eligible for financial assistance on the basis of residency from the student financial assistance program operated by that province or territory.
    • if you cannot understand this plain english, how could you go to college or university?
      • 我是觉得奇怪,我以交了这些材料,为什么他还这样写呢. 谢谢
        • 去学校的Financial Aid Office问一下。
    • 申请OSAP要求:1 安省居民 2 最近一年在安省居住 所以你可能刚搬到安省或者在过去的一年内离开加拿大了一段时间。
      • 我的理解是,你(或你的配偶/父母)曾在安省住过连续12个月,并且安省是你居住的最后一个省,就可以。并不是在最近的一年必须连续居住一年不能离开。
        You must meet one of the following criteria to meet OSAP's Ontario residency requirements:
        You have always resided in Ontario.
        Ontario is the last province you resided in for 12 consecutive months without being a full-time postsecondary student.
        • 没错啊,网站上就是我说的那个意思,你再看一下吧.
        • 你的理解完全错误。要求是1:你一直在安省居住,或者2:你上学以前在安省以非fulltime学生身份居住连续12个月。这两个要求满足一个就可以。
          • 你说的就是我理解的呀,我只是不同意楼上说的必须上学前的一年内不能离开安省。比如曾经在安省以非fulltime身份居住连续一年,后回国待了一段时间又回到安省,之后申请学生贷款是符合条件的。另外
            • 你说的配偶父母还有甚么回国之类的,只是在osap的特例里面,这种情况你可以申请,但你必须提供其他信息,由osap来决定你是否有资格拿贷款,并不是配偶在安省你就一定可以拿贷款的。这个和那两个要求是不一样的。如果满足那两个要求中任何一个,都自动有拿osap的资格。
              • 你说的很对, 可能是我使用了两个数字造成对方误会了.实际上看我所说的最后一句话就明白了.
              • 其实是你没有理解对OSAP关于第二项的意思。OSAP并没有要求从上学的一天倒推12个月一定要待在安省,这是很多人的误解。我说的关于回国的不是特例,而是就包括在第二项内的。但是一定要曾住满12个连续月并没fulltime上学后,
                其他我也不多说了,只是指出一个误解,以免误事。其实要是有疑惑call financial aid office是最好的解决方法,毕竟他们才是权威。
                • OSAP以前是要求必须住满一年,后来取消了。但是没有住满一年将影响你的贷款,这也是为什么政府发信给楼主核对。我是针对楼主的情况回答的。
                  这也是我原先问过学校的Financial Aid Office得到的答案.
    • 我也正在申请OSAP, 情况和你很相似, 想请问你一些问题,怎么联系你? 急, 多谢?