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apparently you want to die very soon :) to be honest, I don't think dinning in restaurant here is expensive, compared to dine in China, I went back last years, 4 people over 200 bucks

that's just 30 CAN $, not bad for me, but think about that, if I earn the same salary in China, that will be a lot.

housekeeping is my habit, just like taking a break.

It's really pity that we always compare the housekeeping in China and Canada. You only say that because you think it's cheap to hire them in China, but imagine if you were hired by someone else to do housekeeping in China, will you still be happy? I believe everyone would rather be working as a housekeeper in Canada, because that will be more respectful and earn more. Isn't it ????

Labor in China are so poor that I don't even want to talk about them. In here, at least labor can gain respect and the deserved salaries.

it's dirty cheap to buy a used car here, and with warranty, but in China, don't even think about it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 到加拿大的最终目标是什么???
    有人说, 多数技术移民,而不是投资移民,更不是指少数贪官污吏或商人,到加拿大的最终目标就是:“一幢房子两辆车,两个孩子一条狗. 是这样的嘛?
    • get the citizenship and go back working in China. depends if you came from the poor part of China
      • 思考中。。。。
      • whats the most important step that i need 2 take 2 get the citizenship thing? any suggestion? (i've done my education in one of the U here just few months ago)
        • 投资跟入国籍有关系吗?
    • 每个人的目的都不一样
    • 就是换个国籍.
      • 为什么你会觉得中国没加拿大好呢? 因为这里的福利比国内好? 我还打算回国投资呢!!! 这样一来, 我是不是应该留在这里投资啊?
        • 觉的这不错,来的时间也够长了.自然想到的是申请做这个国家的公民..只可惜我们不能选择双重国籍,加入一个,就得放弃一个.不爽
          • 哈哈.. 有同感.. 我还没入籍加拿大, 就想问问, 大家给点建议呗!!!
    • 过自由的生活
      • 为什么说加拿大就能比国内自由呢? 理由? 我怎么觉得国内比这好呢! (除了环境) 其实加拿大人的素质也没比国内的人好到哪里去! (特别在多伦多地区) 甚至比国内没文化的人还底.
        • 国内也8错.吃就不成问题.人多还透着热闹.
        • 哪都有素质底的人.不过,在加拿大,人和人之间监督工作做的好,素质底的事情做起来,大家一般都会觉得尴尬.所以相对少些了.
          • 是呀,什么事到了加拿大就觉得有章可寻,哪象中国当个官不学会抽烟喝酒还不行,很初级.
        • 既然如此,为什么你来加拿大?还是趁你没入籍,赶快回去吧.
        • Yes, 多伦多人的素质比国内没文化的人还底.
        • 在国外,有人参加了两届奥运会然后可以入大学读个 PHD,现在在大学教书。我到国外,只要我愿意,可以随时回到学校。我要休年假,只要申请,公司绝对不会阻止。仅仅这三点,中国不可能做到。我认为这就是“自由” :D
        • if you really do not understand "为什么说加拿大就能比国内自由呢", it gonna be really hard to explain things to you......
        • 在物欲横流的时代,人们不在意自由的价值; 在没有自由的地方,人们不知道自由的含义。
    • 过自己喜欢的生活。
      • 支持此观点!刚来加拿大是,觉得这边生活超级无聊,没有国内的那种便利、繁华的生活。但现在觉得,非常喜欢这种家庭至上的平静生活。偶尔回国探亲,已经不适应国内的那种拥挤烦嚣。楼主如果没有结婚,喜欢玩,这里不适合。
    • 我的最终目的是好的养老系统和社会福利制度,中国没有.
      • Do you really think you could be benefit from retiring welfare in Canada? Look around you, Why don't they retire even after 65? No money, of course you can only live with limited money, if this is what you want.
        • 那是他们啦,我肯定在65退休的,我在物质上从来要求不高,而且我们中国人一般都细水长流的,老了以后穷困僚到的机会小.
    • 我想问问,在中国,如果像我这样一个普通老百姓打工仔想一个房子,两个孩子,两条狗,一辆车,我要做多少年?(没有一个好爸爸,不是公务员的前提下)
      • not comparable.in china, 两个孩子, against state policy.两条狗,you can get them from any restraunt,一辆车,taxi is so convenient in china,no need private cars..... let me ask you:
        在canada,如果像我这样一个普通老百姓打工仔想 go restraunt whenever i like to,hire a couple of housekeepers when I am busy,hire a labor when i need to carry a 10 lbs bag, get a couple of extra mistresses when libido overflows,drink as much liquar as i want, smoke as much cig as i want,我要做多少年?(爸爸 is not MP/MMP/***P的前提下)
        • That is our life in Canada except for the mistress/drinking part. It isn't CAN'T, but DON'T want to. Not everyone has the same goal as yours.
          • so what is my goal in your mind?
            • apparently you want to die very soon :) to be honest, I don't think dinning in restaurant here is expensive, compared to dine in China, I went back last years, 4 people over 200 bucks
              that's just 30 CAN $, not bad for me, but think about that, if I earn the same salary in China, that will be a lot.

              housekeeping is my habit, just like taking a break.

              It's really pity that we always compare the housekeeping in China and Canada. You only say that because you think it's cheap to hire them in China, but imagine if you were hired by someone else to do housekeeping in China, will you still be happy? I believe everyone would rather be working as a housekeeper in Canada, because that will be more respectful and earn more. Isn't it ????

              Labor in China are so poor that I don't even want to talk about them. In here, at least labor can gain respect and the deserved salaries.

              it's dirty cheap to buy a used car here, and with warranty, but in China, don't even think about it.
            • Well, only you know what your goal is. I was just commenting on your last posting.
        • 你的理解力不高麻. 人说的是住house买车的能力不是你需要不需要的问题. 你说的那些这里很容易达到,很多普通人家人剪草,铲雪都是请人做的,也不见得贵, 你见识也太少了..
      • 我就想要一个孩子,狗对我来说只是一种美味,自己开车不如坐别人的车来得爽。so your point is not valid.
        • my point is, for normal people in China, to have a better life is tough; here it's very feasible, moreover, I don't need to worry about my children (i.e. after they go to college, pocket money, tuition, house for them, etc) I can have my own life
      • 如果你在好一点的国企打工6年实现应没问题,只是一条两个孩子可能有点困难。私企可能更快一点。
      • ten years is ok.
    • 我觉得,能实现这个目标,保持50年不变的地方,这个世界还真不多
    • 客死他乡
    • 在中国的最终目标是什么?
    • 尘归尘,土归土。
    • 移民加拿大是手段而不是目标。对有些人来说,来加拿大让他们更容易达到目标,比如买一幢房子两辆车,养两个孩子一条狗。但对有些人(比如有官瘾的),实行目标就更难了,最后不得不改变目标。
      • 有本事到加拿大来当官呀,华人社区本来就需要更强的政治力量,我有些看不上国内来的那些当官的,把加拿大说得一踏糊涂,但自己本事不够,只有回中国去做所谓的官.