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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Pure fantasy and something unreal.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我女儿被Mcmaster Health Science 和 U of T Life science 录取,奖学金:U of T $10,000 一次性, Mcmaster $3000, 第二学年95 分以上 可再领$3000, 不知选哪一个?请指点
    • u of t for sure. UT's reputation is better than MCMaster, 10K>>3k,,I don't think she could get 95% in her grade unless u daughter is a real genius.
    • UT
    • UT is not the only choice. Think about that, which one looks better: one score A in McMaster and one score C in UT? I will choose the first one.
      • 去UT不一定只能拿C,去McMaster也不一定肯定能拿A。So, UT is for sure.
        • 你的条件是两个不一定,可是你的结论是一个for sure.太牵强。For sure you need to think more before jumping to a conclusion!
      • Support. If she wants to go Medical school later. Mcmaster is th e best choice. Forget about A and C, how about A and B. There will be a big diffenct when she applies Medical School.
        • 谢谢大家,终于选了Mcmaster, 5/28 是截止日,直到5/27 晚上才网上确定,主要是我女儿自己也拿不定主意,大家都说多大名气大,排名好
          • right choice!
          • Do you really know what can make an applicant get U of T $10,000 一次性奖学金? Something funy, interesting and out of line here.
          • If your daughter could have got U of T $10,000 一次性, she would have got full scholarship for her studies from McMaster.
            • would have 是非真实性虚拟。What you are talking about?
              • Pure fantasy and something unreal.
                • Your call. But I wish people have fantasy.
                  • I know exactly how it is. My kid got admitted to U of T, McGill, U of Western Ontario, McMaster and York with an average mark of 95. All offered 8k admission scholarship but ZERO from U of T.
            • 不一定. Mcmaster 的Health Science很难进, 只有很少的奖学金. 进U of T life science 没有什么特别难的. Mcmaster health science, U of T enginnering , York business school, Waterloo computer science are是最难进的 programs.
              • Partially true as the program doesn't require further exam to medical program as long as students remain in good standing in their studies. But being awarded scholarship from U of T in any program is very difficult
                not only due to its high academic standard but also flood of applicants. Plus marks are not the only factor attributing to getting scholarship.
                • The mak is major, or only, factor to be awared a U of T scholaship
                  • NOT the ONLY factor for sure.
    • A very typical XB - I bet he has already made the choice, but can't help posting here to feel much better :-)
      • 也许。只是如果孩子一直在这里学习,10000奖学金说明一些问题。如果不是如此,也没有什么特别自豪的。国内一般的学生在这里成绩突出往往给家长造成一个孩子变聪明的错觉。不得不承认,国内学生的应试水平和极其刻苦的劲头,NATIVE 无可比拟。
      • XB是这里永恒的主题。那种拿了offer问该不该去的属 XB。从申请工作到面试,所有的问题都该考虑过了。文学城有个人问offer问题,立马被质疑。
      • 请别以小人之心妒君子之肠. 何况他也给别人提供了一些信息. 如果对你没用, 可以不看, 走开, 不必这么刻薄
        • "-zealot(站直了别趴下)" just told the truth in a kind of abrupt way.
    • bloody show off.
      • 同意。哈哈!
    • If you are going to medical school after graduation. McMaster's health science program is better than U of T's life science progarm. also McMaster's heath science program is one of the most selective programs in Canadian universities
    • 全部95 分以上,不可能。
      • (#4478000@0)