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Right. More than 10 years ago. nobody would like to go for nursing program. Back to year 1998, many nurses were laid off due to lack of gov't funding.

The nursing career future is good ot not, it all depends on the Canadian government policy. Really hard to say, even now, it looks it is a popular job. on one hand, we are facing a nurses shortage cirsis, on the hand hand, the gov't still desn't have too much funding to support the heath care system. Like what they promise before, this year , they are going to offer 9000 full time RN job, however, it seems like they can't meet this gareente anymore. While most students still could find a job if you do not have too much requirment.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 想学护士(RPN), 有谁知道哪个学校不错,入学条件高吗?以前在国内是护士,记得刚来的时候想着终于摆脱这行了,可是几年下来还是这样,想来想去还得继续。 很需要大家的帮组,欢迎讨论或PM. 我在密市。 谢谢!
    • 都好,选择一个容易毕业的。
      • 护士反正不愁找工,找个能毕业就行拉
        • 问题是很多都毕不了业。
          • 很难学,很难毕业。只要是挣钱的,注册的都不好学啊
            • 能谈谈问什么毕不了业吗? 英语的问题?
      • 不要怕, 不难学, 你在国内又是NURSE。 你在M 市,if you don't want to move, you can think about MoHawk College. Nurse is not stable job anymore, have you hear 56 RN got lay off at Hamilton this year?
        • if you live in mississauga, you can learn RPN at sheriden college. Mohawk seems so far. It taks 2.5 hours by driving.
        • Sheridan College 也可以。个人建议你先学RPN, 然后在医院找工作,可以边上学, 边去学RN。 1)很多医院有补助 在你上RN 期间。比如你的学费是1000, 医院可能给你400.
          2)你从RPN 毕业后, RPN association 也有补助在你上RN 期间, the maximum is 1500 per year. 3) 在你RN 期间, 也可以累计经验因为你在做RPN 的工作, 这样等你RN 毕业后你的工资 等于RN +NURSE 经验。 另外, 听说YORK UNIVERSITY 有一个PROGRAM 是专门为国外NURSE 的, 18-20 月你就可以那到RN。 听说有国人从国内拿NURSE 证, 去上的。
    • 首先去CNO搞评估
    • 学RN吧,rpn差一些,学的时间也短不了多少。
      • How come? The Admission Requirements are bigger different between RN and RPN. And, it takes 2 years for RPN and 4 years for RN.
        • I am in my third year right now. Yeah, one more year to go
        • 我知道是2年区别,不过想想以后的发展,2年实际上很短了。RPN做的事情和RN能做的事情差距太大。
          • Sheriden and humber college seem haven't RN course if you live in mississauga. How different duty between RN and RPN, coould somebody tell?
            • RN likes an Engineer, more paper works.
              • 非常感谢各位的建议, 我也想去Sheridan, 昨天给他们打电话了, 他们听说我以前是护士, 可能会给我transfer一些课, 具体下周再谈. 我也想学RN, 主要对自己没信心, 听说好多都毕不了业, 我英语又不好. 可是国内那么多年的经验,
                非常感谢各位的建议, 我也想去Sheridan, 昨天给他们打电话了, 他们听说我以前是护士, 可能会给我transfer一些课, 具体下周再谈. 我也想学RN, 主要对自己没信心, 听说好多都毕不了业, 我英语又不好. 可是国内那么多年的经验, 尤其静脉注射技术一流, 很想继续得到发挥, 听说只有RN 才有资格做这些. 大家再给点建议, 万分感谢!!
                • RPN读三个月的PART TIME工作后也可以做静脉注射。问题是你的英文如何?个人认为RN英文要求高些
                • 英语不好就没戏了,实习过过不了,毕不了业。
                • 我不觉得RPN和RN的英语要求差多少,你如果RN毕不了业我觉得RPN也难,以后工作更难。RPN最高工资现在是23,RN是38,艰苦一下差别很大。
                  • Who gave your infos 'RPN最高工资现在是23,RN是38'? My friend's wife, she gets 37/hour as a RPN. She is learning parttime RN.
                    • Probably agency PRN
                    • 不知道你的friend做什么RPN,如果37不用去做RN了。
                • 静脉注射是非常基础的技术之一。RN 需要很多其他知识,药理,病理,微生物,有机无机化学。比国内高护大专的课程要求要更高。RN 需要付的责任也很多,如果语言不好,不要选这个。首先把语言搞好了再说
            • humber college 也可以读RN
          • RPN做的事情和RN能做的事情差距不太大。医院的RN一样给病人洗澡换尿片。
            • RPN一般都是在long term care里面,医院里很少有RPN。手术室不会有RPN,急症室不会有RPN,RPN的选择少很多。RN以后可以读MASTER,或者读nursing practitioner,出路多很多。
              • 如果对自己的英语不自信的话,可不可以先读RPN后接着读RN? 哪个学校有这样的RPN pathway to PN courses?
                • 基本没有,两个不是一个事情。属于不同的组织管。
                  • 因为很难毕业的原因,先读后RPN工作后在读RN可不可以?
                  • 说话欠条理,再问。因为护士专业很难毕业的原因,为了保险可靠的话。可不可以先读RPN ,工作了以后在继续读RN?
                    • 我看美国有RPN to RN的课,感觉他们的课程很灵活,有没有人知道这方面的事,我们可不可以去那读,而且我看有好多online的学校,也是政府承认的,有谁给点建议,谢谢
                    • 他们不是一个组织管是很重要的,就像RN不可能transfer去做MD一样。上面说的online的这种不是很清楚了,RN难学很重要的一点是实习,不知道ONLINE的这种怎么去实习。
                  • RPN to RN 是可以的, 在seneca college 有一个桥梁课程(1年),但你需要在学2年(york university) 才可以得到RN。
                    • 到底是几年?看不明白。
                      • 三年。 Seneca/ York, Mohawk/Mcmaster 都有这样的program. 个人依旧建议你先学RPN, 然后去读RN。 现在政府缩减开支,有的医院开始用RPN,比如CREDATE VALLEY HOSPITAL. 我个人走的就是这样的路子。如果你需要更多的信息, 你可以PM 我。
                        另外也请你再看一下4月4 (4:27)我给你的建议
                        • hi,我正在humber读RPN。希望以后读RN,我想问的是这个BRIDGE课程和以后的两年可以PART TIME读吗?还有如何申请这个BRIDGE课程呢?谢谢!
                    • 大家都知道护士专业很难毕业的原因是实习,英语在实习中不够用。问题———如果实习不好,毕不了业, 可否再实习一年?难道毕不了业就白读了吗?
                      • 俺们学校是2年如果毕不了业,再给一次机会让你重读一年,如果第3年仍不行(有考试不过,或实习不过,或自己身体原因),就彻底88了。
                        • “自己身体原因 ”是什么意思?
                          • 就是有病了呗,读不下去了. 一般这种情况比较多发生在本地人身上.
                            • 我是小三阳,但真是想当护士(可不是为了害人)。 我把我的体检报告fax给学校。他们说(原文如下):You can be admitted to the program however, your test results may affect which placements you are able to participate in. 不明白什么意思。请帮忙。
                              • 奇怪了,高人都跑哪去了?这两天怎么竟我在这里回答问题??我还想看高人来解释呢。。。
                                我的理解是,这个学校说,你小三阳,没关系,来吧,上课没问题,但实习时,如果那家医院或nursing home什么的以此拒绝你,我们管不着,也没办法。(当然,也有可能这些机构会让你去实习,but who knows呢?)
                        • 请问你是哪所学校?如果想去学习想英语到什么水平?ESL几级?如果国内有证书,来到这里学习护士专业什么吗?恳求知道的人,谢谢
                          • 俺们学校不看ESL级别. 如果你英语还行,就跟大家给楼主的意见一样,先看看能不能直接去考LICENSE, 如果英语差点, 可以BACK TO SCHOOL, 熟悉一下英语环境.
                            至于英语要到什么水平才能学这个, 不好一概而论, 上课能听懂70%? 作文能写个差不离? 考试统统及格? 实习能听明白病人说什么,护士说什么,老师说什么, 不一定句句要听懂,至少关键句关键词抓住了就OK了.
                            • 谢谢,我感觉直接去考的话可能性不太大.英语不是很好.先学英语再说吧,请问你是哪个学校?
                              • PM你了
    • 多羡慕你这样原来就是做护士的啊。我老妈知道我决定读护士后,都说,早知如此,当年高考就给你报护理了。搞得现在,英语和专业知识都得学,医院里好多东西都不认得,费老劲了。
    • Suggestions: If in Toronto: Frist, try exam. would be a RN soon( the shortest way). Second, try U of T nursing( need some background like u, 2 years, RN). Third. try York( 2nd entry nursing program- 2 years, 6 semesters, no summer, RN).
      Forth, try Ryerson, York( 4 years-nusing RN, some of them cooperated with seneca, geogebrown, centeniel which means the first 2 yrs u study in the college, and last 2 yrs in the university, get RN).

      Also, Most all RPN in Ontario are not allowed give the IV infusion. Even RN need to be specialised, and take further IV certificate program, then can do IV. They call it "IV nurse".
      • Do you know if the U of T program is of good reputation? How is the difficultiness comparing with those from the colleges? I can't find much (if any) info about this program here in this forum.
        • U of T's nursing is very good., their facilities and professors are the best, also the students are high qualities. However, the admission requirement is very high.
          This 2 yeras nursing program require you to have some bacground or some courses taken before. You can apply if you have a nursing or medication or related degree before from another country. you can also apply if you finish your first two years university in Canada( any programs but u need the basic prerequisit courses taken before such like anatamy and physiology, pharmacology, sth. like that.)
          if English is not your first language, u need TOFEL or Uof T language test for sure. Plus, for some of you may need an interview. However, nomatter which school u go for, in Ontario, there's not too much difference. As long as u pass the final lisence exam and get your degree, then u r qualifed to be a RN. ( BTW. I'm from another University, I'm not from U of T nursing ) Most of my Chinese immingrant freinds who got into U of T nursing, they were doctors before coming to Canada, and their TOFEL score were high.
    • 如果是本科护士可以直接考RN。拿到证就有工作。
      • 我看你就挺高的。多谢你的翻译。你说我还能不能冒险去读护士呢?请给个建议。
        • 决定还得自己拿,这个别人帮不了你哈.
          • 如果申请读的RPN,还有检查小三阳这项吗?
            • 一般是个学校,都得要你去验下血的。能不能上,是学校说了算。能不能实习,是实习单位说了算。
              • 验血和小三阳是两个概念,这边验血的目的主要是看肝功,一般不查两对半吧
                • 嗯,好像是这样的。
    • Contact with cno.org, ontario's nursing authority. You can write the RPN test directly and do not need any local education.
      • 我老妈知道我决定学护士后, 大力反对。她说你那么胆小,还要给病人扎针。加拿大什么人都有。白人找血管容易,那黑人,又高又胖又黑的人找血管是非常丰常难地,你服务不好人家,他们欺负你可怎么办呀。(我在电话这头就想-----等着挨揍呗。)
        • 我看你就上去吧。我们这里实习前就再做个TB检查,不再验血了. 想太多了会束缚住自己的脚步.
          • 高人,“你们那里”是哪里? 请明示。
          • 现在有很多人都去读RPN,再加上Second Career 又有很多,不知将来会不会饱和,很怕辛苦读完后又很难找工
            • 有没有读part time 的,因现在工作轻松,白天可以学习,所以想读part time
              • 我是真想上啊,可是怕的是:学着学着,不让你实习了或者不让你毕业了。到底岁数不小了,耽误不起时间。所以高人帮着分析分析。
                • 这个真没法帮你分析了,你得去问有相同经验的高人.
            • Right. More than 10 years ago. nobody would like to go for nursing program. Back to year 1998, many nurses were laid off due to lack of gov't funding.
              The nursing career future is good ot not, it all depends on the Canadian government policy. Really hard to say, even now, it looks it is a popular job. on one hand, we are facing a nurses shortage cirsis, on the hand hand, the gov't still desn't have too much funding to support the heath care system. Like what they promise before, this year , they are going to offer 9000 full time RN job, however, it seems like they can't meet this gareente anymore. While most students still could find a job if you do not have too much requirment.