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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Certified copies or notarized documents

You must send a certified copy of any legal document for a name change or any other document which is neither in English bor in French.

To have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the origianl document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:
I certify that this is a true copy of the original document,
the name of the original document
the date of the certification
his or her name
his or her official position or title , and
his or her signature.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 宝宝7月出生,正在办爸爸妈妈探亲,有个问题问一下,说凡是非英文的文件必须要有英文翻译,而且不能是亲戚帮忙翻,大家都是去哪里翻译啊?那翻了以后还要不要公证啊?谢谢!
    • 我办的时候,自己翻译。不用公证。
      • 没错, 我10年12月刚办的
    • 我也是自己翻译的,也没公证。
      • 那是最近的事吗?是不是最近改了?
        Any document that is not in English or in French must be accompanied by
        the english or french translation,
        a certified copy of the original document, and
        an affidavit from the person who completed the translation

        Translations by family members are not acceptable.
        • 我是09年6月办的,时间比较长了。可能现在已经改了。
    • 我们那里,办公证的地方,还有一个服务,可以翻译文件(当然收费了)。我家老人,连公证,再翻译!最后一次父母签证,10年2月。也许现在要求变了。
    • 可以自己翻译,我刚刚给老人办完。cic网站的guide上确实是说需要专门机构翻译,但国内使馆网站上明确说明可以自己翻译。
      • 太好了,有人是最近办的,不过还想问一下公证的事,到底哪些文件需要公正,GUIDE上说
        Certified copies or notarized documents

        You must send a certified copy of any legal document for a name change or any other document which is neither in English bor in French.

        To have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the origianl document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:
        I certify that this is a true copy of the original document,
        the name of the original document
        the date of the certification
        his or her name
        his or her official position or title , and
        his or her signature.
        • 我家除了那份证明亲属关系的是公证英文件复印的。其他都是自己随便翻译的,申请我妈的时候这样,批了。申请公婆也是这样,1月份刚交,等待体检结果中。
          • 谢谢回答,请问知道什么样的人会要求体检吗?
            • 之前听说好像是年纪较大(60+)有可能会需要体检,但也不是每个人都要。
            • 65+吧,公婆都过了这岁数,公公要求体检,婆婆每要。
        • 亲属关系需要公正,其他不需要。体检应该是抽查吧。也有说法是,一般第一次签不需要体检。我父母去年第一次来,没有体检,年龄不到65,公婆一月底刚办好,也是第一次来,没有体检,年龄超过65。
        • 另外,我建议你看一下中国使馆和签证中心的guide, Q&A,好像有些地方根cic的要求不是很一致。