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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

from website: http://usvisa-info.com/en-CA/selfservice/ss_faq_GSS

How do I add a family member to an already scheduled appointment?
If you want to add a family member(s) after you have scheduled an appointment, you will need to cancel your appointment first. Please note, depending on the calendar availability, there is no guarantee that you will be able to schedule the same date and time as originally scheduled.

To cancel your appointment you may log in to the system using your passport number, date of birth and nationality. Once logged in, select Cancel from the options on the Applicant Summary Page. When the appointment is cancelled, you will be prompted to add a family member. You will need the DS-160 confirmation number and the MRV fee receipt number for each family member that you add.

You may not change or cancel any of the family member's appointments including yours on the date of the appointment.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 美国签证在线申请 D160表 在线填完后没看到如何添加家庭成员。 不小心点了递交。现在是不是只能给另外的家庭成员各做一个申请帐号?
    • 同问。 我为我和儿子(16岁)预约了面试并交了两份钱($280).但只填了我的DS160,儿子仅仅是family member,没有填ds160也没交照片。请问这样正常么?
      • 我现在也在准备申请美签, 就我了解到的,一家中每个人都要填自己的160表,每个人都是“主申请”,然后预约面试,其中一个人以自己的护照号创建帐号,然后加入其他家庭成员然后一起交费
        • great thanks! so do i still got chance to add child's DS160, cause the two ppl's fee was submitted.
        • 请问填表时怎样upload电子照片?
        • 我帮父母各填了DS160 表,但不小心只付款140, 请问怎样加入其他家庭成员然后再为母亲交 140,再一起预定时间?能否先为父亲预定面试时间再为母亲交 140?到时一起面世?
          • from website: http://usvisa-info.com/en-CA/selfservice/ss_faq_GSS
            How do I add a family member to an already scheduled appointment?
            If you want to add a family member(s) after you have scheduled an appointment, you will need to cancel your appointment first. Please note, depending on the calendar availability, there is no guarantee that you will be able to schedule the same date and time as originally scheduled.

            To cancel your appointment you may log in to the system using your passport number, date of birth and nationality. Once logged in, select Cancel from the options on the Applicant Summary Page. When the appointment is cancelled, you will be prompted to add a family member. You will need the DS-160 confirmation number and the MRV fee receipt number for each family member that you add.

            You may not change or cancel any of the family member's appointments including yours on the date of the appointment.
        • 有人知道吗?
          • 谢谢小鱼儿。我已经打电话预约了面试。请问面试不用带照片?因为发给我的confirmation email没有说要带照片.
            • 应该 不用带照片。填DS160的时候就已经传了照片。请问现在面试排到什么时候啦?
            • 请问照片的要求? 谢了
              • http://travel.state.gov/visa/visaphotoreq/digitalimagereq/digitalimagereq_5327.html
                • 先谢了,看来自己拍的照片也可以了?
            • 请问现在可以预约到几周以后的面试?