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you are wrong. By law, yes, they can come back from USA by holding a single entry visa to Canada.

A single entry visa allows you to enter Canada only once. However, this visa may also be used for repeated entries into Canada from the USA or St. Pierre and Miquelon provided you do not enter any other country. Such entries must occur within the time that was granted for your stay in Canada.

If you intend to travel to the United States during your visit to Canada, you do not need a multiple-entry visa in order to re-enter Canada directly from the United States during the authorized duration of your stay in Canada.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 请教:父母单次入境的加拿大签证,同时持有美国的B2签证。 可以坐飞机去美国游玩吗?
    • yes
      • 多谢sailor!
    • yes, they can go to the states, but how they can not get back to Canada unless they get another Canada visa.
    • 当然不能。除非有多次进入加拿大的签证。或者,先去美国,玩完了再入境加拿大。上面回一个简单的Yes的太耽误人了。
      • you are wrong. By law, yes, they can come back from USA by holding a single entry visa to Canada.
        A single entry visa allows you to enter Canada only once. However, this visa may also be used for repeated entries into Canada from the USA or St. Pierre and Miquelon provided you do not enter any other country. Such entries must occur within the time that was granted for your stay in Canada.

        If you intend to travel to the United States during your visit to Canada, you do not need a multiple-entry visa in order to re-enter Canada directly from the United States during the authorized duration of your stay in Canada.
      • “上面回一个简单的Yes的” 摆明了是指老大嘛。不想在这里混了?更何况水手说的还是对的。
    • 去美国不需要多次签证。我父母刚去美国旅游回来。