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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Help!!! immigrant visa for parents.

When I apply the visitor visa for my parents, I didn't include all their syblings in the family composition form. Now it is time to apply for the immigrant visa, can I change to include all their syblings or keep the same as before? I prefer to including all but afraid they will check their previous record for the visa application. Any suggestions?

Another question: is it true I can apply their immigrant visa from Buffalo visa office since they stay with us more than one year as a visitor.( they are still in canada now).

Thank you very very much!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / Help!!! immigrant visa for parents.
    When I apply the visitor visa for my parents, I didn't include all their syblings in the family composition form. Now it is time to apply for the immigrant visa, can I change to include all their syblings or keep the same as before? I prefer to including all but afraid they will check their previous record for the visa application. Any suggestions?

    Another question: is it true I can apply their immigrant visa from Buffalo visa office since they stay with us more than one year as a visitor.( they are still in canada now).

    Thank you very very much!
    • 不是说停办两年了吗?你还能申请?
    • my rules:
      通常, 我交移民局的材料, 不管是探亲还是移民, 尽可能保持一致, 偶尔的小变化 (例如地址, 电话等等)无所谓。 如果以前交的兄弟姐妹已经占够所有地方了, 我觉得和最初保持一致就好。 如果以前写的特少, 现在要加的特多, 那就考虑一下。

      据说在你sponsorship 批下来之前, 如果住够1年, 要通知他们, 提出申请到buffalo递, 有可能递申请到buffalo, 但是要他们最终决定。