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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


May I leave, then re-enter Canada?
In order to return to Canada, you must be in possession of a valid passport or travel document. You also need to hold a valid study or work permit if you are returning to study or work in Canada.
If you are a citizen of a country that requires a temporary resident visa (TRV) to travel to Canada, you will also need to be in possession of a valid entry visa to return, unless:
•you are returning to Canada following a visit only to the United States or St-Pierre and Miquelon; and
• you return before the expiry of the period initially authorized for your entry or any extension to it, either as a visitor, student or worker.
Possession of these documents does not guarantee re-entry. All persons must establish that they meet all of the requirements of The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations before being authorized to enter or re-enter Canada.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 持多次往返签证,如果续签了两年,再次入境时, 原来的续签还有效吗?
    似乎没有人问过这个问题。比如去年5月持多次往返入境, 10月申请了续签给了2年, 今年3月想回国一趟,再次入加境时, 那原来的2年续签还有效吗?
    • 无效。
      • 我父亲也是这种情况,原来是2年多次往返,呆了1年后续签又给2年,但好象变成单次往返的。能再申请成多次往返的吗?
    • you need apply visa again. the multiple entry already expired
      • 这个好像不对吧?多次往返和续签是两个概念,很多人之前都已经讨论过, 续签不会影响多次往返签证的。你是哪里听说的?
      • 就是很久前家园网有个人毫无根据的转了一个贴子,说续签会导致多次往返签证失效,已经有很多人辟谣了。我现在是倒过来问个问题, 从不相信多次往返会应续签失效,只是关心续签是不是因为再次出入境失效。
        • 到了境外,在加拿大的“身份”就失效了,再次入境需要用有效签证,而且新的居留时间在入境的时候从新开始。反过来,一旦入境,“签证”就失效了,多次入境签证暂时失效,单次入境签证永久失效。总而言之,在境外靠签证,境内靠身份(status)。有一个例外:去美国。
          • 能解释一下什么是“多次入境签证暂时失效”?我想很多人都会关心这个, 如果延签证会导致多次入境签证失效, 那还签多次干嘛?
            • the key question is what's the expiry date of the visa, you can check it whether it's expired.
            • 首先要搞清概念。“签证” - 相当于入境许可,只有在境外的时候有效、入境的时候使用。签证上的有效时间,是指在这一时间之前可以入境(不是入境后可以呆多久)。因为签证是*入境*许可,所以一旦进入境内,它就不起作用了,取而代之是“身份”(status)。

              - 延期不会导致多次往返签证失效。我说的”多次入境签证暂时失效“,是指它在境内无效,只有出境以后再次入境才有用。

              - 境内居住身份会随着出境失效。

              • 本来挺简单的事情叫你翻来复去的越说越糊涂
                • 是,我检讨。不过搞清概念确实很重要。希望我的解释至少能回答两个典型问题:1、我有十年签证,为什么只能在加拿大住6个月?;2、我已经"续签",还有两年才到期。现在想回国一趟。为什么回加拿大不仅需要签证而且以前续签的时间失效了?
                  • 1) 10-yr multi-visa allows visitors to enter Canada unlimited times wihtin its valication, but how long each time a visitor can stay in Canada is determined by a CBSA officer at Port of Entry;
                    2) in your case, their status won't expire - extension is still valid.
                    • It seems you are right, and it makes sense. I just did not realize that a visitor record will be issued as result of extension.
              • 非常清楚,谢谢,我觉得这种解释很合理。
          • WRONG INFO.
    • if at time of their next return, the Visitor Record (the extension) is still valid (not expires), YES, they can stay till that date. In another word, the previous extension won't expire due to their re-entry to Canada on a valid multi-visa.
      • 这个也是我关心的,请问您这说法靠谱吗?有没有官方出处?
      • 我自己再CIC找到了下面的说法:
        May I leave, then re-enter Canada?
        In order to return to Canada, you must be in possession of a valid passport or travel document. You also need to hold a valid study or work permit if you are returning to study or work in Canada.
        If you are a citizen of a country that requires a temporary resident visa (TRV) to travel to Canada, you will also need to be in possession of a valid entry visa to return, unless:
        •you are returning to Canada following a visit only to the United States or St-Pierre and Miquelon; and
        • you return before the expiry of the period initially authorized for your entry or any extension to it, either as a visitor, student or worker.
        Possession of these documents does not guarantee re-entry. All persons must establish that they meet all of the requirements of The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations before being authorized to enter or re-enter Canada.
    • 取决于有效的签证是多次的不是。
      • 续签给的2年好象变成单次往返了,还能再申请改成多次往返的吗?