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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 调研数月,终于意外地买到了满意的新镇屋. 虽说有点远(士加堡远东部,到Downtown一小时), 但其他很满意,21万, 1600sq.2层(后边看3层)3睡房2浴,分门地库,车库外置,上有竟大到30多平米的阳台和单独淋浴间我老婆最Crazy...
    调研数月,终于意外地买到了满意的新镇屋. 虽说有点远(士加堡东部,到Downtown一小时), 但其他很满意,21万, 16xx sq.2层(后边看3层)3睡房2浴,分门地库,车库外置,上有竟大到30多平米的阳台和单独淋浴间老婆最Crazy. 是成熟中产社区,可惜华人好像很少,门前BUS 30 分到 Kinnedy subway.是一个独立屋小区完工后的收尾性的一排镇屋. 

    各位对房地产有兴趣有研究的以为如何? 有感兴趣的和我们做邻居的可以E-mail我问详细信息 fanxx@rocketmail.com.私心也许有一点 (:-) 不过可别当我是想得啥好处的托来批判哟!
    • 是几年新的, 是在markham路吗?
      • 你也要买了?做邻居吧
        • 好呀,很想和您做邻居, 可今年还没打算买,先看看的说
        • NoDoor. ㊣Miracle要和我做邻居.
      • 全新,年底竣工的镇屋
    • 所谓有一点私心的意思是不是说介绍一个买房客户builder会给你三五百元的好处费啊?相信真心买房者不会在乎这个的,关键是你给的信息要实在
      • 我不是帮人家推销, 也没一分钱的好处,实在是觉得不错,想和大家分享而已
        我不是帮人家推销, 也没一分钱的好处,实在是觉得不错,想和大家分享而已
        • 最近ROLIA风声紧, 大家的阶级斗争的那跟弦儿都绷的特紧:)
    • can you tell me what is the major intersection near the house?
      • 2 km east of morningside and kingston rd
    • 能告我地址吗?我好查地图
      • 请查 E-mail 吧
      • 买镇屋即使是新的也要调查一下管理公司的信誉什么的好象, 不然以后卖起来不好卖。 不知道是不是这么个哩儿
        • This is freehold townhome.
          • cool
          • what is the meaning of Freehold?
            • 不用缴管理费。
    • 房子不错,关键在那上班,如果在附近上班,不如再东边点。
    • 我也很感兴趣啊,21万是全部下来的价吗?手头有多少Cash才可以考虑买您那样的房啊?您说的30分到kennedy station是指Bus间隔30分一趟呢还是开30分钟才到kennedy station?
    • 地段最重要,不然再好的房子也不行,东边不如北边,这是有经验的的房地产经纪人说的。
      • 房价上看:西不如南,南不如东,东不如北
    • The BUS come every 6-10 minutes, including SUNDAY, so we decide not to rush to buy a car. The bus will take exactly 30 minutes to reach Kinnedy station. Closing fee is about 4000 CAD. The price is 209800$ If you can get mortgage approved, 50000$ is OK
    • 能告我地址吗?thanks,我好查地图
      • 最好是邮编,谢谢
    • There will always be homes locate better region (and more expensive in prices) like your broker said. But, the question is how many $ do you have. I just believe this house in this price in this not too bad region is a real buy to me.
    • 1-2 km east of Morningside and Kingston intersection. I dont know the postcode. Its weekend. check website of NORTHSTAR Home from www.newinhomes.com. After this weekend,.....
      I dont know if they still have homes available, though. To visit their salesoffice, you have to visit Picking.
    • 恭喜你买到自己满意的房子, 其实我觉得对于大部分新移民来讲, 买价位在 二十几万左右( 21-23) 的 FREEHOLD TOWNHOUSE 或者是CONDO 比较合适,
      大家来这里时间不是太长, 先买那种START HOME 是个明智的选择, 当地很多年轻人也是一步步开始的, 一下子就买大HOUSE 的人并不是太多, 等以后经济基础牢靠了. 在做另外打算.
      • I Cant agree with you more.
    • I bought a detached bangalow in South Ajax, 190000, 48.7x120.
    • 能否将照片贴给看看
      • Still under construction, so no photo yet
        • 请问小区附近那种人比较多?
          • I cant say for sure, The salesman told me they are amost all "young professional". When I went to the office to choose color, I saw two neighbour, ..............
            one family is white, one is black. The region around are settled white community, The new detach house belong to same builder seems more multicultural