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Thank you everybody. I have already got what she needed.

Because the Mom's house is very small. I can't put too many thing to their house. I have already got what they need now or PM that she need. Why need that chair? Because MOM is not as smart as the normal Mom. In addition, the washroom is far away from the bedroom and living room . She need that chair to put the baby aside when she prepared water and she can put the baby to that chair after shower . It will make her job easy so she doesn't need to walk around when prepare the shower for baby. She need the baby bath tub for 0-6 months because the appropriate bath tub make her job easy. The children organization have already send a lot of things for the baby.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 谁能免费转让婴儿摇摇椅,有一妈妈家在York region ,非常贫穷,儿童机构要求其有婴儿摇摇椅,否则洗澡时婴儿不安全。该妈妈是儿童机构的监护对象。谢谢。
    • 我有一个二手的,是朋友给的,用的比较爱惜,可以用到挺大的。如果不嫌弃,我可以找人送过去。孩子几岁,男孩女孩?还有什么需要的?
      • 谢谢,孩子Feb 14 将出生,女孩,妈妈还需要一个新生儿用的小澡盆和一个测水温的温度计。我可以开车去拿。请PM我。
        • 我有,来拿吧!
        • 我家有一个婴儿洗澡盆,底下可以放水的. 我还有一些1岁到3岁的女孩衣服准备送人,夏天冬天的都有。还有女孩游泳衣之类的。要的话,可以联系我。
    • 是那种坐上去可以摇得吗?我有一个非电动的,旧的,不知道行不,还需要其他的什么吗?
    • 我有一个用电池的,能坐到娃20磅吧,可以给她。如果需要,可以pm.
    • I have an old rice cooker. Does she need it?
    • Does she need a stroller?
      • Thanks. The children organization have already given a band new stroller her.
    • 为什么有这个要求?
    • kijiji.ca 或者 cragslist
    • 谢谢大家, 因涉及隐私,我不能谈论妈妈情况。我已给一个热心人发PM, 希望能拿一个。如果没拿到, 我会再PM一个热心人。
      • 是swing么?“否则洗澡时婴儿不安全?”,看来是洗澡时的。看来所有电动的一定不可以咯,不然会触电或者漏电的。不过好像到现在为止我还没有见到过婴儿洗澡可以用的摇椅。
        • 是说大人洗澡时小孩不安全吧,要把孩子放在摇椅里。我的理解。
      • 我家也有个摇椅,还有些2,3岁女孩衣服,如果那个妈妈需要的话雨打芭蕉你可以来帮她拿。澡盆也有个不过是旧的,不介意也可以一起拿走。
    • 我有换尿片的垫子,放在changing table上的,那个洗澡的温度计我有一个全新的,还有小孩衣物,都挺新的。需要的话pm我
    • 婴儿摇摇椅,是说bouncer吗?
    • 为什么指定要摇摇椅呢?
      • 我也不明白为什么一定要摇椅
        • 一个被监管的家庭,一个妈妈,照顾一个即将出生的小宝宝,妈妈洗澡的时候,出于安全考虑,宝宝需要固定住。
          • 我家从来没用过摇椅,我也基本是在宝宝睡觉后才去洗澡。个人认为,大人去洗澡,把宝宝固定在摇椅上并不安全。曾经听说有妈妈因有事把孩子用carseat固定住,结果孩子摔了。
    • 非常贫困,又是一定需要的东西,再加上正是其监护对象。儿童机构存在的意义不是正应该送她一个摇摇椅吗?气愤中。
    • Thank you everybody. I have already got what she needed.
      Because the Mom's house is very small. I can't put too many thing to their house. I have already got what they need now or PM that she need. Why need that chair? Because MOM is not as smart as the normal Mom. In addition, the washroom is far away from the bedroom and living room . She need that chair to put the baby aside when she prepared water and she can put the baby to that chair after shower . It will make her job easy so she doesn't need to walk around when prepare the shower for baby. She need the baby bath tub for 0-6 months because the appropriate bath tub make her job easy. The children organization have already send a lot of things for the baby.
      • 谢谢解释,现在完全理解了。以后有需要,上这来说说
      • 难怪孩子还没出生,就被CAS盯上了。现在了明白了。
      • 洗澡盆找到了没?我有一个,有照片, PM给你了。