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今天收到动物园的 newsletter, 说收到了历史上最大的一笔个人捐款,2百万,从一个普通的教师 Mary Millard。我向这位老太太致敬!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto Zoo Receives Largest Single Financial Donation In Its 40 Year History

Today the Toronto Zoo announced it has received a donation of more than $2 million. This donation is the largest single donation in the history of the Zoo.

Earlier this year, the Toronto Zoo was notified that the value of the donation from the estate of Mary Millard was $2 million.

"We are truly honoured to have been chosen to receive such a significant financial contribution," said Joe Torzsok, Chair Toronto Zoo Board of Management.

"This is a true testament to the outstanding work done at the Toronto Zoo and we are pleased to have received such a significant bequest," said John Tracogna, Toronto Zoo's Chief Executive Officer.

Born on October 8th, 1925 in Toronto, Mrs. Millard lived here her whole life until she passed away on May 21st, 2013. Her father was a Justice in the Supreme Court of Ontario. She attended Havergal College and later graduated from the University of Toronto where she studied Philosophy and Sociology. After University, Mrs. Millard worked for some time as a high school teacher. She was predeceased by her husband and had no children.

A naturalist who loved plants and animals, Mrs. Millard's home in Hogg’s Hollow was a source of pride and joy. In keeping with her love of nature, it was kept in a very natural state.

It was very likely Mrs. Millard's interest in nature that motivated her to choose the Toronto Zoo as a recipient of a bequest from her estate.

"This wonderful gift will ensure Mary's legacy will make a difference for future generations connecting to wildlife and nature at the Toronto Zoo," said Gloria Lindsay Luby, Vice-Chair Toronto Zoo Board of Management.

"On behalf of the Development Division at the Toronto Zoo, I am very thrilled that donors like Mary Millard wish to support our ongoing efforts to save and protect species and their habits at home and abroad," said Marion Zimmer, Senior Development Officer at the Toronto Zoo.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 今天收到动物园的 newsletter, 说收到了历史上最大的一笔个人捐款,2百万,从一个普通的教师 Mary Millard。我向这位老太太致敬!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto Zoo Receives Largest Single Financial Donation In Its 40 Year History

    Today the Toronto Zoo announced it has received a donation of more than $2 million. This donation is the largest single donation in the history of the Zoo.

    Earlier this year, the Toronto Zoo was notified that the value of the donation from the estate of Mary Millard was $2 million.

    "We are truly honoured to have been chosen to receive such a significant financial contribution," said Joe Torzsok, Chair Toronto Zoo Board of Management.

    "This is a true testament to the outstanding work done at the Toronto Zoo and we are pleased to have received such a significant bequest," said John Tracogna, Toronto Zoo's Chief Executive Officer.

    Born on October 8th, 1925 in Toronto, Mrs. Millard lived here her whole life until she passed away on May 21st, 2013. Her father was a Justice in the Supreme Court of Ontario. She attended Havergal College and later graduated from the University of Toronto where she studied Philosophy and Sociology. After University, Mrs. Millard worked for some time as a high school teacher. She was predeceased by her husband and had no children.

    A naturalist who loved plants and animals, Mrs. Millard's home in Hogg’s Hollow was a source of pride and joy. In keeping with her love of nature, it was kept in a very natural state.

    It was very likely Mrs. Millard's interest in nature that motivated her to choose the Toronto Zoo as a recipient of a bequest from her estate.

    "This wonderful gift will ensure Mary's legacy will make a difference for future generations connecting to wildlife and nature at the Toronto Zoo," said Gloria Lindsay Luby, Vice-Chair Toronto Zoo Board of Management.

    "On behalf of the Development Division at the Toronto Zoo, I am very thrilled that donors like Mary Millard wish to support our ongoing efforts to save and protect species and their habits at home and abroad," said Marion Zimmer, Senior Development Officer at the Toronto Zoo.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 感谢!不过也不算非常伟大那种。没有继承人,去世后房产捐给zoo,因为多伦多房价高涨,她的房子才值2m了。
      • 那我还是向她致敬。反正比我伟大。
        • 你捐了吗?
      • 刘嘉玲也说没有孩子,百年后所有遗产捐给社会,不知道最后能否兑现。
      • 就是。那房子又不能带到天堂。除了捐赠,还能怎样处理呢?
        • 不捐掉,最后就是政府处理了,区别就是用的地方不一样
          • 所以,还是捐赠的好?至少很多人会感谢她。
      • 看来应该感谢我们华人移民推高房价了。
      • 能够把毕生的积蓄按自己的喜好捐献。是个多莫美妙的最后的经历! 毕竟,我们什莫都不带走,儿女也不需要。
      • 值得敬佩。如果她自己没儿女,可以让亲戚继承呀。可她大公无私,让公众收益。希望这个捐款可以让多伦多动物园有更多珍惜动物。
    • 致敬!
      • 个人觉得捐要捐给医院,红十字会,而不是小孩玩的地方,这些地方更需要钱。
        • zoo不光是小孩玩的地方,也是动物植物研究基地,是老太太生前热爱的。照你的意思,邵逸夫不应该到处捐图书馆,应该全捐给医院?
    • 老太太真可怜,2百万没有人可以继承,只好留给动物
      • -1
        • 能讲老太太不可怜的道理来吗?
          • 有继承人就不可怜?有几个继承人在老太太死后争遗产那老太太就更不可怜了?我反正是一点都没有看出老太太可怜来?我有儿子,但是我的钱也不是给他的,就好像我没要过我父母公婆的钱一样!
            • 幸福和可怜的标准因人而异因时不同, 没有一定之归。巴菲特捐款几百亿给盖茨基金会, 而自己还住在六十来年前买的小屋, 比好多肉友都不如。
              • 很可怜
                • 我是准备把父亲百年之后的遗产捐献给加拿大精神病研究机构,我童年时候亲眼见到,一个天才的善良人,却可以被精神病折磨成一个啥样的人。或者捐给父亲任教的大学,或者就读的大学。
                  • 支持!我小时候也见过这样的天才,被他老婆亲手送进了精神病院,再也没出来。
            • 请重新检讨一下逻辑。命题A“没有继承人->可怜”和命题B“有继承人->不可怜“没有半毛钱关系,和A等价的是"不可怜"->"有继承人"
              • 至少在中国人眼里,加拿大人很多精神病的,或者怪人的。自己养过狗后,理解把遗产留个狗完全是个留给子女更合理的安排。留给动物园无非就是比狗更博爱些。或者她就是一个不养狗,而喜欢长期去逛动物园的人,我到了70岁后,把财产留给肉联也可能,除了肉联与太太,谁陪我
          • 按照自己心意生活,有什么可怜的?
            • "没有孩子才把身后产业留给动物园“是我以常情度之,你又怎么知道她不是无奈之举呢?
              • 活得挺潇洒的,不认为她可怜,有孩子没孩子都有自己的活法,不用judge别人。
                • “各有各的活法,不用judge别人”,这个道理我很认同。但什么是“judge别人”?我说她可怜,就是judge,你说她潇洒,就不是judge。我回个贴说她可怜是judge,你在我下面“-1”就不是judge。这个我没办法认同。
          • 一位在老人院工作的朋友说起。在那些老人中,最可怜的是整天盼着儿女来看自己而又未果的。什么义演啊爬梯啊,他们从中得不到乐趣。反倒是无儿无女的,没了这些盼望,也就没有了失望甚至绝望。一个不专业团体的演出,一个志愿者的来访,都能让他们高兴。

      • 2M可以留给动物园所有的动物,她也可以留给自己某一个猫狗宠物,可她没有这么做。我觉得老太该还是很高尚的。
    • 老人院,儿童院,医院,都是好选择,考虑国内的孤儿院,又怕钱被贪官们吞了。
      • 老人孩子是有生命的动物,猫猫狗狗动物园里的动物也是有生命的动物,留给谁都是一样的。
        • 赞同
    • co-致敬!
      • 小鸟,你会怎么做?
        • 我做不到, 钱不多肯定只能留给孩子啦~~
          • 要是钱多呢?
            • 多有多的花法,钱太多了没地方可用,多数人这辈子的钱应该是不可能有那么多了。
            • 俺们打工一族, 能有多少? ~~~ 自己将来负担自己的养老, 能留下一些给孩子就不错了~~~ 如果有幸中了649 大奖, 一部分拿出来捐献是肯定的, 不过这是个美好的dream ~~:)
              • 还是这辈子及时行乐吧,呵呵。
            • 捐动物园免一天门票。低收入家庭凭NOA免费入场及停车。高收入继续买票入场
              • 俺要是非捐不可,那也是捐想吃动物肉的免费吃肉一天,而不是什么看动物一天。
                • HOHO,你给兔子长颈鹿还有熊猫都也吃肉么?
                  • 给想吃肉的人免费一天。动物吃不吃肉有什么关系,反正是食物链的一环,是给人吃的。
              • 这是好主意.
              • 有人会开着大奔,拿着NOA收入为零,带着一家老小10口人冲着免费门票入场的。
    • 消费习惯不一样,捐款对某些人就是消费,购买捐款后的美妙感觉。200万也不算太多,如果是我的,俺想吃肉就吃肉,想吃菜就吃才,吃不完,吃一半倒一半,我觉得也满好。能让自己愉快,那钱就花对了。
      • 期待你成为第一个捐款2百万给动物园的华人,我们热切期待。大陆富人真是口气大耶。
        • 不可能,想都不要想。俺不喜欢动物,更不喜欢关在笼子里的动物。就是有钱,也是拿去买它们的肉来吃的。
          • 好吧,不能强迫,革命靠自觉。哈哈。
    • 如果我有这样树木的遗产,我平分成三部分,一部分给孩子,第二部分给多伦多抗癌的组织或者医院,最后一部分给动物园。
        • 我不分份,多罗嗦。直接捐肉联,我们移民精神的家园。
          • 没有肉联,我如何能够在加拿大美国如赵云,杀个七出七入。
            • 肉联在哪里,哪里就有家。太太,孩子,中国都会长大变老最后离开你,只有肉联总在身边。如朋友,如家人。在美国想家的时候,就喝加拿大的咖啡,吃中餐。但是都没有肉联总在身边。无论这里的山高水长,还是回中国,去墨西哥,去欧洲,我到宾馆第一件事情就找肉联。
              • 你说的是肉联厂吧。精神家园有什么用?
                • 精神要比物质重要的多,精神不倒,就是爬冰卧雪,战胜无数的孤独寂寞,在这些野地生存。精神倒了,人就会跳楼上吊。文革的时候,右派,挨斗的人很多只有在老婆提出离婚,划清界限的时候自杀的。
                  • 据说当年困难时期非正常死亡的,都是饿死的,不是什么被划清界限跳楼的。你是小资情调不知道什么叫肚子饿。饿你三天你就会知道精神需求屁也不是。
                    • 精神好了,物资自然保证了。肚子饿,可以唱歌弹琴。听没听过,许三观给三个孩子口头炒得菜? 昨天看舌尖二,比自己的包子感觉都好吃.
      • 钱的用途,一是正常花,花不完就登入的银行账号,看着那些数目傻笑,死了自然留给子女。