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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

看到你说的做网站的帖子, here is my two cents:

1. Do not use WordPress as it is too small and very cumbersome in terms of future expanding
2. Joomla is a better platform compared with Wordpress and other open source
3. There are lots of third party addons for Joomla, like commerce, forum, ....., and there are also lots of professional templates in the market, using a good template can save you lots of time
4. Hosting: do not use a hosting company lack of efficient tech support like Bluehost, they claim to be the best but has evolved to the worst, 30 minutes waiting time will drive you crazy
5. 1 month should be enough to complete, as long as the owner really wants it and is willing to work with you.
6. $1000 is sufficient, if no shopping function is needed,
7. Budget more if shopping cart is needed, as it involves lots non-technical work
PM me if you want to discuss, maybe I can shed you some light.
BTW: my background is pretty the same as you: asp.net + SQL

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 请教:如何快速做一个产品介绍和评价网站。
    在我家换窗户的师傅看我是写程序的,想做个网站介绍他做的门窗业务以及方便用户评论。我平时做的主要是ASP.NET/C#/SQL Server写数据管理软件。但是对用户交互为主的软件没有底。





    Q5:肯定有很多我不知道的技术,不知道如何突破I don’t know what I don’t know. 请大侠们指点迷津。

    • 对你而言,就是个费力不讨好的活。除非你闲得无聊:)
    • 告诉他,开个部落格足够了,。。。
    • 快速建站。。wordpress..free..host..<10 /month...
    • 你的工作量大概是15~20 hours.
    • 谢谢大侠的建议。今天把上面大侠的建议给师傅说了一下。师傅觉得博客和wordpress好像还不够正宗。希望有一个自己的域名,形式和内容更商业。既要电脑版,有要移动(iphone, ipad, 三星手机和平板电脑),这应该是个很大的项目了。有什么捷径吗?谢谢。
      • 查一下 Kendo UI。 用HTML5 和 Javascript (Kendo Lib) 开发。Web, Mobile 都能用。
      • 有一个自己的域名是很容易的,很多域名可以直接转发匹配URL
    • 在youtube上做视频就好了。。。
    • 看到你说的做网站的帖子, here is my two cents:
      1. Do not use WordPress as it is too small and very cumbersome in terms of future expanding
      2. Joomla is a better platform compared with Wordpress and other open source
      3. There are lots of third party addons for Joomla, like commerce, forum, ....., and there are also lots of professional templates in the market, using a good template can save you lots of time
      4. Hosting: do not use a hosting company lack of efficient tech support like Bluehost, they claim to be the best but has evolved to the worst, 30 minutes waiting time will drive you crazy
      5. 1 month should be enough to complete, as long as the owner really wants it and is willing to work with you.
      6. $1000 is sufficient, if no shopping function is needed,
      7. Budget more if shopping cart is needed, as it involves lots non-technical work
      PM me if you want to discuss, maybe I can shed you some light.
      BTW: my background is pretty the same as you: asp.net + SQL
    • 我可以试试, 手上都是现成的。