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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

帮你查了一下,看连接。六, 七月去,应该可以。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“Re: when is the best time to visit page, AZ to do the tour of Antelope Canyon?

by Homanded Online Now Jun 18, 2013 at 2:33 PM

We were there last year in June.
June is the ideal month for the position of the sun's rays in direction to the canyons.
I have both images I took as well as photography tips here:

"Lower and Upper Antelope Canyons" - Page by Homanded

Best time of the day is the tour which departs right before noon (photography tour) to Upper Antelope Canyon - this is the one known for the sun's rays and the ones that the tour guide throws sand into the air to maximize the effects of the rays shining in.
You will need a tripod for this.
These tours are very VERY popular and VERY crowded yet somehow, everyone seems to find a position and photograph to their hearts content.

We actually preferred Lower Antelope Canyon which you can drive to on your own.
You will still need to join a group tour (you are no longer allowed to do it on your own) and follow a guide with a large'ish group of around 24 people into the canyon.
TIP: Be the last one in so you can hang back and photograph rather than be in the front of the pack being hurried along.
By doing this I was able to hang back and let the crowd advance ahead of me and photograph the images you see.
You will eventually have another tour group behind you but they leave every 30 mins or so from the main staging area so you have time. ”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 7 月去羚羊谷还能忍受吗? ~
    • 沉的真快! 没人知道吗? ~~ 忽悠, 蓝美, 老农等....来了吗?
    • 当然可以忍受了, 有当地土著人开敞篷吉普车带你进去, 带个专业相机, 景色绝美!
      • 谢谢, 景色是没得说的, 估计温度得有40+ 了, 为了美景, 俺们忍了~~
        • 遮阳的物件配齐了,不要伤到皮肤,应该没啥问题了。
    • 帮你查了一下,看连接。六, 七月去,应该可以。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“Re: when is the best time to visit page, AZ to do the tour of Antelope Canyon?

      by Homanded Online Now Jun 18, 2013 at 2:33 PM

      We were there last year in June.
      June is the ideal month for the position of the sun's rays in direction to the canyons.
      I have both images I took as well as photography tips here:

      "Lower and Upper Antelope Canyons" - Page by Homanded

      Best time of the day is the tour which departs right before noon (photography tour) to Upper Antelope Canyon - this is the one known for the sun's rays and the ones that the tour guide throws sand into the air to maximize the effects of the rays shining in.
      You will need a tripod for this.
      These tours are very VERY popular and VERY crowded yet somehow, everyone seems to find a position and photograph to their hearts content.

      We actually preferred Lower Antelope Canyon which you can drive to on your own.
      You will still need to join a group tour (you are no longer allowed to do it on your own) and follow a guide with a large'ish group of around 24 people into the canyon.
      TIP: Be the last one in so you can hang back and photograph rather than be in the front of the pack being hurried along.
      By doing this I was able to hang back and let the crowd advance ahead of me and photograph the images you see.
      You will eventually have another tour group behind you but they leave every 30 mins or so from the main staging area so you have time. ”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 看来还不错, 谢谢啦啦~~:)
        BTW, 提个小小的建议哈, 那啥选LG 的事咱不玩行吗? ~~:)
        • 西人论坛对这些的讨论是很细微的,很有帮助。里面还有一个信息,那就是:羚羊谷阳光最好的时候是早上10点到下午2点?你注意一下。
          • 嗯, 我看到了~~而且不要走在最前面~
            • 我觉得他们不是担心哪个季节去,而是担心六,七月去,人太多,不好拍照。LOL。我相信,一定有很多华人摄影发烧友去呢。
        • 啊?选老公的事儿?笑倒啦。他们总是扯来扯去把我和小北同学扯一块儿,他们贼心不死,我不上当。嘻嘻。放心吧。
          • :D ~~ 听人劝吃饱饭, 听过没?
            • 记下啦。
              • 你还是上当吧
                • 为啥? 说服我。
                  • 因为我上当了#9353663@0
    • 我们七月份去黄石和大拱门 也很热
      • 我们是六月去的黄石, 感觉还有些凉呢~~
        • 你是CAMPING 吗?
          • 不是 住hotel
        • 黄石在北面,气候不太一样。
          • 据说大拱门会很热
          • 嗯, LV 当时就热得不行~
            • LV不一样,我当时去LV,45度,到了大峡谷大概就30度不到,在page, zion, 等地方大概也就30度多点。。。
              • page, zion 还没去过~~
                • page是一个镇子,相当于一个游客的集散地,很多游客都是从那里出发,去周边的景点。。。page是靠羚羊谷最近的一个town。
                  • 我刚把羚羊谷作为旅游目的地, 还没开始做RESEARCH ~~ 以后肯定还有问题要请教~:)
      • 需要考虑早晚温差吧。
        • 恩 肯定的
      • 羚羊谷跟黄石南北差老远了。。。。没有可比性。。。。
        • 嗯 就是一起冒出来 看看能不能在哪偶遇下 lol
          • 有一年俺在san diego打球短打扮还满身冒汗。。。。等到了san francisco冷得把所有衣服都穿上了还是扛不住直嘚嘚。。。。
            • 几月
              • 7。。。。
    • 确实热点。。。。但绝对没问题。。。。晚上坐在篝火旁喝酒还挺凉。。。。
      • 如果你有羚羊谷的风景照片,可以拿出来分享一下。
        • 揉脸上PP麻烦滴很。。。。网上一堆一堆的都比俺照滴强。。。。
          • 10 - 2 点之间? 有旅游功略吗? 几天够用?
            • 忘了。。。。反正有专门的时间段给买了照相票的进去。。。。
            • 羚羊谷是个很小的地方。必须跟团,不能自由游。有时间段(1-2小时坐车去坐车回)。(是土著人自己的旅游团)。
              • 我在想着飞 LV-> 羚羊谷
                • 是的,我们是飞到LV 租车一路玩了大峡谷一大圈用了21天。只去羚羊谷不划算。
                • 如果只去羚羊谷,就飞page,连租车都省了。。。
                  • 这也是个好 建议, LV, Grand Canyon 去过了, maybe 可以把这时间省下来给SEDONA
          • 网上那些,我不爱看,感到没有PERSONAL TOUCH,美得不像真的了。
      • 你是CAMPING 吗? -littlebird09(小小鸟); 10:53 (#9353453@0)
        • 从来不野睡。。。。
          • 难听。买好的野营被翻译成了野睡。去你的。
    • 建议你往南走走有个地方叫sedona。。。。简直美滴不像话。。。。
      • 上张图。。。。
      • 呀, 又多一个地方, 离羚羊谷远吗? 可以顺路玩下来?
        • 那个要南下,去Phonix的路上,我看还不如去zion, 离的不远。大峡谷去过了吧。。。
          • 大峡谷去过
        • 狗一下很麻烦么。。。。?不知你的行程安排没法说。。。。再上点图看看。。。。
          • 这不想走点捷径吗~~ 我看不懂MAP, 晚上让LG 看看~ 的确很美
            • 地图在此。。。。
              • OK, 看来是manageable
          • 这个地方跟大峡谷正好相反。。。。峡谷往下看。。。。这里如桂林山水一般只是绿变红。。。。
    • 记住去羚羊谷好时间段要提前2个月预订。我们去年提前1个月都没订上。最后去的早上团。(因下午团太热)。还有人太多。没时间照相。(必须跟上导游)。
      • 好, 谢谢提醒