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I guess that the admissions test would be difficult since this is a condensed, intenstive program which lasts only one year and does not allow time for you to take upgrade courses in English.

I applied by using my IELTS score of 7 and they did not ask me to take the admissions test. I called the admissions office a couple of days and learned that even no skills assessment was needed for this program after you are admitted. They determine your language eligibility based on the result admissions test if you do not submit other proofs of English proficiency. If your result is not good enough to convince them that your English is immediately ready for this program, then game is over. Good luck to you. We could be classmates.
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  • 请教各位,本人现在college读accounting的diploma,近期学校有一个新的program在一年内读完所有的会计专业课程毕业后发给certificate和CGA3级的accreditation。这种certificate相对于就业来说和diploma有什么区别吗?是否值得放弃diploma转去拿下这个certificate呢?谢谢。
    • Are you talking about the PRA program at Seneca? I was admitted into this program and will study at Seneca this September. +1
      • I have taken the 1st semester of ACF at seneca, and I am thinking about to transfer to PRA program now. But I am hesitant about if I should do that. Are you the new seneca student? Was it easy when you applied PRA program? +1
        • this program is not new, seneca copied the concept from Conestoga college which was offering the same/similar program for years.
          • 谢谢。你已经从seneca的ACF毕业了吧?真羡慕你已经熬出头了,找工作顺利吗,以你的经验这个PRA是不是会比ACF好些呢? +1
            • yes, i graduated in 2007, and I've found a job within 2 weeks after the exams (before i submit the "request to graduate form")
              Seneca's ACF program is not hard but not easy either, just a lot of assignments; however, it's nothing compare to CGA courses. if you think seneca courses are hard, then you should try super hard on CGA courses.

              Well i can complete any ACF assignments in 1 night; however, CGA assignments will at least take 2 nights to complete. Then i will be super tired at work the next day.
              • So you are in CGA now. Which course you are taking now?
                • how can i become a CGA in 1 year after graduating from seneca? lol, I am doing level 4 at CGA right now, finished FA4 (intensive course with a fairly hard exam).
                  • Do you enjoy your study? you should have a blog to share your experience, some of your articles are very interesting. I actally added one in 会计红宝书 communication, presentation and social skills +1
                    • 会计红宝书? what is that? and I didn't know u added my stuff. interesting, well life is busy these days. Family, CGA assignments, work, friends. not much time out for myself.
                      right now I have sometime because the first assignment aren't due until 25th of June. but I better get started studying the module.
                  • I heard you can do the challenge exam at CGA for FA4 if you finished the ACF at Seneca. Acctaully you can take 3 chanllenge exams at CGA in Level 4. Then you do not need to take the courses at CGA again. Am I right?
            • if you already have a degree or diploma, i suggest you take the PRA (3 semesters) program which is a fast track version of ACF (6 semesters).
              • 谢谢你的建议。我也是这样考虑。你能很快找到工作是否和完成了ACF学业有关,雇主认可你有diploma,但有些顾虑的是PRA出来,不知找工作时不知是否和ACF有同等的效应。
      • 请问申请PRA需要入学考试吗? 都考些什么? 我现在申请9月份的,来得及吗? 先谢谢了.
        • 现在申请可以的。也可以打电话到admission office咨询具体情况。
          • Is the entrance exam difficult? My English is not that good? Anyone to share the experience?
            • I guess that the admissions test would be difficult since this is a condensed, intenstive program which lasts only one year and does not allow time for you to take upgrade courses in English.
              I applied by using my IELTS score of 7 and they did not ask me to take the admissions test. I called the admissions office a couple of days and learned that even no skills assessment was needed for this program after you are admitted. They determine your language eligibility based on the result admissions test if you do not submit other proofs of English proficiency. If your result is not good enough to convince them that your English is immediately ready for this program, then game is over. Good luck to you. We could be classmates.
              • 您是从这个专业毕业的, 那么能不能给我点儿意见在program的选择上。 PRA只读一年,有没有co-op毕业生好找工作吗?
    • ACF has Co-op program, that seems very attractive.
      • every 3-year accounting programs has an co-op option, not just seneca.