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呵呵,无它,就是practice, Module里提供的每个CASE 都自己练上一两次,再加上practice exam。有的人比较强,不用练习,只看case也能过,我不行。我从松柏常青那里得到了非常非常有用的tips,下面是她的经验分享的帖子link。

前面的人都提醒好多好多次了,再提醒大家一遍,别费工夫到处找PA1和PA2的past exam了,CGA早就不提供了,现在能找的到的都是03还是04年以前的了,规则都变了,没有任何帮助,只会误导。Cases 足够了。
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • CGA PA1 and PA2 成绩出来了! 过了!
    • Congratulations!
      • 谢谢!
    • 天哪!!!!我的PA2也过了,竟然得了个honor。这句话终于轮到我说了----- 再也不用学习。。。。。。
      • 太牛了!
      • 同喜,我PA2也过了!再也不用考试了!全部的业余时间都可以用来陪两孩子了!!
        • 是啊,从此可以和我的little one分享每一个周末,每一个傍晚,想想都激动啊!6年了,终于结束了。
          • 恭喜,精神可加
          • 前辈恭喜啊!解脱了!我也想考CGA,想问问哪里报名呢?需要准备些什么材料呢。国内的会计本科,加拿大的会计硕士。刚毕业那几年忙着找工作,搞移民,公司常加班,没时间学习,现预备开始考觉得眼前很迷茫。麻烦给点指导!谢谢!:)
        • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you Michael.h.youkhana@gmail.com
      • Great !Could you send me a copy of any of your PA1 and PA2 study material or assignment material? Many thanks.my email: chao_dai@msn.com
        • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you
      • Congratulations ,could you send me your PA1 and PA2 study material ?
        • my email is mumagirl33@hotmail.com.Thanks a lot.
      • HI, can you share study experience about PA1 & PA2? how to study? read case? thanks!
        • 呵呵,无它,就是practice, Module里提供的每个CASE 都自己练上一两次,再加上practice exam。有的人比较强,不用练习,只看case也能过,我不行。我从松柏常青那里得到了非常非常有用的tips,下面是她的经验分享的帖子link。
          前面的人都提醒好多好多次了,再提醒大家一遍,别费工夫到处找PA1和PA2的past exam了,CGA早就不提供了,现在能找的到的都是03还是04年以前的了,规则都变了,没有任何帮助,只会误导。Cases 足够了。
      • 太牛了,恭喜. 请多分享经验:)
    • 祝贺各位!希望不久的将来轮到我。
      • 谢谢啦。你也一定会的,只是时间早晚问题,只要坚持到底,最后就是胜利。
    • PA1 & PA2 all pass! I am so happy!
      • Great achievement!!Could you share your PA1 and PA2 study material? my email: chao_dai@msn.com. Thank you.
    • Congratulations! you pass both PA1 and PA2!!!! Do you still have the case analysis and recommended solutions?
    • 同喜,同喜!现在发愁哪里找足够工作经验
      • 我也是,是不是去firm会好一点呢?
      • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you Michael.h.youkhana@gmail.com
    • congratulations! Enjoy your life without CGA,can you send me your PA1 and PA2 past exam or related material ,my email is mumagirl33@hotmail.com,I pmed you before.
      • Congratulations! Could you please also send me your PA1 and PA2 past exams and review material? my email: qizhihu@yahoo.com.
        • congratuation! do you able to send me your pa1 and pa2 material and past exam? thank you very much
    • 我的pa2也过了! 太高兴了!!!从考场出来一点信心都没有,以为铁定废了呢,hahaha, no more study! 希望大家都好运.
      • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you Michael.h.youkhana@gmail.com
    • 真厉害!恭喜!
    • Awesome!!!! Could you share your PA1 & PA1 study material, eg. case analysis, past exam paper. my email: chao_dai@msn.com. Many thanks! Enjoy your life.
    • 终于结束了CGA的最后的一门课。再也不用考试了。现有PA1及PA2的 module case, 有需要的请PM我,自取。我在Mississauga。
      • hi,楼主我想要case,请问你是纸版的,要到你那拿是么
        • 不好意思,我已答应送给别人,两星期后取。如他/她到时候不需要,我再跟你联系。
        • 我倒是有电子版的, 如果你要可以email给你.
          • do you able to send me one copy of electronic version my email sp2012ing@gmail.com
          • Could you please send me one ,thanks, my email address is jesliuyang@yahoo.com
            • 已发, 以上两位请查收.
              • Could you please send me the module cases for PA1 & PA2? My email is Katezhuqc@gmail.com. Many thanks!!!
          • Alwayssummer, could you please send me one copy? Thank you very much! my email: katewang918@gmail.com
            • 已发, 请查收.
              • Can you please send me also, I sent PM to you, thanks!
                • 能否也给我发一份,由衷感谢helen.weng2008@gmail.com
              • Could you please send one copy to me ? Thanks a lot . henryczw@gmail.com
                • 已发, 请查收.
                  • 收到了 谢谢你
                  • 能麻烦也给我发一份么? Tingwuu@gmail.com 多谢啦
              • thank you very much, Eva. I got it. K.
              • Sorry alwayssummer, I forgot to give you my email. Can you please send to: ann_mlin@yahoo.ca? Many thanks!!!
              • 请问可以发给我一份吗? 谢谢。 yadonghou@gmail.com.
              • 可以发给我一份吗?谢谢您!PM您EMAIL
              • Hello, Would you kindly please send me a copy of PA1 and PA2 material Much appreciated your help! Cheers! angelayangyi@gmail.com
          • can you please kindly email me also? email addr: k-qiao@hotmail.com. Many thanks. Kun
          • 已经发给所有需要的同学, 请查收.
            • Pmed you my email. Thanks a million for your share.
          • Could you please email to me? My email: hw030515@yahoo.com Thank you so much!
            • 已发, 请查收.
            • Would you please send me an electronic copy? My email is vickimac123@gmail.com. Thank you.
          • Pmed. Please send me the materials. Many thanks for your kindness.
          • Could you please send me a copy. My email address is: happilystudy@hotmail.com Thank you so much!
          • Could you also send me a copy, my email is frankacc2010@yahoo.ca. Appreciate your help.
          • 也请发给我一份吧,谢谢
          • Please email me (chao_dai@msn.com) a copy of the electronic PA1 & PA2 module cases. Also, If you have any other PA1& 2 material to share, please forward me a copy. Many thanks.
          • I m late, can you send me one copy please! newlife2013j@gmail.com
          • hi Alwayssummer,can you send me PA1 and PA2 study material and practice exam.Thank you very much,my email:mumagirl33@hotmail.com
            • Congratulations! Could you send some PA1 and PA2 materials to me as well! dinaly01@gmail.com Thanks a lot!
          • Could u pls send me one? many thanks. :))))))))))))) wangliyan18@gmail.com
          • 也请发给我一份吧,谢谢 . PM email already. Thank you.
          • Hi, 方便发我一份吗?tracy.ying2013@gmail.com
          • Hello, Would you please also send me PA1 and PA2 Cases? Thank you so much. Email: carriezhou730@gmail.com Carrie
          • Could you please send me the ecopy as well? ledajiang@gmail.com. many thanks
          • Can you pls send me e-version of PA1 & PA2? I sent PM to you. Waiting...Thanks in advance!!
          • I want it too. lianannie@yahoo.com Thanks!
          • 麻烦给我发一份吧. 非常感谢!katezhuqc@gmail.com
          • Could you please send me a copy? Thanks a lot. ------ harry2ca@yahoo.com
          • 您好,正准备PA 的考试,看见您说可以分享module case,可否发一份给我呢,谢谢。heluna.lun@gmail.com
          • 请给我发一份。 谢谢。jig_zhang@hotmail.com.
          • can you please send it to me@ cindyn2009@hotmail.com? thanks
            • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you
          • Could u pls send me one? PMed email already.
          • 请问也能给我发一份么?非常非常感谢!coolke@gmail.com
          • 请给我也发一份吧。 非常感谢。linda.jin.cheng@gmail.com
          • ◾hi Alwayssummer, when you have time, could you please kindly send me a copy of them? my email is ytfe@hotmail.com , Many thanks!!!
          • Hi Alwayssummer, can you please send me the PA1 & PA2 past exam and module? Thanks so much.
          • 可以麻烦你也给我发一份PA1&PA2的Module Case吗?太谢谢了!lilyli220@gmail.com
          • Would you kindly send me one copy too? Thank you! Thank you! Angelayangyi@gmail.com
          • Could you please send me a copy of module case of PA1,2? thank you very much for you help?
          • Oops, forgot to give you my email, please forward a copy of PA1,2 module case, many thanks! email:keyziao@gmail.com
          • Could you also send to me? Thanks! Email: k.c.learn@hotmail.com.
          • PA1/PA2
            Could u please send me the material as well ! thank you so much! wreika@yahoo.com
          • 你好,我正准备PA的考试,希望能收集到一些复习资料,能方便给我发一份你的PA资料吗? 谢谢 kajinostock@gmail.com
          • Can you please send to me yongjunhu@hotmail.com Many thanks!
            • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you Michael.h.youkhana@gmail.com
          • Could you please send me the PA1 & PA2 Module case? My email address is lindafoc@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot!
          • 请发给我两PA 课的资料好吗? 非常感谢 ! 邮箱是caimeixie@yahoo.ca
          • 能否也给我发一份PA1 &PA2的, 十分感谢!wuamanda888@gmail.com
          • Hi, could you send me one? Thx! My email: ivyjiang.classb@gmail.com
      • could u please send me the material as well ! thx~ fhy_8888@hotmail.com
      • Would you kindly send PA1 and PA2 case too? Thank you! Thank you! Angelayangyi@gmail.com
    • Congratulations!!
      • Can you send me the case? yongjunhu@hotmail.com. 谢谢!
    • 大大恭喜!
    • Could u pls send me one? PMed email already.
    • 恭喜恭喜,成功通关了! +1
    • 严重恭喜
    • 有人在考FA4吗
    • Would you kindly send me a copy of Pa1and Pa2, Thank you Thank you! Angelayangyi@gmail.com
      • Would you kindly send me a copy of Pa1and Pa2, Thank you Thank you! roroly2006@gmail.com
        • Would anybody mind to send me a copy of PA1 & 2 as well. Thanks in advance
          • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you..
            • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you Michael.h.youkhana@gmail.com
          • Would anyone mind to send me a copy of PA1 & PA2, my email is jc_fdjb@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance.
    • Would one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 too Thank you Michael.h.youkhana@gmail.com
      • Can one of you please please send me a copy of PA1 & 2 to yongjunhu@hotmail.com Millions thanks!