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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think most of us including ToysRus understand your perspective and agree with most of your comments except that you believe “take initiative不需要越权”. Are there circumstance, in which ...

Are there circumstance, in which one has to stand out to take the responsibility, to do the right thing and thus shift to the grey area of 越权?

You also provided some “bad” examples of taking initiatives which leaves me to wonder: are we talking about the same “Taking Initiative”? Taking initiatives does not equal to lacking of professional judgments.

With good, justified intention, should one’s effort be recognized and appreciated, maybe not always, maybe not directly by the report-to boss? Through your years of being a manager, a leader, have you experienced or observed any positive examples of taking initiatives?

Please don’t stop here. We really need rolians who have moved to management level to share their experiences and insights. I have learned a lot from your post. Thank you.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 对楼主的观点和文笔非常景仰,但有一点小小的不同意见,想探讨一下。
    我觉得"不越权"这种"美德"更适用于亚洲文化,在这里的职场太被动只会阻碍发展速度。Take initiative是很多职位招聘要求的,而take initiative往往需要"越权",需要你想老板所未想,做老板所未做的。这里有一个"度"的问题,如果你"越权"是为了表现你比老板能干,那是万万要不得的,但如果你"越权"是单为把工作做好,不仅给你自己的performance添彩,同时也给老板的performance锦上添花,那这个权就必须越。
    • 个人倾向于安知鱼的论点 - 尽量不要越权。但不越权并不代表不take Initiative. 关键是keep your boss informed, 并且尽量把决定权给你的Boss。
      对于initiative,可以提出建议,对于问题可以给出不同的option,and suggest solution and share your reasoning. Ask your boss for perspectives and thoughts. 当然如果你的位置较高,那对你在独立make decision方面也较高。但Timely informing仍然很重要。
    • initiative ~~ 非说不可的话题
      • wow....very good and helpful
      • Wow, great article, thank you for sharing!
      • 谢谢楼上2位的探讨,其实我们的观点并没有分歧,所不同的是对"越权"和"take initiative"的定义有程度差别。你们认为知会了就不是越权,而我认为就算知会,你干了本该他干的事,就是越权。
        还有我要补充的是,除了掌握"度"以外,老板的个性也是一个相当重要的因素,有的老板不喜欢员工take initiatives,这类老板在亚洲公司占多数,这也是我说更适用于亚洲文化的原因。

        至于你说的take initiative在我看来都是一些"自说自话"的例子,那些人不懂什么叫team。说个例子来解释我所定义的take initiative。以前工作的公司有个SFA大家都非常喜欢,他工作中不断给人惊喜。他经常跑来说:这个process我觉得有改进的空间,如果我们这样这样,可以省去多少工作量,减少多少出错可能性。如果你同意我可以take charge。但我需要什么resource和你的support。这个不是"自说自话",但他想到了老板没有想到的。

        • 是的!老板的性格,在公司的地位,和自己对自己老板的了解程度也很重要。有的老板细致,一点儿小事你不CC他,他都抓狂。对这样的老板就要凡事都要汇报,一直等他信任你去处理为止, 或者累死他:D
        • 如何玩initiative
          • 受教了。同意!有空一起喝杯茶吗?
            • 踩住!Joyce快来看啊,你请了八百多年没请动的人也请人了!
            • I'd love to. 恭敬不如从命!
      • 写的好, 故事很精彩, 希望你有空多冒泡// 我觉得你的长篇和toysrus的三言两语表达的意思是一致的,就是take initiative 要考虑"度"
        特别是不完全清楚老板意图的时候, 大可以多做几个options让老板去选, options一定要准备, 说明自己想的到位; decision让老板去做, 打谁拉谁, 老板心里有小九九; 还保护自己。
      • Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think most of us including ToysRus understand your perspective and agree with most of your comments except that you believe “take initiative不需要越权”. Are there circumstance, in which ...
        Are there circumstance, in which one has to stand out to take the responsibility, to do the right thing and thus shift to the grey area of 越权?

        You also provided some “bad” examples of taking initiatives which leaves me to wonder: are we talking about the same “Taking Initiative”? Taking initiatives does not equal to lacking of professional judgments.

        With good, justified intention, should one’s effort be recognized and appreciated, maybe not always, maybe not directly by the report-to boss? Through your years of being a manager, a leader, have you experienced or observed any positive examples of taking initiatives?

        Please don’t stop here. We really need rolians who have moved to management level to share their experiences and insights. I have learned a lot from your post. Thank you.
      • Wow, 写的真好!大家应该多多交流这些方面的技巧。
      • 楼主对office politics 掌握的很好。thumb up
      • 我胆子小,小声说一句
        "我上的楼来,立刻就把copy扔他脸上了,咆哮已经是我能控制自己的最好方式了。" 是不是有点over react 了。声音大就算了,还有身体"袭击"啊。HR 不管吗。有理不在声高,我正在修炼再顶火,表面也微笑委婉。
        • Exactly, even CxO is an employee (Company gives you the cap of executive today, it can also take it away tomorrow).
          For family controlled company, if you have the strong backup from the person having the same last name as the company, maybe you're secured.
          Other than that, better be professional... If I were him(her), I would throw the papers back on your face. Nothing to do with capacity or competency. This is definitely the wrong way of communication.
        • 这可能跟公司的culture有关。我现在的公司就有这样不好的culture,主要是顶上没带好头。
      • Very smart. Well said
    • Take initiative主要在于工作主动性,比如主动提出改进流程,主动承担某个项目,越不越权不是关键.跟老板和其他同事即时和充份的沟通也是必不可少的.
    • 顶这个贴,咱中国人也不能总是底下那默默干活的,越往上,很多教科书上没有的就越发重要。大家一起分享自己的经验教训很重要。