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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛NOC1111的全部title,列表如下



accountants supervisor

accounting controller


assistant controller

audit unit head – taxation

auditor – finance

auditor-CA (chartered accountant)

auditor-chartered accountant (CA)

auditors supervisor

bank branch accountant

bank reserves auditor

bankruptcy trustee

branch accountant, bank

budget accountant

CA (chartered accountant)

CA (chartered accountant) student

certified general accountant (CGA)

certified management accountant (CMA)

CGA (certified general accountant)

chartered accountant (CA)

chartered accountant (CA) student

chief accountant

claims accountant

CMA (certified management accountant)

computer audit specialist

cost accountant

cost accounting supervisor

departmental accountant

division controller – accounting

field auditor – finances

financial accountant

financial auditor

financial control officer

general accountant

income tax adjuster

income tax adviser

income tax consultant

income tax expert

income tax investigator

income tax specialist

industrial accountant

industrial auditor

intermediate accountant

internal audit project manager

internal audit supervisor – finances

internal auditor

internal auditor – finances

internal auditors supervisor – finances

machine processing accountant

management accountant

management accounting chief

manufacturing accountant

officer, financial control

plant accountant

plant controller

production accountant

project accountant

property accountant

public accountant

public accountants chief

public accountants supervisor

reinsurance analyst

rulings officer, taxation

sales auditor – finances

senior accounting analyst

senior cost accountant

senior intern auditor

supervisor, accountants

supervisor, auditors

supervisor, cost accounting

supervisor, internal audit – finances

supervisor, internal auditors – finances

supervisor, public accountants

tax accountant

tax adviser

tax analyst

tax auditor

tax consultant

tax evaluator

tax examiner

tax expert

tax specialist

taxation rulings officer更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 问一下参加过新的CMA(CPA)module 5的考试的同学,什么样的计算器是允许的?今天打电话去问,说是只能用他们提供的最基本的计算器,觉得不对。
    • CPA/CMA会给你寄一个计算器的, 很好用了。
      • 学会计的人手一个
    • CMA接电话的人实在太不靠谱了,打了两个电话都跟我说计算器只有最基本的加减乘除功能,考试时会提供present value表。结果昨天计算器寄到我家,明明是有FV和PV功能。真讨厌。
      • 讨厌的不止这个,我刚学完M5,那些student notes和练习,有些答案是错的。不过能过关哈。
        • 请问一下最后的考试难吗?用得了四个小时吗?多少分pass?
          • 不难,但是题量大,如果平时练习多的话就是写啊写,我是提前半小时交卷子。因为M5有mid term,平时的quiz满分,所以期末会压力小。单科60分过,但是总平均要65才算过,所以当然越多越好。
    • 也抱怨一下。决定放弃CMA以后通知他们不要再发我邮件。花了近两年时间才成功。
      • 一直都认为这些机构就是纯粹为赢利而存在的商业机构,对任何一个都没有好感,收取的高昂学费根本不值那个价。要不是市场认这个,才不鸟他们。
        • "根本不值那个价", 为什么"市场认这个"?
          • 我觉得是大家都有了,所以你必须有。有不给你优势,但没有就是劣势。
            • 差不多是这个意思。
            • 为什么"大家都有了,所以你必须有"? 很多人婚姻里有第三者, 是不是也应该考虑来一个?
              • 错误类比,一个是好的,至少是不是坏的,另一个是坏的,两个没法比的。
                • 哦, CMA是好的. 它好在哪里?
                  • 你写在简历上至少不会有坏的影响吧,除非你申请很低的职位。
                    • 写在简历上漂亮? 你以为当你去面试的时候, 说不出个像CMA一样的三五六来, 或者像CGA那样的七八九也行, 你会被聘用?
                      • 可是,你没有CMA、CGA可能连面试的机会都没有,明白了吗?
                        • 我今天真的是闲的慌了, 再多说两句. 就这坛子里的, 大把人没有CMA, CGA, CA都在工作, 你自己不也说初级职位不用吗? CMA/CGA/CA到底能给你什么, 是你的homework. 但是我要说的是, 如果你还没有吃过猪肉, 就不要告诉别人猪肉是什么味道, 听来的不算.
                          • 你这话说的,好像世界上只有你一个人有desgination。就此打住。
                            • 这位MN不要动怒. 其实你怎么说已经有了的人, 对他们的影响都不大, 因为他们已经上了贼船, 下不来啦, 而对那些正在学的人, 在这条路上辛苦前进的人, 你让他们情何以堪? 如果你不pursuing, 那是你非常个人的决定, 就请安静的走开, 最少给那些正在倾力而为的人一个尊重. 谢谢.
                              • 很好,会计也不是不归路,不喜欢掉头走人,比死抱着不放,还天天埋怨纠结更有效!
                          • 你一来,招人烦的就不止我一个了。我太喜欢你了!
                            • 那就让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧, 反正有你挡在前面.
                              • 什么?这就让我堵枪口去啦。这管理层的人是反映快啊!
                                • 冤! 不是我坏, 没办法, 谁让领导总是走在最前面呢? :(
                              • 移民部刚把accounting的技术工作排除在留学生申请移民的工作之外了(和其他5项,还有厨师?)。他们估计是可以宏观地,不偏颇地看问题。
                                • So...what's your point? 十几年前,我移民的时候accountant就不是一个好移的科目,如果是lawyer移民更没可能了, 能说Canadian Bar Association不值钱。// 大家思维方式太跳跃了,跟不上啊。
                                  • 整个行业的从业人员太多了,总体持牌的人员会增加还是减少?在市场需求萎缩的时候(经济还没好吧),总体供给的从业人员会价值增加?
                                    • 这位同学,我们已经说了很多次了,说话要有根据,要有facts。我不知道不能移民的accounting工作是什么,可以移的名单在这里。市场需求萎缩,有指标吗?道指,就业率,领取失业救济金率?有根据吗?
                                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛NOC1111的全部title,列表如下



                                      accountants supervisor

                                      accounting controller


                                      assistant controller

                                      audit unit head – taxation

                                      auditor – finance

                                      auditor-CA (chartered accountant)

                                      auditor-chartered accountant (CA)

                                      auditors supervisor

                                      bank branch accountant

                                      bank reserves auditor

                                      bankruptcy trustee

                                      branch accountant, bank

                                      budget accountant

                                      CA (chartered accountant)

                                      CA (chartered accountant) student

                                      certified general accountant (CGA)

                                      certified management accountant (CMA)

                                      CGA (certified general accountant)

                                      chartered accountant (CA)

                                      chartered accountant (CA) student

                                      chief accountant

                                      claims accountant

                                      CMA (certified management accountant)

                                      computer audit specialist

                                      cost accountant

                                      cost accounting supervisor

                                      departmental accountant

                                      division controller – accounting

                                      field auditor – finances

                                      financial accountant

                                      financial auditor

                                      financial control officer

                                      general accountant

                                      income tax adjuster

                                      income tax adviser

                                      income tax consultant

                                      income tax expert

                                      income tax investigator

                                      income tax specialist

                                      industrial accountant

                                      industrial auditor

                                      intermediate accountant

                                      internal audit project manager

                                      internal audit supervisor – finances

                                      internal auditor

                                      internal auditor – finances

                                      internal auditors supervisor – finances

                                      machine processing accountant

                                      management accountant

                                      management accounting chief

                                      manufacturing accountant

                                      officer, financial control

                                      plant accountant

                                      plant controller

                                      production accountant

                                      project accountant

                                      property accountant

                                      public accountant

                                      public accountants chief

                                      public accountants supervisor

                                      reinsurance analyst

                                      rulings officer, taxation

                                      sales auditor – finances

                                      senior accounting analyst

                                      senior cost accountant

                                      senior intern auditor

                                      supervisor, accountants

                                      supervisor, auditors

                                      supervisor, cost accounting

                                      supervisor, internal audit – finances

                                      supervisor, internal auditors – finances

                                      supervisor, public accountants

                                      tax accountant

                                      tax adviser

                                      tax analyst

                                      tax auditor

                                      tax consultant

                                      tax evaluator

                                      tax examiner

                                      tax expert

                                      tax specialist

                                      taxation rulings officer更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                                      • 不说了,你永远是对。
                                        • 我可没说我永远是对的!但至少我说话还是有根据的。
                                    • 这就是你说的供给与需求? "我也悲剧了,共勉。noc1111accountant的要求很高的(职责,工资,经验,甚至要有证) 一般毕业生不一定能做到。感觉是(初级)会计太多所以收紧 -tailcat(tailcat); 11.20 20:39 (#77508@41) reply more " ------- 难道我的智商也悲剧了?
                                      • 这不就是移民部的目的?把低端的accounting经验砍掉?依靠简单的accounting的经验进入不了加拿大?
                                • WHAT? WHAT? WHAAAAAAT A.................! 我的眼镜被该同学的超人的逻辑思维击得粉碎......
                                  • 没什么奇怪的,简单的供求关系。
          • 两回事。
            • 哦, 原来价格和市场是两回事.
              • 价格跟市场不一定是一回事,市场有失灵的时候。
                • 市场会在什么时候, 什么条件和状态下失灵啊? 这几个专业认证机构真是搞很大了, 居然把这么成熟的一个资本主义市场体系搞失灵, 就凭这个本事, 窃以为就该学. 最少你承认它不是百无一用的.
                  • hahahaha, you are too bad. :-)
                    • 改天我地把你们这一猫一鱼搁一快儿,估计比好莱坞大片上座率高! 有买站票的吗?
                      • 好啊, 你在这儿等着我们哪. 不要紧, 俗话说, 好戏总是留在后头, 嘿嘿嘿
                    • Sorry, my apology! :( By the way, 可不可以笑小声点, 我在北面都听到你声音了, 嘿嘿, 像我这样含蓄点:)
        • 我觉得通过学习CMA还是学了好多东西,可能我没有系统地学过吧。我前一个公司就认这些职称,每人后面都缀几个,没这些东西的话升职很难。现在的公司就好些,很多人有证也不亮出来。
          • 会计知识还是要系统学习。经验也要积累,衡量知识和经验,总得有个统一的标准,会计师证就出现了。有证并不说明一个人有能力,但没有证书的,系统学习这一块都没办法证明。尤其是上市公司,人家要短时间了解你的员工职业素质,只能用看证的方式。
            • A master's degree in accounting from a top tier American University should bear the same weight as a designation, but not in this market. Still think the market is misguided and values a designation more than it should.
              Yes I am complaining, but I am also adapting, that's why I am on my way to get a designation.
              • I don't think so. Master of accounting is only a degree, the quality of the professional judgment developed by the interaction of education and experience is not automatically assured.
                • Professional judgment developed by the interaction of education and experience is not automatically assured either by CMA. I personally do not value CMA, but that's just my opinion.
                  • 小声点,你这得得罪一大片。
                    • 只要不得罪我老板就可以了。
                • Interactions with professionals at graduate school level are far more valuable than what CMA program can provide. Again, just my opinion. I am sure plenty of ppl disagree.
              • 全世界对professionals都是这样的要求,你就是顶尖医学院毕业的,没考到行医资格,就不能叫医生;你就是顶尖法学院毕业的,没考过Bar,一辈子都是clerk,不能叫律师。行业特点,不喜误入。
        • You posted to the wrong place. :-) You are facing all the bricks from CMAs.
          • Doesn't bother me at all.