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应该只要academic完成了就不会受到太大影响了。只是2015九月之后PA还没有完成就必须继续学,2018九月之前完成Perc就可以拥有dual designation。各位努力奋斗吧!

If unification occurs as expected, the CGA program of professional studies (courses and exams) will continue to be offered until September 2015 (session 4 of the 2014-15 academic year). At that time, students who have not completed the CGA program will have the opportunity to transition into the CPA prerequisite program (CPA PREP) and the CPA professional education program (CPA PEP).

Students who complete the requirements to become a CGA (academic requirements on or before September, 2015; and degree and experience requirements on or before September, 2018) will receive both the CGA and
CPA designations.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • CGAO这是要打算合并的前奏了么~~~~~~~看完email,我立刻神速地看我的FN2去,誓死要在2015年前把CGA拿到手!谁知道合并以后要学多少课啊啊啊!
    • 哈哈,估计是大势所趋但是希望CGA能争取到更多利益不然最后只有CA一家独大。不知道unify之后审计这方面对CGA会有什么影响。
      • 我也这么觉得,咱CGA人数有优势,别到时候搞个人最多权利最少就搞笑了。
        • 打群架吗?^_^
    • 我这儿也发了半天誓了 :( 必须要认真了。。。强烈鄙视一下自己。
      • 一边上班一边考试一边写perc的伤不起啊。我最近把perc扔一边了,果然multi-task不适合我
        • 呵呵。。果然是同道中人啊!PERC已经好久没碰了。必须接着multi-task啊同学!!
    • 嘿呦嘿,又一个绑头巾的上来了... 奋斗-->必胜!
    • 今天俺也给CGA打电话了,被告知明年合并,现正在犹豫要不要继续,又上班又读书累啊。
      • 当然要啊,看见楼下那姑娘说了,要来个PA3,你得悔得肠子青。而且这是很有可能的!
        • 看来一把年纪又要去念书了。
    • 希望合并后,不加新课,不要来个PA3,把额给气死。。
      • 应该只要academic完成了就不会受到太大影响了。只是2015九月之后PA还没有完成就必须继续学,2018九月之前完成Perc就可以拥有dual designation。各位努力奋斗吧!
        If unification occurs as expected, the CGA program of professional studies (courses and exams) will continue to be offered until September 2015 (session 4 of the 2014-15 academic year). At that time, students who have not completed the CGA program will have the opportunity to transition into the CPA prerequisite program (CPA PREP) and the CPA professional education program (CPA PEP).

        Students who complete the requirements to become a CGA (academic requirements on or before September, 2015; and degree and experience requirements on or before September, 2018) will receive both the CGA and
        CPA designations.
      • 我同事和我说,有个map什么的,有些课是equivalent,有些就浪费了,但是合并后的课比cga的课少了,好像FN还是accounting什么的只有一门了。
        • 肯定的,难道AT1,BC2被砍掉是前兆?
    • 快学,以免夜长梦多。
    • 借贴问一下,我才刚准备去上学,朝CGA 方向努力,以前没有太了解,今天才知道还有个CPA,怎么大家都不愿意考CPA 的样子,CPA 和CGA 哪个更好呀? CPA 更难吗?
      • 不是不愿意考,是大家读到一半要合并,以前学的可能浪费。CA和CMA合并后叫CPA,然后CPA想和CGA再合并。也就是说如果都合并了加拿大就只有CPA而不再有CA,CMA,CGA了。你应该好好决定自己要enroll哪一个,因为每一个A都在经历很大的转折对你可能会有影响。
        • 谢谢回复,那也就是说如果我现在才刚想入门的话,我最快也得两年才能读完所有的课程,等我出来的时候就只有CPA 了,我就没有其他选择了?是这个概念吧?
          • 如果CGA也同意合并那就是这样了。
    • 合并以后,会不会不承认COLLEGE的课程?
      • 不会那么快卸磨杀驴的,合并后至少还会有几年的transition period。
        • Unfortunately, the schedule for students is very specific now. I asked CGA, got response as attached:
          Hello xxxx,

          Thank you for your email.

          If unification occurs, as long as you have completed all of the CGA program of professional studies course requirements by September 2015, completed your practical experience and degree by September 2018, you will not be required to take any other additional courses. However, any transitioning CGA students who are bridging to the CPA program after September 2015 and has not completed all of the CGA program of professional studies course requirements will have additional courses to complete.

          Please let me know if you have any other questions.

          Warm regards,
    • CGA在回我的email中提到
      CGA在回我的email中提到 'If our members vote for unification in Ontario, the CGA program will be offered until September, 2015. There will be opportunities to move to the CPA program for students who do not complete the CGA program prior to that date.‘

      • 好像学生会员不能投票。
        • CGA CPA啥区别啊。。