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Seeking advice on SOA preparation from experienced CAs

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have now started my SOA case writing since mid-April, and am encountering various issues. And If you have any spare time and energy, please kindly share with me your SOA prep experience. I am totally failing on all the cases I have attempted.

1) I did my first case and got Densmore marked, however, I went over the time limit by about 30 minutes. Though the overall marks indicate a 2% decile, I know it needs to be discounted to 8 or 9 decile because I have totally failed on the time requirement.

2) I have been doing one case each week in the past two weeks. For both cases, I tried to stick to the suggested time list, and found myself run short of time again, regardless of whether I did planning or not at the beginning.

3) I did a case without sketching an outline, I missed one key requirement and mixed up some key case facts and reached wrong conclusions. Maybe an outline is necessary? I shall never omit it in the process?

4) I did debriefing after each case write-up, which takes a long time. I read the perfect solutions, sample student response, evaluation guide, and rewrite the whole case based on the perfect solutions for the purpose of reviewing my technical knowledge. Am I doing the right thing?

When I was studying CKE last Sept to December, I kinda misinterpreted the degree of difficulty. During the exam, I came to realized that it focuses on breath instead of depth. Overall I spent a lot of extra time preparing for the exam. As I am preparing for SOA, I want to listen to the sharing from experienced CAs who have walked through the whole process. Your time and help is really appreciated. Please feel free to leave me a PM if you want to give me more personal suggestion. Thanks a million!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • Seeking advice on SOA preparation from experienced CAs
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have now started my SOA case writing since mid-April, and am encountering various issues. And If you have any spare time and energy, please kindly share with me your SOA prep experience. I am totally failing on all the cases I have attempted.

    1) I did my first case and got Densmore marked, however, I went over the time limit by about 30 minutes. Though the overall marks indicate a 2% decile, I know it needs to be discounted to 8 or 9 decile because I have totally failed on the time requirement.

    2) I have been doing one case each week in the past two weeks. For both cases, I tried to stick to the suggested time list, and found myself run short of time again, regardless of whether I did planning or not at the beginning.

    3) I did a case without sketching an outline, I missed one key requirement and mixed up some key case facts and reached wrong conclusions. Maybe an outline is necessary? I shall never omit it in the process?

    4) I did debriefing after each case write-up, which takes a long time. I read the perfect solutions, sample student response, evaluation guide, and rewrite the whole case based on the perfect solutions for the purpose of reviewing my technical knowledge. Am I doing the right thing?

    When I was studying CKE last Sept to December, I kinda misinterpreted the degree of difficulty. During the exam, I came to realized that it focuses on breath instead of depth. Overall I spent a lot of extra time preparing for the exam. As I am preparing for SOA, I want to listen to the sharing from experienced CAs who have walked through the whole process. Your time and help is really appreciated. Please feel free to leave me a PM if you want to give me more personal suggestion. Thanks a million!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Time management是最大的问题.一定要改.不然即使侥幸过了SOA,UFE一定死.而且你只有两次UFE.另外,不要求面面俱到,不用看sample student solution.debrief perfect solution就好了.尤其整个structure,不光detailed technical.现在四月,还有时间,别panic,慢慢你会有感觉的.
      • Xiexie!
        Thank you for your suggestion. I will start to do 2 cases a week in the coming few weeks and see whether I can improve.
        • Sorry, 发现我误解了一件事,你说的student sample是Densmore发的吧,我以为你指的是UFE report后面的。如果是densmore发的那还是应该大约看看的,但是不用花很多时间,因为只是为了知道自己的相对位置。GoodLuck!
          • I'm referring to the sample student response on ICAO's website for prior year's mock questions. Thank you very much for all your suggestions and feedback!
    • dont worry too much. Just the first two cases. You still have plenty of time.
    • I sound generic on my previous comment. Keep practicing and you will be better. By the way, I am a Densmore marker.
      • Thank you!
        Wow, thank you so much for your response to my post. I will keep practicing and hopefully will see the progress week by week.
      • 2013 Mock 2 Q3 - 60-minute case
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Did one more case last night. It is a 60-minute case. Please feel free to drop me some lines if you have any suggestions or experiences to share with me!!

        1) For PMR section, I identified 3 accounting issues - rev rec of services, capitalization of website developments and RP disclosure. Nailed on this section.

        To save my time typing all the criteria, I quickly copied and pasted from the handbook the criteria first, then typed relevant case facts " this criterion has been met due to the fact xxxxx". At the end, I concluded, "based on the analysis above, xxx should be recognized/ capitalized/disclosed.... ". And mention whether adjustment is needed or not, if yes, what's the impact on FS and some of management's concerns.

        2) Audit issues: based on case facts, audit planning has started, therefore, I only talked about risks associated with the 3 PMR issues identified and specific procedures designed for specific assertions. As I did not have enough time to start a new section, I kind of listed risks and procedures right after my discussion on PMR issues.
        I checked the solutions, which did talk about planning, factors for risk increase/decrease, adjustment to planning materiality and a few other obvious risk areas (e.g. inventory). So I missed a big component on assurance section this time:(

        3) Internal controls - I only had time to talk about 3 issues in the format of WIR. I find that not typing down the key case facts when doing the outline is slowing me down when I start writing the case, coz I could not find the key case facts I need immediately. Might be due to the time pressure, my mind did not function as it usually does. It almost went blank when I struggled to find my key case facts. If I had 5 more minutes, I could have finished another 2 issues. It might be safe to get a C to talk about 5 issues, with implications and recommendations. I am way too slow on this section.

        Overall, time management is an issue. And I need to find the right approach to do planning and outline that works for me. I am struggling to locate and extract key case facts because my outline is not detailed enough. If I do a very detailed outline, I will run out of time to write the case. Need to keep practicing and find the right balance....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Attempted two more cases in the past 2 weeks, and have summarized a pattern for PMR and Assurance. Please feel free to leave me your advice or insights. I'd love to learn and hear from each one of you who has gone through this journey. Thanks!
        Attempted two more cases, and have summarized a pattern for PMR and Assurance.
        1) What does IFRS/ASPE say about a certain topic...
        2) Jot down case facts to check whether IFRS/ASPE criteria have been met
        3) Conclude based on step 2
        4) Impact on FS and/or key concerns of the client

        1) Factors that will increase or decrease RMM;
        2) Materiality - on which basis (pretax income or else, and why - mention who are key FS users)
        3) Approach - substantive, or reliance on control, or a combined approach
        4) Procedures - for accounting issues identified in the case, must design specific audit procedure for certain assertions
        Review client's draft FS, give audit procedures for items that are material, either by $ amount, or by nature (e.g. financial covenants, ratios,,,)

        Reviewing MDM and Finance quants this week.
      • Status Update
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Another week has passed and I have come to understand why everybody is saying, "you are getting introduced to SOA case-writing". It does take a few or quite a few attempts to know and understand what skills and techniques are needed for SOA. Just like writing TOEFL ibt, native English speakers might end up with a very depressing mark if they are not trained to have the required skills.

        I worked with my study buddies and have detected a few blind spots:

        1) I was trying to give a complete and comprehensive answer in all issues I could identify. And this is definitely a big No-No for SOA exam. SOA expects students to give a general answer, mentioning some key components for any given topic, integrating case facts, uses needs with technical knowledge. And it is the key reason that I could not finish my case on time.
        2) In my debriefing, I was following the debriefing materials and almost re-wrote the whole case with full details afterwards. I missed a big part of debriefing which is to develop a flowchart for every topic I have worked on. My re-write up is too lengthy and time-consuming. Though the technical review is still necessary and helpful if I don't know it well.

        The learning process is becoming more of a fun. The Densmore training materials are indeed very practical, thorough and helpful.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • After you are familiar with your technical stuff, time management is the key!!! Do not ever allow yourself to go over the time limits, practice your time management skills.
      • Thanks a lot! For sure, I definitely need to improve on that. I am sticking to the suggested time for each attempt.
    • 好多年前考的了,CKE,SOA,UFE全部一次过,不知这点经验还受用不 -
      2,SOA是比较侧重breadth,所以try to write everything a little bit - 但这个策略到了UFE时必须要调整;
      3,先写以前年度的case,最后写最近年度的;把手上有的cases列个表,安排好时间,严格执行,留出一定的富余时间,可以隔一段时间后再写一遍之前写过觉得不尽人意的case - 同样适用于UFE;
      4,debrief很重要,一个字一个字吃透,领会精神 - 同样适用于UFE。
      • Thank you for your sharing! Plan to speed up from next week.
        The busy season has just been over as of last Friday. No more weekend overtime:) !!! So I could only squeeze out enough time to do one case a week in April. During March, my work schedule was just crazy like hell. Did not do anything back then. Even now, with a full-time job, I can only do my SOA prep after my daughter goes to sleep. Wish I was job-free.

        I am now feeling a lot more comfortable with the reading, planning and writing pattern. So will speed up after this weekend. Have started to develop my flowcharts for PMR topics and summary of audit procedures. My debriefing is getting faster now. I did not know that it also takes time to learn how to debrief properly:)

        Like you said, I want to be well-prepared before SOA starts in June. By then, SOA will be a daily technical review/reinforcement and case-writing practice. If I was still learning tons of new technical stuff in SOA, that would be bad.

        Thank you for your sharing and advice!
    • 十多年前写过。个人觉得1.time management 很重要。每次练习都要⌛️2. 要mark and debrief. 3 多读 suggested answer , 并找差距
      • Tracking progress - getting into better time management. Improving on technical stuff via case writing and debriefing. No longer freaking out on comp questions.
        • 考过SOA,准备UFE

          • congrats. i knew u would pass. u just worried too much
            • Congratulations!
          • Congrats!
            • 对了,好像dencile是4的是最容易过UFE的。: )
              • Thank you for your congrats!!
                Did not expect to get so many congrats from you guys. Thanks a million!

                I had no idea about case-writing in the beginning. I was getting 7, 8, 9 mostly for my Densmore mocks in the training week. And that made me into complete panic.

                I tried, debriefed every Densmore case and prayed, and came to understand one night before the training week was over on what is required and how to approach a case. After that night, I was getting 1 and 2 mostly.

                I got 4 for comp, 5, 3, 1 for multi on final. Overall is 3rd. It is a mark to be happy with, not to be bragged about, just good enough to establish my confidence for UFE. My oversight on MDM and Assurance hurt my marks for the comp.

                Please feel free to share with me your tips and experiences on UFE prep. Thank you for your time and kindness ahead of time!!
                • You should be fine, just keep it up and remain calm. Don't forget to review not-for-profit.